
  • 网络Risk Retention;Risk acceptance;RiskSelf-retention
  1. 目前在ART市场中风险自留组织和自保公司成为佼佼者,发展异常迅速。

    Today , risk retention organizations and captive insurance companies are leading the ART market which is expanding rapidly .

  2. 但美国CLO市场拥有流动性较强的杠杆贷款市场,而且目前没有风险自留规定。

    But the US market has a more liquid leveraged loan market and there are no risk retention rules yet in place .

  3. 对风险自留对策的分析主要限于风险自留的原因、财务上的安排及其影响因素。

    The analysis on risk retention concentrates on the reason , financial arrangement and its impacts .

  4. 如果我国洪水保险是由政府主导的保险基金承保,其承保能力相对比较强,风险自留比较高,则应该选择成数再保险先于事故超赔再保险组合进行再保。

    If the flood insurance is underwriting by the government insurance funds , which underwriting capacity is relatively strong , and should choose stop loss reinsurance after quota reinsurance portfolio .

  5. 因此在全球经济复苏的阶段,积极的改革完善监管,推进风险自留、提高信息披露和透明监管、解决补偿错配问题和对信用评级机构加强监管就显得尤为重要。

    So that at the stage of the global economic recovery , it is very important of positive reforming and perfecting regulation , carrying forward risk retention and information disclosure , solving the problem of the compensation mismatching , enhancing regulation of the credit rating agency .

  6. 并总结了风险回避、自留、转移、控制措施,以及具体风险因素的防范措施。

    Also , the measurement of risk prevention , risk reservation , risk diversion and risk control as well as the prevention measurement for the risk factors are summarized in this paper .

  7. 带干扰的常利率超额再保险Poisson风险模型的最优自留额

    The Optimal Retention of a Poisson Risk Model on Excess Reinsurance in Constant Interest Rate with Disturbance

  8. 风险应对包括风险自留、风险降低、风险转移和风险回避四种基本形式。

    Risk resolution has four basic forms including risk assumption , risk reduction , risk diversion and risk evasion .

  9. 目前我国用于天气风险管理的天气风险自留和天气风险控制越来越不适应现代天气风险管理的要求。

    Therefore , such measures taken by corporations including weather risk retention and weather risk control can no longer meet the requirements of modern weather risk management .

  10. 最后从风险管理框架、风险资本配置、自留风险管理角度分析商业银行操作风险管理,同时结合我国实际在商业银行操作风险管理方面提出相应的对策建议。

    At last , considering our situation , countermeasures are put forward from the aspects of framework , risk capital management , retained risk management of operational risk management .

  11. 通过压力测试法、情景分析法、风险回避、损失预防、风险转移、风险自留、保险等风险管理方法来提供专业知识支持。

    By the methods of stress testing , scenario analysis , risk avoidance , loss prevention , risk transfer , risk retention and insurance , the banks can provide expertise to support .

  12. 风险管理的水平关乎企业的生存和发展,而风险自留是企业经营管理不可回避的选择。

    The level of risk management decides the existent and developing of an enterprise , on this condition , the enterprise management can 't obviate to make the risk self-retention .

  13. 从识别、评价、对策决策、实施决策、检查五个方面,论述北湖大桥的风险管理过程,并提出风险回避,损失控制,风险自留和风险转移四个风险应对策略。

    From the identification , evaluation , decision making , decision making , implementation countermeasure inspection five aspects , discusses the North Lake Bridge in the process of risk management , and proposes the risk avoidance , loss of control , risk retention and transfer risk four risk coping strategies .

  14. 风险应对通常有风险规避、风险转移、风险分散和风险自留等方法。

    Risk responding includes risk eluding , risk transferring , risk dispersing and risk receiving .

  15. 针对房地产开发项目的风险因素,按照风险规避、风险转移、风险减轻和风险自留提出了各种风险应对措施。

    It also proposed various risk measures against risk factors of real-estate development projects according to the principle of risk reduction , risk reduction , risk retention and risk transfer .

  16. 最后将针对房地产投资的风险因素,提出各种有效的应对措施来面对房地产投资中关于风险转移,风险规避,风险自留和风险减轻等各方面问题。

    According to real estate investment risk factors , according to the risk transfer , risk aversion , risk retention and risk mitigation put forward various risk measures .

  17. 在风险管理技术手段研究的同时对水资源短缺风险调控的策略进行了探讨,包括规避风险、自留风险和水资源短缺的预警系统。

    Besides the research on technical means for risk management , the strategy for controlling the risk of water resources shortage is probed into , including the warning system of avoiding risk , self-retaining risk and shortage of water resources .

  18. 另外,这一部分还论述了对风险因素采取的对策,主要包括四个方面,即风险回避、风险控制、风险转移和风险自留,并给予案例说明;

    Moreover , This part also elaborated the countermeasure which adopted to the risk factor , which mainly included four aspects , namely the risk avoiding , the risk control , the risk shift and the risk personally used , and gives the case explanation .

  19. 按风险财务后果的最终承担者来分类,将风险财务处理方式分为风险转嫁(TransferRisk)和风险自留(Retention)两种。

    According to who will be the final acceptor of financial risk consequences , she divides the risk financial treatment into risk transfer and risk retention .

  20. 借鉴风险管理技术,对小学生体育活动的风险进行识别、评估,提出风险回避、风险转移、风险降低和风险自留的风险防范理论体系。

    From risk management techniques , the paper recommend the theory system of retain the risks 、 transfer the risks 、 reduce the risk and avoid the risk by identification and assessment risk of primary sports .

  21. 风险处理的方式也有很多,这里主要介绍以下6种风险处置方式:控制风险可能带来的损失、风险的自留、风险的规避、风险的分散、风险的转移和对风险的利用。

    We have a lot of ways to treat the risk , here , we mainly introduce the following six kinds of risk management : risk loss control , risk retention , risk aversion , risk dispersion and risk transfer and risk .

  22. 分析出企业风险主要包括战略风险、财务风险、市场风险、经营风险和法律风险等,并相应采取风险规避、风险转移、风险缓解、风险自留和风险利用等应对措施。

    Analysis of the enterprise risk include strategic risk , financial risk , market risk , operational risk and legal risk , and to take appropriate risk avoidance , risk transfer , risk mitigation , risk retention and risk utilization response .