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shì biān
  • Trimming;edging;border;piping;bordure;frilals;nouveauté;purfle
饰边 [shì biān]
  • (1) [bordure]∶作装饰品用的边缘(如肉、鱼或甜点心周围的)

  • (2) [border]∶镶边衣服上加有饰边

饰边[shì biān]
  1. 这条被子有漂亮的荷叶饰边,而且绗缝活做得也很精致。

    The quilt has pretty , scalloped edges and intricate quilting .

  2. 这原本应当能够防止雨水把门的饰边弄翘的。

    It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim

  3. 奥林匹克旗帜底色是白色,没有饰边。

    The Olympic flag has a plain white background with no border .

  4. 那个小女孩穿着一件有饰边的社交礼服。

    The little girl wore a frilly party dress .

  5. 使有褶弄出皱褶或饰边褶皱膜的局部坐标系转置和刚度等效法分析

    Method to Analyze Wrinkled Membranes by Using Local Coordinate Transpose and Equivalent Stiffness

  6. 皮草饰边材料在服装设计中应用的新探讨

    New Analysis of Furs as Edging Material in the Application of Fashion Design

  7. 她将之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边。

    She described it as red with pink frills .

  8. 作装饰用的她在图画周围画了一条饰边。

    She drew a decorative border around the picture .

  9. 使有褶弄出皱褶或饰边。

    To make into a ruffle or frill .

  10. 你看,完美的防尘饰边。

    Look , the perfect dust ruffle .

  11. 老实说,邦妮,大部分新式的床都不需要防尘饰边

    Actually , Bunny ... most of the newer beds don 't even need dust ruffles .

  12. 周边以石膏线饰边。

    To plaster line edging around .

  13. 亲爱的,一定要有防尘饰边,否则很不美观

    My dear child , you cannot not have a dust ruffle . It 's unsightly .

  14. 有浮雕的小圆点饰边的银币箱子里边藏着许多银盘子和金币,还有珠宝和珍贵的纯金装饰品。

    Inside the box was a great hoard of silver plate and gold coins , beside a few jewels and some precious ornaments of solid gold .

  15. 虽然衣饰简单,她们却显得相当好看--梅格身穿银灰色斜纹布衣裳,配蓝色天鹅绒发网,喱士饰边,珍珠发夹;

    They looked very well in their simple suits , Meg 's in silvery drab , with a blue velvet snood , lace , and the pearl pin .

  16. 镶嵌饰边会更难一些,边为收拢的饰边有些臃肿。这需要仔细地操作才能控制好。

    The insertion of a frill is a little more complicated because the gathering of the frill creates a certain bulk which must be controlled by careful handing .

  17. 虽然衣饰简单,她们却显得相当好看&梅格身穿银灰色斜纹布衣裳,配蓝色天鹅绒发网,喱士饰边,珍珠发夹;

    They looked very well in their simple suits , Meg 's in silvery drab , with a blue velvet snood , lace frills , and the pearl pin .

  18. 大卫杜夫瓷制烟灰缸是法国一家享有盛名美誉的生产商专为大卫杜夫制作,每个烟灰缸用手工涂绘,并以真金绘上饰边和大卫杜夫的商标图案。

    Davidoff Porcelain Ashtrays , made exclusively for Davidoff by a French renowned manufacturer , are individually hand painted with decorative borders and the Davidoff logo in genuine gold .

  19. 我也没有告诉他那个男人可能是个女的,而那个女人肯定是男的&我们这个公寓的那些饰边也已经够女里女气的了。

    I didn 't tell him that the man was probably a woman and the woman surely a man , we had enough drag there among the apartment 's ruffles .

  20. 中频音圈为镀铜铝带,在其聚酰亚胺成形品上有昂贵的饰边,尽可能加大铜在磁隙中的量来增加灵敏度。

    The MF voice coil is of copper-coated aluminium ribbon , expensively edge-wound over a polyimide former to increase sensitivity by maximising the amount of copper in the magnet gap .

  21. 这家位于加利福尼亚的公司专门为顾客订做内衣,其中包括用鹳毛和灯光饰边的性感粉红文胸,以及把发光二极管和亮片排成几何图案的所谓的“可穿的艺术”文胸。

    The California-based company custom-makes lingerie , including hot pink bras trimmed in marabou and lights and " wearable art " bras that have LEDs and sequins arranged in geometric patterns .

  22. 其实这些衣物全都不错,做工精细,磨损极少,但艾美的艺术眼光却不能忍受,尤其是这个冬天,她穿的暗紫色校服布满黄点还没有饰边。

    Everything was good , well made , and little worn , but Amy 's artistic eyes were much afflicted , especially this winter , when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming .

  23. 形制主要有两种,一种圆领长袍,以红色为主,图案喜用小团花;一种为有饰边长袍,在领口、门襟、上臂、袖口以及下摆上都有花边装饰。

    There are two types of pao . One is round neckline long robe , most in red with small posy pattern ; the other is long robe with purfle at neckline , front center , the upper arm , sleeve opening and bottom line .

  24. 确保A-柱盖住车门开口防水饰条内边。

    Ensure that the A-pillar covers the inner edge of the door opening weatherstrip .

  25. 饰以荷叶边领带,自由的风筝,但是也喜欢那。

    Flounce the kite of tie , freedom , but also was fond of the .

  26. 无饰不成缘边&试论中国传统服饰中衣缘的装饰性特征

    Decoration is the Composition of the Edge of Clothes , Discussion of Decorative Features of Edge of Clothes in the Chinese Traditional Costumes

  27. 滇国青铜扣饰的形状往往通过特定元素作为桥梁组合而成,成为滇国青铜扣饰边饰的一大特征。

    Dian Kingdom bronze ornament decorated with the shape often indirect , through a combination of sub-patterns , It become bronze ornament edging decorated with one of the major features .