
  • 网络Expectation;customer expectation
  1. 本文首先探讨顾客期望及满意含义。

    This article investigates the meaning of customer expectations and satisfaction .

  2. 顾客期望管理是提高顾客满意度的重要途径。

    Customer expectations management is an important way to improve customer satisfaction .

  3. 产品质量先期策划(APQP:AdvancedProductQualityPlanning),用来定义、制订和规定为提供满足顾客期望和需要的产品和服务的目标、任务、步骤、计划,并确保达到预期要求的活动。

    APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning , to define , working-out and regulate for target , task , step and planning of product and service expected and requested by customer , to insure to achieve the activity of requirement requested .

  4. 在对顾客期望、感知质量、顾客满意、顾客价值和企业形象以及顾客忠诚之间关系全面分析的基础上,构建了一个新的动态化的CSI模型。

    On the basis of all-sided analysis on relationships between customer expectation perceived quality customer satisfaction customer value enterprise image and customer loyalty , a new dynamic CSI model is constructed .

  5. 然而,尽管有关CRM的研究已经取得了突飞猛进的发展,不少企业在客户关系方面也做了很大努力,但却难于对顾客期望做出有效反应,顾客满意度在不断下降。

    However , despite the research on CRM has now achieved rapid development , many companies also made great efforts in terms of customer relationships , but they found made an effective response to customer expectations was still very difficult , customer satisfaction was declining .

  6. 本研究利用SPSS和结构方程模型(SEM)对所得数据进行了分析验证主要结论有:(1)顾客期望对服务质量和顾客感知价值有正向的影响,而对顾客满意有负向的影响。

    This research utilizes SPSS and structural equation model ( SEM ) to analyze to the resulting data that prove the main conclusion is as follows ,( 1 ) Customer 's expectation has positive influence on the service quality and customer value , but negative influence on the customer satisfaction .

  7. 企业应对顾客期望价值转变的对策。

    Corporations ' reaction to the change of customer desired value .

  8. 刍议服务营销中的顾客期望管理

    Exploration on Cus to mer Expectation Management in Service Marketing

  9. 服务业顾客期望管理初探

    Preliminary Study of Customer Expectation Management for Service Enterprise

  10. 在服务企业里,顾客期望是指顾客对企业服务行为和服务绩效的预期和希望。

    Customer expectation is a desire for service behavior and service performance by customer .

  11. 服务业顾客期望层次论

    Study of Hierarchy of Customer Expectations to Service

  12. 基于关系导向的顾客期望管理

    Customer Expectation Management Based on Relation Orientation

  13. 最后阐述了顾客期望价值与顾客购买决策以及顾客满意的关系。

    And we also introduce the relationship between customer value , purchase decision and satisfaction .

  14. 服务企业顾客期望管理

    Management of Customer Expectation in Service

  15. 我公司的经营理念是:追求卓越品质,超越顾客期望!

    The Factory has set up as its motto : Satisfying all kinds of clients with superior quality .

  16. 我们在分析这些主要的差异时,首先要对顾客期望进行有效的分析和管理。

    We should firstly make effective analysis and management to satisfy customers ' expectation , when we analyze them .

  17. 我公司的宗旨是:生产高品质管件产品,提供顾客期望的服务。

    The purpose of my company are : the production of high-quality tube products , provide customer expectations of service .

  18. 生产高品质管件产品,提供顾客期望的服务。

    The aim of our company is to produce pipe-production with high quality and provide services expected by the customers .

  19. 该实证研究不仅验证了顾客期望价值转变概念模型,其研究方法还为企业的顾客价值营销实践提供了生动的借鉴。

    The research confirms the concept model and can be use as reference for the following study of customer value .

  20. 顾客期望价值转变的形式和强度;

    And we also introduce the relationship between customer value , purchase decision and satisfaction . form and intensity of the change ;

  21. 顾客期望的提高以及产品寿命期的缩短使企业感受到前所未有的压力,企业发现只有整合整个供应链的资源才能生存下去。

    The increase of customer expectation and the shortened product life cycle bring about the pressure that many enterprises have never met before .

  22. 继而论述了期望区间理论和顾客期望分析模型,以及顾客期望的质量成本优化。

    Then the paper discusses the theory of customer expectations interval , the analysis model of customer expectations and the quality cost optimization .

  23. 计算结果表明,考虑顾客期望的耐用品定价方案优于只考虑成本的耐用品定价。

    The results showed that for the pricing scheme of durable goods the customer expectation model is preferable to the model only considering cost .

  24. 高力集团志存高远,以现代化国际企业为目标,倾尽全力为社会奉献超乎顾客期望的产品。

    Highnic group had high aspirations and a modern international enterprise as the goal , with every effort to devote themselves to exceed customer expectations .

  25. 其次,通过问卷调查分析得出了房地产业的顾客期望,其中主要包括顾客对住宅质量、服务质量和价值的感知三个方面;

    Customer expectation is established interms of the analysis of questionnaires , including the customers ' attitudes to housing quality , serving quality and using value .

  26. 这个递归模型在理论上要先测量顾客期望、顾客对质量的感知和顾客对价值的感知,最后计算出顾客满意度。

    This recursive model is used to measure customer expectation , the perception of customer for quality and value before final calculation makes customer satisfactory degree .

  27. 本研究利用品质机能展开法,建立以顾客期望为基础的产品开发程序,企划产品的发展方向,作为偏瘫患者轮椅产品设计与开发的依据,期望能提升偏瘫患者的生活品质。

    This paper describes a concept of using Quality Function Deployment to aid the product planning of manual wheelchair for people with hemiplegia to improve their life quality .

  28. 该模型具体包括顾客期望、企业形象、顾客感知、顾客价值、顾客满意、顾客忠诚和顾客抱怨七个主要因素,同时构建了每个因素所观测的具体指标。

    This model consists of seven essential factors : corporation image , customer expectations , perceived quality , perceived value , customer satisfaction , customer complaints and customer loyalty .

  29. 旅游集散中心的主要功能是提供散客自助出游服务,属于旅游服务业,而作为服务业最重要问题的是服务质量能否到达顾客期望的程度。

    Because its main function is to provide service for independent tourists , quality of service that customers expect to reach the level is the most important work for the service .

  30. 内容集合是一种行为,商业实体能够在其中与各种内容提供者相互影响,处理或再生(用顾客期望的表现形式)这种内容。

    Content Aggregation is an activity where a business entity interacts with a variety of content providers to process or reproduce such content in the desired presentation format of its customers .