
  1. 当前爆发的猪流感疫情也是对世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)个人的考验。之前陈冯富珍曾担任香港卫生署署长。

    The current flu outbreak is a personal test for Margaret Chan , the director general of the WHO who previously ran Hong Kong 's department of health .

  2. 1994年,陈博士被任命为香港卫生署署长。

    In1994 , Dr Chan was appointed Director of Health of Hong Kong .

  3. 在加入世卫组织之前,她是香港卫生署的署长。

    Prior to joining who , she was director of health in Hong kong .

  4. 她于1978年加入香港卫生署,在那里开始了她的公共卫生职业生涯。

    She joined the Hong Kong Department of Health in1978 , where her career in public health began .

  5. 千草堂之中成药产品均已得到香港卫生署中成药注册编号,保证安全可靠。

    Our products have gained great confidence from customers due to our stringent control on the raw materials and the manufacturing process .

  6. 调查结果发布后第二天,我拜访了香港卫生署卫生防护中心感染控制科学委员会前主席司徒永康博士,对他进行了为期一小时的采访。

    The day after the survey was published , I spent a boisterous hour with Dr. Wing-hong Seto , former chairman of the Scientific Committee on infection control at the centre for health protection , Department of health , Hong Kong .

  7. 数据源自香港政府卫生署卫生防护中心。

    The source of data was Centre for Health Protection , Department of Health , Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government .

  8. 香港政府卫生署建议每天进食两份水果与三份蔬菜。

    In Hong Kong , the Government 's Department of Heath recommends two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables daily .