
  • 网络Gusteau;iron chef;the god of cookery
  1. 这次食神大赛的构想来自著名厨师兼作家安•库珀,她致力于改善她所在的社区学校的午餐。

    The idea for this Iron Chef contest came from celebrated chef and author Ann Cooper , who 's working to improve her community 's school lunches .

  2. 网站Buzzfeed把这种新型小甜品叫做仁慈食神存在的证据。

    Buzzfeed , a website , called the new snack proof that a benevolent Food God exists .

  3. 《食神》是周星驰1996年出品的贺岁片,也是他在自己成立的公司下出品的第一部影片。

    《 The God Of Cooking 》 is produced in1996.And it is the first movie produced by Stephen Chow 's own company .

  4. 如他请来“鹰神”,他要拟鹰飞舞,啄食神桌上的供品;

    For instance , if he has invited the God of Hawk , he will imitate flying and pecking at the food on the table ;

  5. 过去我公开对食神古斯多的著名格言“人人会烹饪”表示不屑,但是我发觉现在我才真正了解他的意思。

    In the past , I have no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau 's famous motto ," Anyone can cook . " But I realize only now do I truly understand what he meant .

  6. 美国、日本和韩国都曾播出过多部类似的电视剧集,国内也拍摄过包括《饮食男女》、《食神》、《满汉全席》在内的多部同类型影片。

    There have been several drama series of this kind in the US , Japan and South Korea , and Chinese films in this category include Eat , Drink , Man Woman , God of Cookery and The Chinese Feast .