
  • 网络Chief Innovation Officer;CIO;innovator in chief
  1. 《财富》500强(Fortune500)公司中,至少有五家意识到这种需求,并因此设立了一个新的高管职位&首席创新官,以应对全新的挑战。

    At least five firms in the Fortune 500 saw these needs and created a new executive role chief Innovation Officer to find solutions for those new challenges .

  2. 这支名为平安全球领航基金(GlobalVoyager)的新基金,将由罗中恒(JonathanLarsen,见上图)主管。他是一名曾在花旗集团(Citigroup)供职18年的资深人士,现还兼任平安集团的首席创新官。

    The new fund , named Global Voyager , will be headed by Jonathan Larsen , an 18-year veteran of Citigroup , who also becomes the Ping An group 's chief innovation officer .

  3. 出席28日的黑客马拉松大会的还有:世界银行(WorldBank)全球信息和通信技术局首席创新官克里斯·维因(ChrisVein)、澳大利亚国际发展部部长史蒂夫·西奥博(SteveCiobo)以及澳大利亚外交贸易部(DFAT)秘书长彼得•瓦吉斯(PeterVarghese)。

    The meeting on Wednesday was also attended by Chris Vein , chief innovation officer for Global Information and Communications Technology Development with the World Bank , Australian Minister for International Development Steve Ciobo , and DFAT Secretary Peter Varghese .

  4. 德勤(Deloitte)纽约的首席创新官乔恩•拉斐尔(JonRaphael)表示,该事务所“开始聘用更多帮助进行数据分析和数据采集的专业人士”。

    Jon Raphael , chief innovation officer at Deloitte in New York said the firm was " starting to hire more specialists to help with data analysis and data acquisition . "

  5. 但他表示,现在是时候让公司里的其他人接手其首席创新官的角色了。娃哈哈有雇员3万人,其中半数拥有公司的股票。

    But now he says it is time for others within the company – which employs 30,000 people , half of whom have company shares – to start taking over his role of innovator-in-chief .