
  • 网络High end consumer goods;luxury consumer goods
  1. 高档消费品在上海的营销策略研究

    Marketing Tactic Research of Shanghai luxury Consumer Goods

  2. 电子鼻在高档消费品品质检测中的应用

    Application of Electronic Nose in Quality Detection of Expensive Consumer Goods

  3. 把高耗能、高污染产品及部分高档消费品纳入征收消费税范围。

    Energy and pollution-intensive products and high-end consumer products will be subject to a consumption tax .

  4. 现代真丝绸作为一种出口高档消费品,必然要更多地反映当代文化,抽象图案就是其中之一。

    Abstraction is one of the designing techniques for top-grade export silks which effectively mirrors the modern culture .

  5. 电视、电话、冰箱等高档消费品,也逐渐进入寻常百姓家。

    High-grade durable consumer goods such as television , refrigerator and telephone have become daily necessities for numerous households .

  6. 而且自行车、缝纫机、收音机、手表四大件和一些高档消费品进入普通农民家庭。

    The ` ` four big items ' ' bicycles , sewing machines , radios and wristwatches entered ordinary peasant households , along with some more expensive consumer goods .

  7. 其出口商品主要是丝绸、瓷器、铁器等大宗货物,也有各种生活用品;进口货物多为贵金属和香料等高档消费品。

    The chief exports were silk , china , and ironware , together with some kinds of daily used things , and the chief imports were high grade consumer goods , such as rare metal and spice .

  8. 随着人们生活水平和科技的进步,越来越多的家电产品和高档消费品进入了人们的生活,但随之而来的除了方便人们的生活外也使得家居的安全防范成为一件棘手的问题。

    With the development of people 's living standard and technology , more and more electrical home appliances and luxury goods have entered people 's life , but the following one makes the safe precaution of home become the headache besides facilitating people 's life .

  9. 合理调整进口商品结构,对一般商品尤其是高档次消费品,要运用符合国际管理的方法加以调节。

    We should rationalize the import mix and regulate the import of general goods , especially of high-grade consumer goods by means which conform to international practice .

  10. 发现:城市中产阶层在高档享受型消费品拥有量上大大超过城镇居民平均拥有量;

    The main discovery is the " upscale enjoying " consumable capacity of the city middle class greatly surpasses that of the average capacity of the city inhabitants .