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  1. 事实上,OpenBSD是如此的安全,以至于在DEFCON竞赛中曾一度禁止使用它,在这个竞赛中,破解高手们对所有其他的系统进行攻击。

    In fact , OpenBSD is so secure that it was once banned for use in a DEF CON competition , where crackers go after each other 's systems .

  2. 所以只有寻求“爱问”的高手们帮忙了。

    Therefore only seeks " likes asking " the masters helped .

  3. 公关高手们只需轻点几下鼠标,就可以向数以千计的记者群发同样的信息。

    PR pros can now blast thousands of journalists with the same message with just a few clicks of a mouse .

  4. 最近碰到了一个比较奇怪的问题,希望编辑应该通过审核在这和高手们讨论下。

    Encountered a stranger problem recently , hope editor should be in through examine and verify this and ace people discuss below .

  5. 他能够看到完美诈骗中存在的魅力,并且向欺诈高手们学习了此中艺术。

    He can see the beauty that exists in a perfectly executed con and has studied the art of the great con-men .

  6. 在广告业参与度较高的市场端,营销高手们通常会通过社交媒体进行病毒式营销,并为这一“营销圣杯”展开激烈竞争。

    At the more engaged end of the advertising spectrum , marketers often vie for the Holy Grail that is viral marketing via social media .

  7. 1961年由保罗·纽曼和贾奇·葛利森主演的电影《江湖浪子》,表现了身处阴暗下层社会台球高手们的魅力,台球生意兴隆起来。

    When The Hustler , a 1961 movie starring Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason , glamorized the shady underworld of pool sharks , business boomed .

  8. 更好的是,根据领域的特殊化,这些IT高手们2006年的平均工资高达79780美金至85370美金不等。

    Better still , the 2006 median wages for these IT gurus ranged between $ 79780 and $ 85370 , depending on field of specialization . -

  9. 通过这一模式,玩家可以于身在他方的高手们进行对战,对于提高自身实力有着很大的帮助。

    Through this mode , players can master in the other party to carry out the war , to improve their own strength for a great help .

  10. 中情局内部有些人对前进的方向感到担忧,但它的政治高手们也乐于把它做的大部分事情隐藏起来。

    Some in the agency worried about the direction of travel , but its political masters were happy to give it cover for most of what it was doing .

  11. 而网络高手们则首次在90年代实施搜索引擎的最优化战略,使网络内容中首次出现了经搜索引擎索引的信息和数据。

    And network ace people the optimization strategy that implements search engine in90 time first , made the information that indexes via searching engine and data appear first in network content .

  12. 高手们与你穿同样的攀岩鞋,却可以做到精确而敏感的脚法,就如你穿运动鞋和攀岩鞋的区别。

    The precision and sensitivity that good climbers bring to their footwork , wearing the same shoes as you , is the same as that between wearing trainers and rock boots .

  13. 死亡宇宙的高手们全部是不死族的僵尸变形金刚,成员包括复仇皇者、灾尔萨斯、惊破天、狂飙以及另外二人。这两个人的身份将在《支线:狂飙》里披露。

    The Dead Universe cast are all undead , zombie Transformers , and consist of Galvatron , Jhiaxus , Nemesis Prime , Cyclonus , and two others who will be revealed in Spotlight Cyclonus .

  14. 充满光辉与荣耀的古罗马竞技场,各式格斗高手们满怀自信,憧憬着自己能在这里一战成名。

    Be filled with the ancient Rome arena of the shining glory and honor , every kind of brawl the superiors be full of self-confidence , imagine the oneself can a war becomes famous here .

  15. 少林寺日前在网路上张贴一封公开信,否认曾与日本忍者比武,并呼吁做出上述指称的人,应向寺内武术高手们道歉。

    An open letter from the temple posted on the Internet recently denied the fight ever took place and called on the person who posted the claim to apologize to the temple 's martial arts masters .

  16. 最近有一条消息引起了犯罪高手以及好莱坞编剧们的注意。

    Criminal masterminds and Hollywood scriptwriters have been put on notice .