
  1. 本章从宴饮礼俗、饮食与祭祀、饮食与尊长养老等方面看食礼。

    This chapter from the feast customs , diet and ritual , respect for the elderly and support for the elderly to see catering manners .

  2. 同时,西方饮食文化当中优雅、进步、文明的餐桌礼仪亦引起了国人对中国传统食礼食俗的审视与反思,对近现代文明礼仪的社会进程有着重大而深远的影响。

    At the same time , the elegant , advanced and civilized western table etiquette has also led Chinese people to review and rethink their traditions and brought significant influences to etiquette social processes of nowadays .

  3. 因此,本文的最后部分探讨了西风东渐态势下中国传统食礼的演变,包括其在西人眼中不同时期的阶段性认识。

    As a result , in the last part of this article , we had to discuss the evolution of Chinese traditional dietary etiquette under the influence of the West , including different understanding by Westerners in different period .

  4. 士宦群体是东方民族食生活历史水准的范式,是东方食礼的创造主体和历史载体。

    Intellectuals are the East of ethnic food standards of living history , the paradigm of the East food traditional rituals and the main food history carrier .