
xiànɡ mù fǎ rén
  • Project legal person;project entity
  1. 推行项目法人责任制强化投资风险约束机制

    Practising responsibility system of project entity and strengthening binding system of investment risk

  2. 积极配合项目法人及监理工程师的工作,有事共同协商,保证工程的连续性。

    Coordinate with the project entity and the consulting engineer and negotiate with them so as to ensure the continuity of the project .

  3. 项目法人责任制和Partnering(合伙)模式相结合的建管体制模式;

    The legal person responsible for projects + Partnering approach ;

  4. 政府投资体制中项目法人招投标探析高速公路项目,采取bot项目法人招标的方式引进投资。

    The Search Analyzes of the Project Legal of Tender and Bid in the Government Investment System ; Express highway projects adopt BOT method .

  5. 在总结北京奥运场馆项目法人招标融资结构的基础上提出在我国公共服务领域推行PPP模式的意见。

    Do economic analyze on sports venues PPP pattern and put forward three finance structures of Beijing Olympic venues projects ownership tender on which the author gives comments about adopting PPP pattern in China public service fields .

  6. 创新和完善水利建设项目法人责任制的思考

    Considerations of innovating legal person responsible system of water project construction

  7. 浅谈如何做好项目法人的工程管理工作

    How to make legal person to do project management work well

  8. 关于既有项目法人项目财务评价中有项目内部收益率的探讨

    Discussing on IRR of Expanded Enterprise in Financial Evaluation of Rehabilitation

  9. 健全项目法人责任制

    The system of holding the legal person responsible for projects

  10. 项目法人不能有效地控制成本。

    The corporations can not control the cost with efficiency .

  11. 采取措施,让项目法人参与项目的决策工作;

    Taking measures to let the project corporation join the decision of project ;

  12. 对建设项目法人责任制的思考

    Speculation on the Responsibility System of Construction Project Corporation

  13. 公路建设项目法人的项目管理研究

    Study on Highway Construction Project Management of Legal Person

  14. 中日两国项目法人责任制的比较

    The comparison of artificial person responsibility system for project between China and Japan

  15. 用招标方式确定公益性建设项目法人的思考

    Use Invite Bid Method in Certain Public-Spirited Developments Project Legal Person to Considers Comparatively

  16. 采用招标方式确定公益性建设项目法人是一个比较好的方法。

    Bidding for the qualification of the public-spirited developments project is a good method .

  17. 浅析项目法人制对公路工程造价的影响

    Analysis on the impact of highway construction cost on project under corporation responsible system

  18. 奥运项目法人投标联合体协议书的基本元素及主体内容

    Basic elements and main contents of bidder Consortium Agreement for ownership of Olympic Games project

  19. 水电站建设中项目法人征地移民管理实用办法

    Regulations for Management of Land Acquisition and Resettlement by Project Legal Person in Hydropower Station Construction

  20. 从合同管理等方面分析了如何落实建设项目法人负责制。

    The way for implementing legal person responsibility system is analysed in accordance with contract management .

  21. 中日项目法人责任制融资决策监管对比研究我确实对这个项目有我个人的看法。

    The study of Project Financing and Decision-making in Project Corporation Liability System between Chinese and Japan ;

  22. 中国水利工程建设项目法人组建模式研究

    Study on the Established Pattern of Employer in the Course of Construction of China 's Water Project

  23. 炼油化工建设项目法人责任制要点分析

    Probe into the Essentials of Project Legal Person 's Responsibility System in Refinery & Chemical Plant Construction

  24. 公益性水利工程实行项目法人责任制的相关问题研究

    The Research into the System of Construction Project Legal Person Taking Responsibility in the Social Benefit-based Water Projects

  25. 二是进一步理顺工程建设管理关系,实行规范化的项目法人责任制。

    To clearly divide the boundary of construction and management and to realize the project legal person responsible system .

  26. 完善项目法人责任制与加强银行信贷风险管理研究

    Study on How to Perfect the System of Project Corporation Responsibility and Strengthen the Management of Credit Risk in Banks

  27. 健全项目法人责任制负责项目的成本分析和成本控制。

    The system of holding the legal person responsible for projects Assist PM for improving reliability of project cost estimate .

  28. 本文重点研究政府和项目法人的层级管理体制问题。

    This thesis puts stress on research regarding management system at different levels of the government and project legal representatives .

  29. 北京奥运村项目法人招标成为国际性大型体育赛事运动员村投资管理模式中最经典的成功案例。

    Project company bidding of Beijing Olympic Village has been the most successful case of athletes ' village development for international sports events .

  30. 江垭水利枢纽工程建设推行了项目法人责任制、建设监理制和招标投标制。

    In the construction of Jiangya Water Control Project , the project legal person responsibility , construction supervision and bidding systems have been adopted .