
  • 网络venture capital market
  1. 中国风险资本市场与专利产出的协整性分析

    Co-integration analysis of the venture capital market and patent output in china

  2. 我国风险资本市场发展制约因素分析

    The Conditioned Factors of the Venture Capital Market in China

  3. 外资进入中国风险资本市场浅析

    Analyses on foreign investment into the capital market of China

  4. 风险资本市场发展模式的比较研究及对我国的借鉴

    Comparison on Patterns of Venture Capital Market Development and Solution for China

  5. 我国风险资本市场的发展方向探讨

    An Exploration of the Developing Direction of Our Country 's Venture Capital Market

  6. 风险资本市场的效率研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Venture Capital Market

  7. 政府供给风险资本市场制度的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of the System of Risk Capital Market Supported by the Government

  8. 海外风险资本市场发行制度借鉴

    The Referential Significance of the Distribution System of Oversea Risk Capital Market OVERSEAS DIGEST

  9. 风险资本市场的均衡分析

    Equilibrium Analysis of the Venture Capital Market

  10. 美国咖尔森集团积极活跃在太平洋西北部的风险资本市场。

    We are an active player in the venture capital markets of the Pacific Northwest .

  11. 可转换债券的这种甄别功能能够减轻风险资本市场中的逆向选择问题。

    The screening function of convertible debt could mitigate the adverse selection problems in venture capital markets .

  12. 高新技术企业的出现与发展,需要与之相适应的高新技术风险资本市场的发展。

    The appearance and development of high-tech enterprises needs corresponding development of high-tech venture capital market development .

  13. 为此,在风险资本市场风险资本如何达到高效运营就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , how Venture capital runs effectively appears to be critical in the Venture capital market .

  14. 同时以风险资本市场体系建设为核心分析了积极创造网络经济发展环境和条件的问题。

    Finally , how to create development 's requisite especially how to establish Venture Capital market system is studied .

  15. 第一,用制度经济学的观点和交易费用理论分析了风险资本市场的产生。在分析时,本处采用的是理论分析方法;

    First , it analyzes the emergence of venture capital market with the institutional economics and transaction cost theory .

  16. 在完全竞争的风险资本市场中,建立了由单个风险企业家与多个风险投资家组成的分段投资模型。

    A game model of staged financing is set up between an entrepreneur and several venture capitalists in competitive venture capital market .

  17. 在成熟的风险资本市场中,风险投资者使用最多的投资形式是可转换证券,主要包括可转换债券和可转换优先股。

    Convertible securities , including convertible debts and convertible preferred stocks , are the most familiar investing instruments in developed venture capital markets .

  18. 借鉴国外通过风险资本市场培育中小型科技企业的思路和有关理论,将有助于推动我国中小型科技企业的发展。

    The theory and practice abroad about cultivating medium-sized and minitype tech-enterprise by venture capital market are significative to China 's technology industry development .

  19. 其中可转换优先股和分阶段投资构成风险资本市场财务治理结构的核心。

    In the venture capital market of USA , arrangement of convertible preferential stock and staggered investment forms the core of financial affairs governance structure .

  20. 这不仅可以用于风险资本市场形成的框架型预测,还对发展我国的风险资本市场具有政策性意义。

    This criterion may be used to give a framework prediction of the formation of a venture capital market and helps us formulate related policies .

  21. 今后一段时期内,应当努力完善风险资本市场的法规建设和制度框架建设,发展小盘股市场和场外交易体系,积极培育风险资本市场的多元化投资主体。

    We should carry though the regulation construction , develop small stock market and curb exchange system , and cultivate multifarious investor of venture capital market .

  22. 我国应建立风险资本市场,并出台有关优惠政策,鼓励和保护风险投资,促进高新科技成果转化,培植新的经济增长点。

    The thesis suggests that the market of risk capital should be established and related favourable policy should be carried out to encourage and protect the venture capital .

  23. 美国完善的金融体制尤其是其最发达的风险资本市场有效的促进了信息通讯技术产业的发展。

    The United States has well functioning financial system especially by far the most developed venture capital market , Which is effective in facilitating the development of ICT sector .

  24. 第二部分主要对风险资本市场的信息不对称现象和产生机理进行分析,包括信息不对称在风险资本市场中的表现、产生原因、带来的影响等方面的内容。

    The second part analyses asymmetric information and its internal mechanism in the venture capital market , including asymmetric information phenomenon , its occurring reason , influence and so on .

  25. 最佳均衡位置的决定因素,就成为一国政府促进风险资本市场进而促进整个风险投资业发展政策制订的理论参考。

    The decisive forces of the best equilibrium location serve as the theoretical references for the governmental policy-making in promoting the development of the venture capital market and the venture capital industry as a whole .

  26. 中国的问题很多,他们缺少我们所拥有的很多东西,拜登引用美国的大学举例说,如开放和公平的法律体系、充满活力的风险资本市场以及创新思维。

    Their problems are immense , and they lack much of what we have , he said , citing Americas universities , its open and fair legal system , vibrant venture capital markets and innovative minds .

  27. 第三部分,结合现代企业理论,对有限合伙制天然适应风险资本市场信息高度不对称条件下,特殊委托代理关系制度安排的必然性进行了剖析;

    Thirdly , with the Modern Theory of Management , the paper proposes that based on highly asymmetric information in the VC market , the LP naturally suits special arrangement of the principal and agency relationship .

  28. 论文的结论是:建立一个适合中国国情的高效率的风险资本市场的关键,就是要有一个良好的内外部制度环境和文化氛围。

    Finally , the paper draws a conclusion that the key to establishing a effective venture capital market which is suitable for national conditions of China is a good internal and external structure environment ? and culture atmosphere .

  29. 但是在目前阶段,我国风险资本市场却面临着有效需求不足、资本供给效率不高、投资环境存在障碍等诸多问题,对其健康发展形成了严重的制约。

    But in current stage , it faces the shortage of valid demand , the low efficiency of capital supply and some obstacles in the investment environment , etc. these problems have restrained the good development of venture capital .

  30. 欧洲风险资本市场去年强劲复苏,通过基金筹集、投资于初创企业和初期企业的资金量增加了60%,达到2000年互联网泡沫顶峰以来的最高水平。

    Europe 's venture capital market recovered sharply last year , as money raised by funds investing in start-ups and early-stage companies rose 60 per cent to the highest level since the peak of the internet bubble in 2000 .