
  1. 他想确保得到展厅最前端的位置,这样就可以用最盛大的方式来发布AppleII,于是他预先支付了5000美元,这让沃兹大感震惊。

    He wanted to secure a location right at the front of the hall as a dramatic way to launch the Apple II , and so he shocked Wozniak by paying $ 5000 in advance .

  2. 不过如上面的图表所示,世界上有很多地方,特别是在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲这些iPhone普及率不高的地方,用户倾向于预先支付手机的全部成本。

    But as the above chart shows , there are large swaths of the world especially in Africa , Asia and Latin America , where iPhone penetration is low where customers prefer to pay the full cost of the phone upfront .

  3. 校车服务以学期为单位申请,费用预先支付。

    School transportation payment must be made in advance each term .

  4. 在检查前客户需预先支付报价的50%。

    The client pays 50 % of the quoted fee in advance .

  5. 这家公司要求顾客预先支付费用。

    The company required its clients to pay their bills in advance .

  6. 当顾客预先支付款项时,一项负债&预收收入就产生了。

    A liability for unearned revenue arises when a customer pays in advance .

  7. 部分债务得到偿还,同时预先支付货款。

    Part of the debt is repaid and deliveries are paid in advance .

  8. 房租要预先支付。

    The rent should be paid in advance .

  9. 提单所规定的运费,可以预先支付,或在目的地支付。

    A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination .

  10. 农民会预先支付给他货款,而成为犁的所有者。

    The farmer advances it to him , and steps into his place by becoming the owner of the plough .

  11. 对在线视频供应商来说,购买国际影视剧价格不菲,需要预先支付大笔许可费。

    For online video providers , buying international content is not cheap , with payments for licensing fees needed upfront .

  12. 到这家酒店预约时需要预先支付一部分费用。

    When you make reservations at this hotel , you are required to pay a part of the money in advance .

  13. 依据协议,分销商预先支付部分费用,对精益制造的生产能力进行预留。

    According to the contract , the distributors can pay a fee to the lean manufacturer , to reserve the production capacity .

  14. 把你的孩子送去伊顿公学读书,一年需预先支付31000英镑(合327040人民币)的学费。

    Sending your kid to Eton costs 31,000 pounds ( 327,040 yuan ) a year ( to be paid in advance ) .

  15. 虽说那个研究所预先支付给他一笔薪金供他夏季使用,也不过区区三百元而已,他就有这么点钱。

    The Institute had paid him in advance for the summer but it was only three hundred dollars and all he had .

  16. 对企业创始人来说,避免自己股权遭到稀释的一个融资方法,是说服供应商提供信贷、并哄劝客户预先支付现金。

    One alternative for founders having to dilute their ownership stake is to persuade suppliers to provide credit , and cajole customers to pay cash up front .

  17. 英国政府提议,允许本国学生入读他们喜欢的大学和专业,只要他们预先支付一笔如海外学生一般的高价学费。

    Government proposals could allow UK students to enrol in university of their choice as long as they pay vastly higher fees up front as overseas undergraduates .

  18. 当然,这九所公立学校投资回报如此高的部分原因,还在于本州学生预先支付的学费要低得多。

    Of course , part of the reason those nine public schools offer such a high return on investment is because your upfront cost is much smaller when you pay in-state tuition .

  19. 据英国《卫报》报道,英国顶尖名校可能出台新政,为预先支付学费的“富二代”学生提供额外的录取名额。

    The most competitive universities in the UK are likely to offer extra places to students from the wealthiest families who can pay the tuition fees up front , the Guardian of London reported .

  20. 经济繁荣期,在美国很容获得100%的甚至高于房产价值的抵押贷款,但在中国,购房者必须预先支付至少30%的资金。

    During America 's boom , it was easy to get a mortgage for100 % or more of the value of a home , but Chinese buyers have had to put down a minimum deposit of30 % .

  21. 分析人士说,香港政府采取了一系列对大型房地产开发商有利的措施,如限制新的土地供应,一直在出售大面积的地块,并要求开发商预先支付巨额补地价。

    Besides limiting the new supply , analysts say , the government has been selling huge plots and requiring land premiums to be paid up front in massive lump sums , an approach that favors large developers .

  22. 预先支付能够帮助你预订自己想买的东西,比如一个礼物。你预付一部分,然后商店为你保留,直到你付完余款。

    Lay away helps you reserve something you want to buy , like a gift . You pay part of the price upfront , and then the store holds it for you until you pay the rest overtime .

  23. 最好预先给支付宝充值,这样你不必通过繁琐的验证程序便可轻松付款了。

    It 's best to deposit a reasonable amount of money in your Alipay account so that you can pay without going through any lengthy verifications .

  24. 房费已预先用现金支付。

    Room was paid for in CAS in advance .

  25. 同时,俄罗斯宣布,乌克兰从下个月开始必须预先向俄罗斯支付天然气供应费用。

    At the same time , Russia has announced that Ukraine must pay in advance for Russian gas supplies starting from next month .

  26. 我请求17家最好的客户预先向我支付当年的相关款项,结果他们都表示同意。

    I asked 17 of my best customers to advance what they would spend with me that year , and they said yes .

  27. 与许多西方互联网公司使用的贝宝不同,支付宝预先收取买家支付的钱,放进托管账户。

    Unlike PayPal , used by many Western internet companies , Alipay takes money up front and puts it in an escrow account .

  28. 如果有一种无缝、安全的微支付系统,可以让我们每次在浏览社交网络的时候都支付个几分钱,而且最多不超过预先设定的每月支付上限,整个情况可能就会向更好的方向改变。

    A seamless , secure micropayment system that spreads a few pennies at a time as we browse a social network , up to a preset monthly limit , would alter the whole landscape for the better .