
  • 网络executive compensation;Executive pay;salary;top executive compensation
  1. 第二,鉴于现代的高管薪酬结构,CEO会一夜暴富。

    Two , the CEO will immediately be made incredibly wealthy by modern executive compensation .

  2. 例如,美国银行高盛(goldmansachs)可能希望避免其高管薪酬受到限制。

    For instance , Goldman Sachs , the US bank , might want to avoid the limits on executive compensation for its managers .

  3. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)去年在股东大会投下反对票后调整了高管薪酬。

    General Electric adjusted its executive pay after shareholders objected last year .

  4. 美国高管薪酬最低的当属通用(GeneralMotors)CEO艾克森。

    In the U.S. the smallest paycheck was drawn by General Motors ( GM ) CEO Dan akerson .

  5. 预计政府还将出台一项股东决定薪酬(sayonpay)的立法,要求上市公司每年举行一次针对高管薪酬的非约束性股东投票。

    The administration is also expected to bring in say on pay legislation that would force public companies to hold non-binding shareholder votes on executive pay every year .

  6. 包括惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、JacobsEngineering在内的39家公司,高管薪酬方案未获通过。

    Executive pay packages have been rejected in at least 39 companies , including Hewlett-Packard and Jacobs Engineering .

  7. 基于EVA的上市公司高管薪酬激励效率的实证分析&针对信息技术行业

    An Empirical Study on Incentive Efficiency of the CEO Pay in Listed Company Based on EVA for the Information Technology Industry

  8. 约翰肯尼思加尔布雷斯(johnkennethgalbraith)曾把高管薪酬描述为,受惠者对自己做出的温暖的个人举动。

    John Kenneth Galbraith once described executive pay as a warm personal gesture by the beneficiary to himself .

  9. 全球投资者对高管薪酬的强烈反感昨日进一步升级。机构股东将矛头对准了跨国石油集团荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell),并否决了该公司的薪酬报告。

    A global investor backlash over executive pay escalated yesterday when institutional shareholders turned on Royal Dutch Shell , the multi-national oil group , and voted down its remuneration report .

  10. 奥巴马(Obama)政府和美国国会本周将就高管薪酬展开辩论,从而为实施短期奖金限制和任命一名新官员审查公司薪酬制度铺平道路。

    The Obama administration and Congress will this week wade into the debate on executive compensation , paving the way for limits on short-term bonuses and appointing a new official to vet companies .

  11. 根据一项正在布鲁塞尔传阅的政策草案,所有欧盟(EuropeanUnion)国家银行家的奖金和黄金降落伞都将被设定上限,此举将是欧盟迄今对有关高管薪酬担忧最为全面的回应之一。

    Bankers ' bonuses and golden parachutes would be capped in all European Union countries under a draft policy circulating in Brussels that amounts to one of the broadest responses yet to concerns about executive pay .

  12. Fed即将为以后的高管薪酬做出限制,例如缩减所谓的“金色降落伞”(goldenparachute,即高管离职补偿金),限制薪酬超过50万美元的雇员的所得税减税等。

    It 's imposing some restrictions on how they pay top executives in the future , such as curtailing new'golden parachutes'and barring a tax deduction for any one person 's pay above $ 500,000 .

  13. IDS还质疑薪酬委员会是否会胆量坐视高管薪酬大幅下降,未来几周内,薪酬委员会将决定今年的奖金支付政策。

    It also questions whether remuneration committees , which are due to determine this year 's bonus payments over the next few weeks , will have the nerve to oversee big falls in executive pay .

  14. 奥巴马(Obama)政府的薪酬沙皇表示,他将在美国国际集团(AIG)的高管薪酬问题上采取强硬立场。今年早些时候,这家国家控股的保险集团因奖金支付问题引起众怒。

    The Obama administration 's pay tsar has indicated he will take a tough stance on executive pay at AIG , the state - controlled insurance group that sparked outrage over its bonus payments earlier this year .

  15. 实际上,他继续说,这样的税率在罗纳德•里根(RONALDREAGAN)成为美国总统之前的50年间一直存在,而且会在抑制过高的高管薪酬的同时不损害生产率。

    In fact , he continues , such a rate was in place for five decades before the presidency of Ronald Reagan , and would curb exuberant executive pay without hurting productivity .

  16. 新规也突显出,即使本月的20国集团(g20)匹兹堡峰会无法达成更广泛的国际共识,荷兰依然具备推进为高管薪酬设限的政治意愿。

    It also underscores the political will that is found in the Netherlands to press ahead with caps on pay even if a broader international consensus were to fail to materialise at a G20 summit in Pittsburgh this month .

  17. 该调查覆盖了标准普尔500指数(S&P500)成分股公司CEO过去两年的总体薪酬,其结果将给公司治理维权人士要求对高管薪酬进行更严格审查的呼声增加影响力。

    The results of the survey , which looked at total compensation of chief executives of companies in the S & P 500 index over the past two years , will add weight to calls by corporate governance activists for more oversight of executive pay .

  18. 随后,Jackson将这一现象定义为薪酬粘性的存在特征,即:高管薪酬在业绩上升时的边际增加量大于业绩下降时的边际减少量。

    Subsequently , Jackson will be the definition of this phenomenon for the existence of the salary viscosity characteristics . Namely : he executive pay increases in the performance of the marginal increase is greater than in the marginal decline in performance reduction .

  19. Tarp对高管薪酬有严格限定。而美国国会胡乱地施加条件,比如对高技能海外员工的既小心眼、又损及自身利益的限制,似乎表明他们以后还会更多地插手。

    It puts strict caps on executive compensation . And Congress 's promiscuous imposition of conditions , such as a petty and self-damaging limit on skilled foreign staff , suggests more meddling to come .

  20. 尽管如此,高管薪酬分析公司equilar提供的数据显示,大多数高管的薪酬在这段时期都有所提高。

    Nevertheless , most compensation packages rose over the period , according to data provided by equilar , the executive pay analysts .

  21. 在此基础上,本文建立了反映经理自主权与高管薪酬差距的线性回归方程,并以2009年144家医药类上市公司为样本,利用SPSS、EXCEL等分析软件对其进行了实证检验。

    On this basis , the paper establish the linear regression equation which reflects managerial discretion and the extent of executive pay gap , and in 2009 listed 144 pharmaceutical companies as a sample , using SPSS , EXCEL and other analysis software to making an empirical test .

  22. 虽然高管薪酬在经济衰退期间大幅下跌,但肇始于20世纪70年代的上升趋势已经再次启动。2013年是CEO薪酬持续增长的第四个年头,高达8.8%的增速远远超过同期通胀率。

    And though executive compensation fell sharply during the recession , the upward trend it had been on since the 1970s has once again resumed , with CEO pay increasing by 8.8 % in 2013 , a rate that 's far greater than inflation and the fourth straight year of increases .

  23. 据高管薪酬顾问公司Equilar本周公布的一项调查,大多数公司的私人飞机补贴依然居高不下,没有丝毫减退的迹象。

    According to a study released this week by executive pay consultant Equilar , most corporate jet perks remain strong , and there is no sign they are fading .

  24. 2008年深市主板公司高管薪酬及股权激励分析

    Executive Salary and Share Compensation in Shenzhen Main Board Market 2008

  25. 高管薪酬、公司治理绩效与代理成本显著负相关。

    Managerial salary and firm performance have negative correlation with agent cost .

  26. 新资本金要求和对高管薪酬的限制为外资银行创造了机遇。

    New capital requirements and limits on executive compensation have created opportunities .

  27. 国有上市公司高管薪酬决策的法律规制

    The Legislative Regulations on Executive Compensation Decision-making of the State-run Listed Companies

  28. 湖南上市公司高管薪酬相关性因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Related to Senior Executive Salary in Hunan Listed Companies

  29. 经理自主权对于高管薪酬有着重要的影响。

    Managerial discretion for the executive compensation has important implications .

  30. 本章的主要创新之处在于:构建了高管薪酬机制的内部治理框架。

    This chapter constructs the analysis framework of internal governance of executive remuneration .