
fēi yuè
  • leap;quantum leap;leaps and bounds;forward leap
飞跃 [fēi yuè]
  • (1) [forward leap]∶事物从旧质到新质的转化;比喻突飞猛进

  • 时代飞跃

  • (2) [leaps and bounds]∶飞腾跳跃

  • 一只鹿在开阔的田野上飞跃前进

飞跃[fēi yuè]
  1. 当飞跃的时刻到来时,他们采取行动,立即放弃不再能让他们实现目标的事情。

    When it 's time to make the leap , they take action and immediately drop what 's no longer serving their purpose .

  2. GIS的发展是地图学领域质的飞跃

    The Development of GIS Brings a Qualitative Leap to Cartography

  3. 枪声一响,猴子纷纷在树丛中飞跃荡走。

    The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees .

  4. 瑞典的工业近年来飞跃增长。

    Swedish industry has of late years grown with leaps and bounds .

  5. it产业正在飞跃发展。

    IT industry is developing by leaps and bounds .

  6. 在首次太空之旅过去18年后,杨利伟笑着说,他很羡慕现在的航天员有这么舒适的“太空之家”,这也展示出中国航天工程的巨大飞跃。

    Eighteen years after his first trip to space , Yang said with a smile that he " envied " a lot that his fellow spacemen who now have such comfortable space accomodations , which show how China 's space program has grown .

  7. 三维时间飞跃法MR血管成像评价眼动脉解剖及变异

    Three-dimensional time of flight MRA evaluation of anatomic variation of ophthalmic artery

  8. 注塑模的计算机智能化、自动化设计,是模具CAD技术的一个飞跃发展。

    Intelligentized and automation design of injection mold is a great development of mold CAD technology .

  9. 医疗理念的飞跃:II级创伤反应不要外科医师参与时的影响

    A leap in faith : The impact of removing the surgeon from the level II trauma response

  10. 国际米兰主教练何塞-莫里尼奥确信说在AC米兰签下罗纳尔迪尼奥之后意大利足球会有一个飞跃。

    Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho is convinced Italian football is on the upswing after AC Milan 's capture of Ronaldinho .

  11. MRA采用三维时间飞跃法。

    All patients were performed with three dimensional time of flight MRA .

  12. 首先,Internet和电子商务的科技飞跃赋予传统企业新的生存环境,企业进行e化转型是商业环境发展的必然要求。

    Firstly , Internet and e-commerce development has endowed traditional enterprises an entirely-new surviving circumstance , " electronizing change-or-die " has been put into their strategical agenda .

  13. 多入多出(MIMO)技术是无线通信技术发展的一次重大飞跃,它能够突破无线频率资源限制,大幅度地提高无线通信系统的频谱效率,被公认为是无线通信技术的未来发展趋势。

    Multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technology is a significant breakthrough in the development of wireless communication technologies .

  14. 评论界对三星(Samsung)GalaxyS4的一致评价是,这只能算是进步,而非革命性的飞跃。

    Evolutionary , not revolutionary , was the general consensus .

  15. 因此,3G业务的开发是移动数据业务发展的一次飞跃。

    Therefore , the development of 3G business applications is a leap of the development of mobile data services .

  16. 这一重大创新实现了意义非凡的飞跃:Eclipse插件可作为复合应用程序与LotusNotes应用程序建立联系。

    This fundamental innovation facilitates a significant leap : Eclipse plug-ins can be wired together with Lotus Notes applications as composite applications .

  17. 目的评价对比剂增强MR血管造影(CEMRA)与心电门控二维时间飞跃法(Gated2DTOF)MRA评价颈内动脉狭窄的准确性。

    Objective To compare the accuracy of CE MRA and Gated 2D TOF MRA in evaluation of internal carotid artery stenosis .

  18. DNA侦查技术克服了以往遗传标记检测的种种缺陷以及指纹技术的一些局限,实现了物证检验从否定到认定的飞跃。

    The DNA technique has achieved a great progress in the material evidence from negation to affirmation by overcoming the defects of the heredity marking test and the limitation of the fingerprint skill .

  19. Web技术的发展和Web应用需求的日益增长,使得Web发布技术正面临着从静态到动态,从HTML到XML的两次飞跃。

    The development in technology and increase in demands of Web use drive the Web technology into two tremendous leaps , one is from static to dynamic , while the other from HTML to XML .

  20. 无线局域网(WLAN)作为一种方便快捷的互联网接入方式,其传输速率也实现了质的飞跃。

    Wireless LAN ( WLAN ) is one of convenient manners in Internet access , whose transmission rate has been made a great progress .

  21. 生成RPGWeb服务存根的能力是一个巨大飞跃,以前,RPG程序员必须弄清如何使用CWeb服务存根。

    The ability to generate RPG web service stubs is a quantum leap from when RPG programmers had to figure out how to use the C web service stubs .

  22. 此后,植体覆盖系统冬小麦生长和NPK吸收都有一个明显的飞跃。

    Afterwards , wheat plant in the living mulch system had a rapid growth and with significantly NPK absorption .

  23. 而如今无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSNs)的出现或将引领信息技术的再一次飞跃,从而进一步拉近人类与物理世界的距离。

    Today , the emergence of wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) may lead information technology to leap once again thus taking a step forward to narrow the distance of the human and physical world .

  24. 近年来,外商直接投资(FDI)成为推动我国经济高速增长的重要力量,西部地区应当充分利用其资源和劳动力优势,吸引外资来解决资金瓶颈,在十一五期间实现经济上的飞跃。

    With the recent increase of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in China , the western areas ought to take advantage of this invigorating force to resolve its own shortage of funds .

  25. Willis环三维时间飞跃法磁共振成像的形态、解剖变异及脑底动脉直径测量

    Investigation of Morphology and Anatomic Variations of Circle of Willis and Measurement of Diameter of Cerebral Arteries by 3D-TOF Angiography

  26. 只有高标准、严要求地开展每一步骤的工作,才能使HSE管理较之传统的管理有质的飞跃。

    Comparing with conventional method , HSE management possesses the change in quality , only if its everything is made in high standard and strictly .

  27. 但是不论好坏,KVM位于内核中,这对于现有解决方案来说是一个巨大的飞跃。

    But good or bad , KVM is in the kernel , which gives it a huge leap forward against the existing solutions .

  28. 随着计算机、编解码、网络传输技术的发展,城市视频监控系统的建设,经历了三个阶段的飞跃发展,目前正由模拟图像朝着数字化、智能化、IP化、网络化继续发展。

    With the development of computer hardware , codec and network technology , urban surveillance system has experienced three high speed steps , and now the surveillance system is going from simulation image towards to digital , intelligent , network and IP-based direction .

  29. 点态几何性质是对整个空间几何性质的细化,从宏观性质到点态性质的研究是Orlicz空间几何学发展过程中的一个质的飞跃。

    Point wise geometric property attenuate geometric property of global space and studying works from macro-property into micro-property is a qualitative leap in development of Orlicz spaces geometric theory .

  30. 在软件设计上,针对MCS-51单片机的结构特点和机器码特征,总结出七种软件抗干扰方法.这些方法的采用,使系统的抗干扰能力出现了飞跃。

    In view of the characteristics of the structure and instruction of the single-board computer MCS-51 , the authors present seven software anti-interference methods , with which a leap in the anti-interference capability has been made .