
xiāng huǒ
  • burning joss stick;joss sticks and candles burning at a temple
香火 [xiāng huǒ]
  • (1) [joss sticks and candles burning at a temple]∶用于祭祀祖先神佛的香和烛火

  • 香火甚盛

  • (2) [burning joss stick]∶燃点的香

  • 用香火点爆竹

香火[xiāng huǒ]
  1. 唐朝时,南岳衡山上有一座观音庙,庙宇庄严,香火缭绕。

    In the Tang Dynasty , there was a Guanyin ( Avalokitesvara ) Temple on the Southern Mountain of Hengshan . The temple was stately and solemn , with incense1 smoke curling all around .

  2. B我还喜欢香火的味道。

    B And I love the smell of the incense !

  3. 没有人能代替他,然而必须有人继承他。这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。

    No one could replace him but someone had to succeed him . Another generation to carry on the Stewart name .

  4. 祁连山及其邻区大地构造基本特征&兼论早古生代海相火山岩的成因环境这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。

    Basic characteristics of tectonics in the Qilian Mountains and its neighbourings ── on genetic environments of Early Paleozoic marine volcanics another generation to carry on the Stewart name .

  5. Costa解释说:“婚姻是为了延续香火和两家结为联盟-这责任重大到不能轻率地交给年轻人处理。”

    Marriage was for continuing the ancestral line and creating alliances between families-too important a duty to be left in the rash hands of the young.Costa explains .

  6. 追求教堂香火中纯粹的香气(马丁贝尔内姆)

    Aspires to the pure fragrance of churchly incense ( Martin Bernheimer )

  7. 旧时,这里信众如潮,香火鼎盛。

    Old , where waves of believers , incense peak .

  8. 那现在我们德贝维尔家族的香火又在哪呢

    So where do we raise our smoke now , us D'Urbervilles ?

  9. 三峡祖师庙是三峡地区的信仰中心,香火鼎盛;

    This is a Taoist temple in Sanxia District .

  10. 庙宇庄严,香火缭绕。

    The temple was stately and solemn , with incense smoke curling all around .

  11. 宝顶二月香会至香火福气满人间

    Baoding Ushers in Pilgrims in February Burning Incense and Good Fortune Fill the World

  12. 作为一位丈夫和父亲,这位大亨不断繁衍着家族香火。

    As both a husband and a father , the tycoon has been prolific .

  13. 鲜花,香火,蜡烛在融化。

    Flowers , incense , candles melting .

  14. 除非你断了续香火的念头,不然还是不推荐的!

    Unless you break renew the idea of incense , or still don 't recommend !

  15. 香火缭绕香港城

    The Hong Kong city in incense smokes

  16. 玉莲寺善男信女众多,香火鼎盛。

    The jade lotus temple good believes is numerous , the joss stick is vigorous .

  17. 来维持和延续家族的香火。

    To keep the family line alive .

  18. 至今,全国各地的“关帝庙”仍香火鼎盛。

    Till now , there are still many admirers and believers in Guandi Temple all over the country .

  19. 他们看到地面上很多人拿出了水果点心,点上香火。

    On the earth they saw many people putting out fruits and cakes , and burning incense sticks .

  20. 在每满月,女孩被烧的香火和蜡蜡烛会崇拜月亮。

    On every full moon , the girl would burned incenses and wax candles to worship the moon .

  21. 奶奶按照住持的要求,把香火贡奉在殿外的香坛里。

    My grandmother puts the incense coil in the burner outside the hall at the request of the abbot .

  22. 林园花木郁郁葱葱,一年四季香火不断,实为市内游览胜地。

    Linyuan green and luxuriant flowers , incense continuously throughout the year , it is for the city to visit .

  23. 古巴上周表示将购买1.18亿美元的美国粮食产品,包括大豆、猪肉、香火腿等。

    Cuba last week agreed to buy $ 118 million in U.S.food products ranging from soybeans to pork and even Spam .

  24. 巴勒斯坦的基督教信徒在伯利恒的基督诞生教堂举行圣诞弥撒,教堂中充满了香火的气味。

    A fragrant cloud of incense filled the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem , as Palestinian Christians celebrated Christmas mass .

  25. 那么祖庙香火,冠于寰宇,为什么妈祖却还保持着原来的肤色呢?

    However , why burning incense in the ancestral temple is even more , but skin of Macau stays the same ?

  26. 在这样的传统地区,人们需要生男孩,来延续香火、为自己养老送终。

    In traditional areas like this , boys were needed to carry on the family name and support parents in old age ;

  27. 在部分还在使用的祠堂和庙里,香火还不断地袅袅飘渺。

    The burning incense is still continuously curling upwards in those ancestore temples and shrines , which are still used by the villagers .

  28. 传统保守的人们仍认为男孩是家里唯一传宗接代的香火,这一现象在一些农村地区守旧家族里尤为明显。

    Conservatives , especially old-fashioned clans in rural areas , regard boys as the only recognized heirs to carry on a family line .

  29. 在中国,很多家庭渴望男嗣来延续家族香火,这一定程度上加剧了拐卖儿童事件的发生。

    Child abduction cases in China are in part fueled by families desperate for a male heir to carry on the family name .

  30. 看着香火的跳动,他假装在火苗上看见了一些什么形影,心中便祷告着。

    Gazing at the flickering incense , he seed to see shadowy forms on its glowing tip and it was to these that he prayed .