
ɡǔ huà zhōnɡ xīn
  • ossification center;osteite
  1. 结果:MRI检测结果:胎龄7个月+的81%股骨远端出现骨化中心征象,骨化中心始于偏心位。

    Results : In MRI group , 81 % in 7 months group displayed ossification center .

  2. 目的:探讨用MRI检测骨化中心出现的时间、位置、形态等,和组织学进行对比性研究。

    Objective : To explore the emerging time , situs and amorphous of ossification center with MRI examination , and compare the results with histology .

  3. 结果:MRI显示了二次骨化中心骨髓和干骺端之间的5种不同的微解剖结构:①二次骨化中心的临时钙化带;

    Results : MR imaging depicted five zones between the secondary ossification center and the metaphysis corresponding histologically to ① zone of provisional calcification center ;

  4. H-E切片观测结果:证实了MRI检测阳性区有早期骨化中心征象。

    Histological examination has confirmed there are ossification center in the MRI positive portion .

  5. 创伤后导致C2椎体和齿状突骨化中心融合失败是最可能的病因。

    Etiology is most likely post-traumatic failure of fusion of the ossification centers of the C2 body and dens .

  6. 国内、外多数人体解剖学教科书或人体胚胎学专著,对胎儿次级骨化中心(secondaryossificationcenter,SOC)出现的时间比较一致的看法是在胎儿出生以后,或仅比较含糊地指出是在出生前后出现。

    Most textbooks on human anatomy and human embryology state that the appearance of the secondary ossification center ( SOC ) of the fetus is considered to be after or around birth .

  7. 在维甲酸诱导腭裂组中,主要表达在血管周围及骨化中心周围的未分化间充质中,CD57在腭突远中端有较强阳性表达,在上皮中均未见表达。

    In the retinoic acid induced cleft palate group , mainly expressed in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells around the perivascular and ossification centers . CD57 has a strong positive expression in the distal end of palate . Both of the tow markers showed no expression in the epithelium . 2 .

  8. 中列分内、外两对骨化中心,能转化为顶间骨;

    The upper pair of ossific centers may develop into preinterparietal bone .

  9. 腰椎肋突独立骨化中心的出现较为少见(1.6%)。

    Ossification centers for lumbar ribs were less common ( 1.6 % ) .

  10. 胎儿面颅骨初级骨化中心的观察

    Observation of primary ossification center of fetal cranium viscerale

  11. 关于枕鳞的顶间部骨化中心及顶间骨来源的研究

    The ossific centers and their development of interparietal bone

  12. 股骨头及大转子骨化中心一旦出现即为黄骨髓信号。

    The femoral head and the greater trochanter showed yellow marrow signals after ossification .

  13. 肱骨远端骨骺骨化中心钙化演变的超声观察

    Ultrasonic observation for the calcification development of the distal humeral epiphysis ' ossification center

  14. 二次骨化中心的生长板;

    Physis of the secondary ossification center ;

  15. 椎体中心的初级骨化中心,影像清楚,外形各异。

    The primary ossification centers of the vertebral body could found clearly with a variform .

  16. 胎儿的次级骨化中心

    The Secondary Ossification Center of Fetus

  17. 目的观察胎儿面颅骨初级骨化中心出现的时间顺序。

    Objective To observe the occurring time of the primary ossification center of the fetus ' cranium viscerale .

  18. 胎龄30,35周的股骨近端均未发现组织学上的骨化中心。

    There were no similar structure of ossification center in proximal femur in fetus age of 30 and 35 weeks .

  19. 胎儿脊柱发育的X线照相研究:Ⅰ.椎骨骨化中心的变异

    A radiographic study of Chinese fetal spine : ⅰ . the variations of the ossification centers for the vertebral body

  20. 指骨识别主要依靠骨化中心,因而骨化中心的定位成为指骨识别的关键。

    Phalange recognition mainly rely on ossification center , so the location of ossification center is key to phalange recognition .

  21. 为观察软骨骺内次级骨化中心与软骨管的关系,及次级骨化中心初始形态结构。

    To observe the correlativity between secondary ossification center and cartilage canals in cartilage epiphysis and the initial morphosis of the secondary ossification center .

  22. 说明胎儿股骨远端次级骨化中心初始时其内存在软骨管,软骨管对次级骨化中心的形成起作用。

    It was concluded that the cartilage canals of fetus play great roles in formation of secondary ossification center and exist in primary secondary ossification center .

  23. 仔细分清幼儿及儿童肱骨小头骨化中心和桡骨的关系是正确诊断的关键。

    Recognizing the exact positions of the axis of radius and capitulum of humerus are key to the correct diagnosis of this kind of fracture in children .

  24. 在胎儿、新生儿,肘关节骺部软骨内有大量软骨管,管内有中央动脉及笼状毛细血管网,次级骨化中心出现在软骨管密集、血液供应丰富的部位。

    There is a central artery and a cage-like capillary network in the cartilage canal . The secondary center of ossification appears in the vascularized area of the cartilage .

  25. 第七颈椎肋突存在独立骨化中心的发现较为多见(16%),占本文研究总数的1/6,其中双侧出现者为10%。

    Ossification centers for the costal processes of cervical vertebra 7 were found to be common ( 16 % ) . They wore mostly present as bilateral centers ( 10 % ) .

  26. 投影图波动明显,但噪声比较大,影响骨化中心定位结果,因此去除投影噪声非常重要。

    The graph of phalange projection has obvious fluctuations but has much noise which will influence the results of ossification center location , so it is very important to reduce noise of projection .

  27. 结论:腕部骨化中心出现男女性有区别,女性早于男性1~2岁。

    Conclusion : The appearance of the ossification centers of the wrists have differences between males and females , the females occurs to be 1 year ~ 2 years earlier than the males .

  28. 胎龄30周的股骨远端,骨化中心呈现团块状成群的骨原细胞和成骨细胞,嗜碱性的类骨质填充于细胞间;

    At the distal part of femur in fetus age of30 weeks , a cluster of lump-like osteogenic cell , osteoblast and basophlous osteoid filled among cells appeared at the secondary ossification center .

  29. 胎龄35周的股骨远端,出现已骨化的骨化中心,位置靠近干骺端,骨小梁清晰;

    An ossified ossification and clear bone trabeculae surrounded with bone cells appeared in fetus age of 35 weeks , which were near metaphysis .

  30. 提示其在骨化开始之初,可能不只是一个初级骨化中心,而存在左、右和前、后的2个或4个骨化中心。

    It suggested that there were two or four ( left , right and anterior , posterior ) ossification centers present for some of the vertebral body .