
shí ròu xìng
  • carnivority;predacity
食肉性[shí ròu xìng]
  1. 大西洋西部和西印度群岛水域中体色鲜艳的食肉性鱼。

    Brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters .

  2. 猎取和捕杀其它动物的多种食肉性鸟。

    Any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals .

  3. 热带至温热带海洋中游得非常快的几种食肉性鱼。

    Any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm-temperate seas .

  4. 有屏障样腭和坚固牙齿的热带食肉性鱼。

    Predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth .

  5. 非常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域。

    Very large carnivorous sea turtle ; wide ranging in warm open seas .

  6. 大型食肉性澳大利亚鸟,有类似伯劳的习性,将其捕获物刺穿在树刺上。

    Large carnivorous Australian bird with the shrike-like habit of impaling prey on thorns .

  7. 食肉性蜥臀类恐龙的一属。

    A reptile genus of theropoda .

  8. 分布广泛的食肉性鲈形目鱼,长有能发出响声的气泡。

    Widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound .

  9. 北美洲原始的食肉性鱼,体表有硬鳞,长嘴,牙齿呈针状。

    Primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth .

  10. 温暖水域中多种食肉性海生鱼,通常栖息在水底,世界各地都有但太平洋最多。

    Any of numerous carnivorous usually bottom-dwelling warm-water marine fishes found worldwide but most abundant in the Pacific .

  11. 原始的长身体食肉性淡水鱼,有长背鳍;产于北美洲流动缓慢的水域。

    Primitive long-bodies carnivorous freshwater fish with a very long dorsal fin ; found in sluggish waters of North America .

  12. 尽管看上去很凶猛,其实对于狮子或豹子这样的食肉性动物,疣猪宁愿意选择避开而不是干上一架。

    Although fierce in appearance , the warthog would rather run from predators , like the lion or leopard , than fight .

  13. 有些科学家提出,像猪笼草和茅膏菜一类的植物之所以成为食肉性植物,是努力适应周围环境的表现。

    Some scientists suggest that plants like the pitcher plant and the sundew became carnivorous because they were trying to adapt to their environments .

  14. 北美洲体扁平并能发出金属般光芒的食肉性淡水小鱼;刺盖太阳鱼;黑鲈;蓝鳃太阳鱼;瓜仁太阳鱼。

    Small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster : crappies ; black bass ; bluegills ; pumpkinseed .

  15. po'ouli鸟自从1973年被发现后,由于栖息地遭到破坏以及一些食肉性动物(如猫和猫鼬)的引入等原因,其数量就在不断地减少。

    The po'ouli 's numbers have dwindled since it was discovered in1973 because of a loss of habitat and the introduction of predators like rats , cats and mongoose .

  16. 我也知道了最大型的鳌鱼中,有些并非食肉性动物,不会像穷凶恶极的大白笙或双髻鳌一样具有攻击性。

    I also learned that some of the biggest sharks are not carnivores , so they don 't attack like the really vivious ones , like Great White sharks or Hammerhead sharks .

  17. 素食者宣言:不与食肉者性接触!都说“吃什么就是什么”,据新西兰的一位研究人员介绍,越来越多的素食者拒绝与食荤者进行性接触,因为他们视食肉者为“动物的墓地”。

    They say you are what you eat , and growing numbers of vegans are shunning sex with meat-eaters because they see them as " a graveyard for animals , " a New Zealand researcher says .

  18. 周二的《ThePress》报援引这位研究人员的话说,这些素食者不仅不肯吃肉类及畜产品,而且拒绝与食肉者进行性接触,因为他们认为食肉者的身体是由死去的动物组成的。

    These vegans not only refuse to eat meat or animal productsbut refuse to have sexual contact with meat-eaters because their bodies are made up of dead animals , the researcher was reported saying in The Press newspaper on Tuesday .

  19. 结实的食肉或杂食性跖行哺乳动物,皮毛长而粗糙,爪有力。

    Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws .