
  1. 有些生物会导致食物变质并引起食物中毒。

    Some organisms are responsible for spoiling food and cause food poisoning

  2. 没有存放在冰箱里的食物变质得更快。

    Food that is not stored3 in the fridge will go off more quickly .

  3. 凭嗅觉发现这食物变质了。

    The decay of the food was detected by the sense of smell .

  4. 为避免食物变质,要彻底检查、清洁冰箱及工作场地。

    Check fridges thoroughly to keep the place clean and to avoid spoilage .

  5. 这就会杀死许多让食物变质的细菌。

    The heat kills many of the germs that cause food to spoil .

  6. 脂肪降解使食物变质也是如此。

    Degradation of fat rains food as well .

  7. 也许,会有防止我们的食物变质的办法来使面包保持原味。

    Maybe there will be ways to preserve our food so that bread never goes stale .

  8. 糖之所以能杀灭会令食物变质的细菌,并不是因为它有毒,而是高浓度的糖让细菌渴死了。

    Sugar works not by poisoning the food-spoiling microbes , but by causing them to literally die of thirst .

  9. 冷冻储藏和冷冻运输设备是保证已冻结的食品在储藏和运输过程中保持低温的环境不是食物变质。

    Frozen storage and transportation equipment is frozen foods have frozen storage and transport in the process of the environment is not cool food spoilage .

  10. 如果这些生物留在罐头内,它们会大量繁殖,使食物变质产生二氧化碳气体。

    If some of these organisms are left behind , they can thrive in the can , spoiling the food and giving off carbon dioxide gas .

  11. 密封水干涸后,空气进入罐内,使罐内食物变质、腐烂,产生亚硝酸盐有害物质。

    After the sealing water is dried , the air enters the jar to make the food in the jar metamorphose and decay , and harmful materials such as nitrite is generated .

  12. 但至少食物不会变质

    At least there 's no problem preventing food from decay .

  13. 低温使食物不会变质。

    Low temperature keep the foods from metamorphosis .

  14. 由于天下雨,食物又变质,我们度了个倒霉的假日。

    What with the rain and the bad food , we have a very miserable holiday .

  15. 结论食物中毒为变质食物引起的亚硝酸盐中毒。

    Conclusion This food poisoning accident is due to taking in nitrite in the decayed food .

  16. 由一些种类的曲霉菌和青霉菌共同产生,与食物的腐败变质密切相关。

    It is co-produced by the same species of Aspergillus and Penicillium that are associated with food spoilage .

  17. 本文应用软组织超声定征的频谱分析测衰减的方法对乳状液食物牛奶的变质过程进行了跟踪测量,得到了牛奶的超声频谱衰减与牛奶存放时间之间的变化关系。

    In this paper , the milk deteriorative process was experimentally studied by means of the method of ultrasonic spectral analysis for tissue characterization .

  18. 他说在冷柜和超市出现之前,食物很容易变质,而胃酸就可以保护机体免于食物中毒。

    In the days before refrigeration and supermarkets , food spoiled easily , and stomach acid helped protect the body from food poisoning , he said .

  19. 食品的氧化品质是影响消费者感官接受程度的重要因素,包括水活度在内的很多因素对食物的氧化变质都具有影响。

    The oxidative quality of foods is a critical factor influencing sensory acceptance . A variety of factors , including water activity , impact the potential for foods to undergo oxidative deterioration .

  20. 每当停电的时候,人们在摇曳的烛光下四处摸索;汽车在马路上彷徨-因为没有交通灯做导向;电冰箱不再嗡嗡,里面的食物也要变质了。

    When there is a power failure , people grope about in flickering candlelight , cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them , and food spoils in silent refrigerators .

  21. 食物在夏天爱变质。

    Food is apt to deteriorate in summer .

  22. 这两者皆是面粉做的食物,但它们变质的条件却大不相同。

    They are both flour-based foods , but they age very differently .

  23. 储存在小一点的锅里的食物通过简单的蒸发过程保持食物不变质。

    Food stored in the smaller pot is kept from spoiling through a simple evaporation process .

  24. 这份指南名为“九种不宜在冰箱储存的食物”,好管家研究所警告说,高温天气下,人们担心食物和饮料变质,会把它们都堆在家里的冰箱里,让冰箱塞得满满当当。

    In the guide called ' Nine Things You Shouldn 't Store In The Fridge ' the GHI warns that soaring temperatures can lead to fridges overstocked with food and drink as we fret about it going off in the heat .