
  • 网络wind pressure;Mpa;kpa
  1. 模糊PID复合控制系统及其在锅炉一次风压力控制中的应用

    Fuzzy-PID Multiplex Control System and its Application to Boiler 's Primary Air Pressure Control

  2. 纺丝空调送风压力先进PID控制的研究与应用

    Research and Application for Fiber Spin Air-condition Pressure Control System Based on Advanced PID

  3. 600MW超临界机组的一次风压力控制优化及调整

    Strategy Optimization and Commission on Primary Air Pressure Control in Supercritical Thermal Power Unit

  4. 干熄炉风帽供风压力损失的数值研究

    Numerical study of pressure drop factor in vent-cap of CDQ shaft

  5. 积分分离二自由度送风压力控制的研究与应用

    Application for Pressure Control System Based on Points Separating Two Degrees of Freedom

  6. 甲板舾装件对风压力的影响

    Effect of Deck outfit on the wind Force

  7. 在跳跃运动中的颗粒直接接受来自风压力的大部分向前的动量。

    Grains moving in saltation receive most of their forward momentum directly from the pressure of the wind .

  8. 体育场内风流场和直缘主看台挑篷风压力分布的三维数值模拟

    3D Numerical Simulation of Wind Flow Fields in a Stadium and Pressure Distribution on the Roof of Grand Canopy

  9. 高炉鼓风系统管网并风压力自动调节新技术

    New Technology of Automatic Adjustment of Parallel Blasting Pressure for the Pipe Network of the Blast Furnace Blast System

  10. 一阵风吹熄了蜡烛。干熄炉风帽供风压力损失的数值研究

    A puff of wind blew out the candle . Numerical study of pressure drop factor in vent-cap of CDQ shaft

  11. 为了避免测压管路系统测量的脉动风压力发生畸变,需采用一些气动措施,如加限制器的方法是方便而有效的。

    To avoid the distortion of measured dynamic pressure , the restrictor which has been proven to be effective is usually adopted for practical purpose .

  12. 风压力是作用于船舶上的主要外力,其大小受船体和上层建筑的形状,位置及大桅,吊杆,通风筒等甲板舾装件的影响。

    Wind force is a main external force acting on the ship and is effec-ted by ship body , the form and the position of the Superstructure and the deck outfit ( main mast , signal mast , derrick , ventilator and so on ) .

  13. 详细讨论了调节阀的各个参数如流量特性、放大倍数、压力降、执行机构与定位器、供风压力、口径、摩擦对过程控制的影响,最后预测了调节阀的发展趋势。

    The influence of various control valve parameters on the process control such as flow characteristics , gains , pressure drop , actuator , positioner , air power pressure , caliber and friction has been discussed in detail . In addition , developing trend of control valve is predicted .

  14. 基于RBF的风机压力脉动神经网络主动控制

    Active Hydrodynamic Control Using NN Based on RBF in Wind Duct

  15. 长大下坡循环调速制动中,最长抱闸时间为234s,最低尾车副风缸压力大于0.54MPa;

    The maximum brake time is 234s and the minimum auxiliary reservoir pressure is 0.54 MPa when train is operated by circular brake services on heavy and long descending grade .

  16. 介绍了柔性风管压力损失的理论模型。

    Presents the theoretical model of pressure drop for flexible duct .

  17. 在风的压力下,桅杆喀嚓一声断了。

    The mast snapped off under the pressure of the wind .

  18. 跳汰风管压力与脉动水流特性的对应关系研究

    The corresponding relationship between pressure of air distributing pipe and pulsating current

  19. 空调系统柔性风管压力损失特性实验与分析

    Experiment and analysis of pressure drop characteristics of flexible duct in air conditioning systems

  20. 风室压力损失对引射器流动的影响

    The Effect of the Pressure Loss in Wind Chamber on the Flow in Injector

  21. 提出了多分支吸风管路压力损失及平衡计算的数学模型;

    A mathematic model of pressure loss and equalization in multibranched suction pipeline is proposed .

  22. 基于谐波小波变换的4-73风机压力侧失速特性分析

    An Analysis of Pressure-side Stalling Characteristics of a 4-73 Air Fan Based on Harmonic Small-wave Transformation

  23. 碱式硫酸铬的造粒干燥装置&带附壁风的压力式喷雾干燥器

    A granulating device for drying of chromic sulfate basic salt Carring adhesive wind and pneumatic - type spray dryer

  24. 太阳风的压力正处于50年来的最低水平,我们的太阳也比10年前稍暗了。

    Solar wind pressure is at a50-year low and our local star is ever so slightly dimmer than it was10 years ago .

  25. 预制钢桁架做成的33英寸厚的楼板将担当加强外墙的支撑以抵抗风载压力的扭曲应力。

    Thirty-three inch deep floors made of prefabricated steel trusses would act as supports to stiffen the outside walls against the buckling forces of the wind-load pressures .

  26. 我看到竹子在风的压力下弯曲风过后再优雅地或复原或笔挺。

    I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their upright or original position after the wind had died down .

  27. 实验得出,在风帽发生漏水时,风室压力急剧波动,正常风室的压力与发生漏水时风室的最小压力之间存在临界关系。

    When the water is leaking , the pressure of the air chamber fluctuates sharply . There is a critical relation between pressure in the normal air chamber and the minimum pressure in the specific air chamber .

  28. 从而计算风机不同压力下不同的SLIP值,正确客观地评定了风机的质量情况和容积效率等。

    The different SLIP at different pressure can be calculated to assess blower quality and volume efficiency etc. correctly .

  29. 等截面均匀送风风道的压力分析及计算

    Pressure Analysis and Calculation of Constant Cross Section and Uniform Air Distribution Duct

  30. 同时也得到了叶轮宽度和直径变化的最大范围,并提出了这类高效模型风机的压力系数计算公式及叶轮冲角的范围。

    In the meantime , both the pressure coefficient correlation and the incidence range are proposed respectively .