
fēnɡ xiǎn zhuǎn yí
  • pass risk
  • passage of risk;passing of risk
  1. 在此基础上,本文比较分析不同法规对特定情形下风险转移问题的具体规定,并结合具体案例探讨风险转移的法律适用问题。

    On this basis , the paper analyzes comparatively the specific provisions of passage of risk under specific circumstances . With the analysis of specific cases , the paper explores the principles of applicability of the laws of passage of risks .

  2. 国际货物销售风险转移问题探讨

    Probe into the Issue of Passing of Risk in International Sale of Goods

  3. 于是人们开始总结和寻找非传统的风险转移方式和工具,也就是ART方式。

    So People begin to look for non-traditional methods to spread risk , that is ART .

  4. 本文是对保险领域的创新性风险转移方式AlternativeRiskTransfer(以下简称ART)进行的研究。

    This thesis is a comprehensive study on Alternative Risk Transfer ( ART ) in the ( re ) insurance industry .

  5. 其次,构建基于Markov链的风险转移矩阵,定量计算信息系统的安全风险指标;

    Secondly , a Markov transition matrix is founded to quantitatively assess security risk factors .

  6. PPP作为制度创新具有责任整合、风险转移及不完全缔约等三个特征。

    As institutional innovation , PPPs have three features , responsibility integration , risk transfer and incomplete contract .

  7. 美联储(Fed)曾表示,这种操作使人质疑交易的风险转移程度,可能不利于安全和稳健。

    The US Federal Reserve had said the practice called into question the degree of risk transfer of the transaction and may be inconsistent with safety and soundness .

  8. 美联储(Fed)曾表示,这种操作“使人质疑交易的风险转移程度,可能不利于安全和稳健”。

    The US Federal Reserve had said the practice called " into question the degree of risk transfer of the transaction and may be inconsistent with safety and soundness . "

  9. 场外金融期权,作为一个风险转移合同(ARisk-shiftingcontract),被广泛运用于现货市场的风险管理之中,促进了金融市场的发展。

    The over-the-counter ( hereinafter " OTC ") financial option , a risk-shifting contract , is widely used in the risk management of underlying assets and drives the development of financial market .

  10. 从查士丁尼(Justinian)到拉贝尔(Rabel),风险转移一直是买卖合同中一个有争议的问题。

    From Justinian to Rabel , risk transfer of sales contracts has been a contentious issue .

  11. 理论分析表明风险转移型ICL模式在减少信息不对称所导致的逆向选择和道德风险问题、教育公平、收入再分配等问题上优于其他ICL。

    Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the risk-sharing ICL does better than other types in reducing adverse selection and moral hazard problems brought by the information asymmetry , educational equity , income redistribution and other issues .

  12. 意大利联合信贷银行首席执行官亚历山德罗•普罗法莫(AlessandroProfumo)表示,该行正在转变将风险转移给第三方投资者的业务重点,同时更加注重向顾客销售范围更广的一系列产品。

    Alessandro Profumo , chief executive of the Milan bank , said it was shifting its focus away from distributing risk to third-party investors and placing more emphasis on selling a broader range of products to customers .

  13. 在国际领域,《联合国国际货物销售运输合同公约》(以下简称CISG)详细规定了不同情况下买卖合同货物风险转移的规则,为各国立法提供了不可或缺的参考。

    In the international field , The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (" CISG ") specifies risk transfer rules of sales contract under different conditions . And it provides , indispensable reference content for legislation of many countries .

  14. 第二部分对CISG的相关内容进行了剖析和解释,分别介绍了涉及运输、路货交易、不涉及运输以及违约时的风险转移问题,并阐述了货物特定化这一风险转移的前提。

    The second part analyzes and explains the content of CISG . It introduces the principles of risk transfer of involving transportation , road and goods trade , out of transportation and breaching . It also expounds goods specific as a premise for risk transfer .

  15. 先登记后交付的情况下,则应以交付作为风险转移的标志。

    Otherwise , consignment should be the mark of risk transfer .

  16. 路货买卖风险转移比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Risk Transfer of Stock Afloat Transaction

  17. 美国信用风险转移政策动向

    Recent Policy Issues Regarding Credit Risk Transfer in the United States

  18. 但是,买受人违约对风险转移的时间产生影响,交付主义不再适用。

    But buyer default will affect the time of risk transfer .

  19. 基于风险转移模型的次贷危机传导研究

    Research on Transmission of Subprime Mortgage Crisis with Risk Transfer Model

  20. 美国住房抵押贷款风险转移经验及启示

    American experience in risk-transferring of housing mortgage loan and enlightenment

  21. 风险转移与货物的瑕疵担保责任。

    With the liability for warrant of defects of goods .

  22. 货物风险转移规则的立法例

    The legislation precedent of the regulations for transferring goods risk

  23. 合同应当区别赌局合同的风险转移。

    Wagering contracts should be distinguished from contracts to shift a risk .

  24. 中美货物买卖合同中的风险转移制度之比较

    Comparison of Risk Transfer in Chinese and American Sales Contract

  25. 助学贷款的风险转移:贷款证券化

    Risk Transfer of Student Loans in China : Securitization of Loan Asset

  26. 风险转移、风险分担与次贷危机传导

    Risk Transfer , Risk-sharing and Transmission of Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  27. 应急资本在洪灾风险转移中的融资分析

    Financing Analysis of Contingency Reserve in Flood Risk Transfer

  28. 提出了风险转移是期货市场的本质功能的观点。

    Risk transferring is the basic function futures markets .

  29. 论工程项目风险转移与索赔

    Discussion of the Transfer and Counterclaim of Project Risk

  30. 国际贸易中货物风险转移制度研究

    The Research on the Risk-transferring System of International Trade