
shí pǐn wèi shēnɡ ɡuán lǐ
  • Food hygiene management;management of food hygiene
  1. [目的]加强学校食品卫生管理,预防和控制学生食物中毒发生。

    [ Objective ] To strengthen the management of food hygiene in school , prevent and control food poisoning .

  2. 中小学校食堂卫生状况好于周边餐饮,但学校仍然不能放松食品卫生管理。

    Although sanitary condition in school dinning rooms is better than surrounding canteens , the schools must intensify the management of food hygiene .

  3. 建立HACCP体系对餐饮业食品卫生管理的影响和效果

    Influence and effect on food hygiene management after establishing HACCP system in dining enterprises

  4. 学校的食品卫生管理优于学校的公共娱乐场所卫生管理;

    Food hygiene management was better than public recreation place management .

  5. 应重点加强动物性食品卫生管理;

    Management of the sanitation of animal food should be emphasized .

  6. 大型国际综合性运动会运动员村食品卫生管理模式的研究

    Study on food safety control in the international general games

  7. 北京奥运会奥运村运动员餐厅食品卫生管理模式的研究

    Study on Management Mode of Food Sanitation in the Beijing Olympic Village Athletes Cafeteria

  8. 中式餐饮业的食品卫生管理

    Food Hygiene Management in Chinese-style Catering Businesses

  9. 结论:加强饮食卫生及食品卫生管理是控制食物源性寄生虫病的关键。

    Conclusion : Control thd food parasitoids of the key that enhance the diet hygiene and foodstuff hygiene management .

  10. 目的加强中、小学校食品卫生管理,为制定管理措施提供客观依据。

    Objective To strengthen the management of food health in primary and middle schools and to provide objective reference bases for formulating management measures .

  11. 结果使用该评分表,有效提高了泰州市超市的食品卫生管理水平。结论该表方便、实用、全面和客观公正。

    Results The levels of the management of food hygiene of supermarket in Taizhou city could be improved with the application of the table .

  12. 马英九发表上述讲话前,台湾立法院完成了对《食品卫生管理法》的修订,禁止从过去10年内受到疯牛病影响的地区进口牛的内脏和绞肉。

    Mr Ma spoke after legislators amended food safety laws that bar the import of offal and ground beef from regions affected by mad cow disease in the past 10 years .

  13. 进一步掌握无锡市市售酱品及散装熟肉制品的真实卫生质量状况,为加强酱品、散装熟食的食品卫生管理、减少本市食源性疾病提供科学依据。

    For the sake of to know the real situation of health quality of sauce and pickles 、 cooked meat products sold in bulk in Wuxi , strengthen the food sanitation supervision will decrease the foodborne diseases .

  14. 为掌握市场经济形势下济南市的学生食堂食品卫生管理状况,随机抽取70所学校食堂(大学30所、中学30所、培训学校10所)进行调查。

    In order to keep abreast of the food hygienic condition of school mess halls in Jinan , 70 mess halls ( university 30 , middle school 30 , training school 10 ) were randomly selected for investigation .

  15. 结论应采取的防治措施为:在适龄儿童和高危人群中接种甲肝疫苗,提高人群免疫力,同时加强健康教育和食品卫生管理。

    Conclusion Measures for the prevention and treatment of the epidemic involve inoculating children of the right age and high - risk population with hepatitis A vaccine to improve their immunity to the epidemic and strengthening health education and food hygiene management .

  16. 第二十九条城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理工作由工商行政管理部门负责,食品卫生监督检验工作由卫生行政部门负责。

    Article 29 The administrative departments of industry and commerce shall be responsible for the control of food hygiene on urban and rural markets ; the administrative departments of public health shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of food hygiene .

  17. 食品卫生监督管理模式实施效果评价

    Assessment of effect implementing the mode of food hygiene surveillance and management

  18. 广西进口食品卫生监督管理状况调查分析

    Analysis and Investigate of Import Food Hygiene Supervision Management Situation In GuangXi

  19. 中国食品卫生监督管理的现状与面临的挑战

    The status and challenge of food health supervision in China

  20. 对航空食品卫生监督管理的探讨商场变新风量节能效果与卫生问题的研讨

    Discuss of Fresh air save and hygiene problem in stores

  21. 建议:加强政府行政干预和食品卫生监督管理力度;

    Enhancing government surveillance and management of food hygiene .

  22. 必要性监督抽检可为食品卫生监督管理提供科学依据;

    Obligatory inspection could provide objective basis for food hygiene inspection and administration ;

  23. 浅谈食品卫生监督管理中的问题与对策

    Issues And Countermeasures In Food Hygiene Supervision Administration

  24. 目的分析介绍我国食品卫生监督管理状况。

    Objective To introduce and analyze the status of food hygiene inspection and management in China .

  25. 卫生行政管理部门负责农产品流通及加工领域食品卫生的管理。

    The department of health shall be responsible for the administration of the food safety in the circulation and processing of agricultural products .

  26. 结论中国食品卫生监督管理取得了很大的成绩,但仍需进一步完善。

    Conclusion China could have great achievement in fields of food hygiene inspection and management , and the further improvements should be enhanced .

  27. 第三条国务院卫生行政部门主管全国食品卫生监督管理工作。

    Article 3 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall be in charge of supervision and control of food hygiene throughout the country .

  28. 据公司发言人宣布阿斯利康作为新研究的基金资助单位已向食品与卫生管理局提交了申请,用以开发它包括预防动脉粥样硬化在内的广阔应用前景。

    Manufacturer AstraZeneca , which funded the new study , has submitted an application to the FDA to expand its use to include prevention of atherosclerosis , according to a company spokesperson .

  29. 今后,应加大食品卫生监督管理力度,落实消毒管理制度,提高餐饮具的卫生质量。

    Conclusion It is , from now on , necessary to strengthen the administration and supervision of food hygiene , to implement the disinfection administration system , to raise the sanitary quality of catering units .

  30. [结论]应加强食品卫生监督管理,严格食品生产企业无菌设施的建设和无菌操作技术规范化的管理,防止微生物等有害物质在食品加工运输销售过程中的污染。

    [ Conclusion ] Inspection and management on food hygiene should be strengthened , the aseptic facilities and the management of standardization of aseptic operating technique should be improved to protect food from hazardous contaminants including microorganism in the process of production , transportation and sale .