
mó zhàng
  • wand;magic wand;twig
魔杖 [mó zhàng]
  • [magic wand] 魔术师用的棒杖

魔杖[mó zhàng]
  1. 真希望我能魔杖一挥使一切又都好起来。

    I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything all right again .

  2. 她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。

    With a wave of her magic wand , she changed the frog into a handsome prince .

  3. 你不能指望我挥动一下魔杖,便一切又平安无事了。

    You can 't expect me to just wave a wand and make everything all right again .

  4. 你们不要以为魔杖一挥便能消除核武器。

    You can 't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons .

  5. 男巫通常用魔杖来施魔法。

    Wizards usually use magic wands to perform spells .

  6. 那个魔术师挥动魔杖。

    The conjurer waved his magic wand .

  7. 把他关掉然后只捡你需要的物品,像是魔杖(wand),戒指(rings)和滚动条(scrolls)

    Either turn it off or only pick up selected stuff like wands , rings and scrolls .

  8. 建立之后,该服务器软件中,输入服务器问的IP地址和端口的移动应用程序,您就可以开始使用魔杖。

    After setting up the server software , enter the servers IP address and port in the mobile application and you can start to use Magic Wand .

  9. 安倍也无法挥动一下魔杖就签署TPP。

    Nor can Mr Abe wave a magic wand and sign the TPP .

  10. 在DH中,奥利凡多先生会透露有关魔杖的更多知识,还会讲述如何让一把不是你自己的魔杖发挥高水平的性能。

    Ollivander will disclose more information about wands and the ability to achieve a high level of performance from a wand that is not your own .

  11. 这件牛仔装专为自行车运动员打造:防止参赛车手露出后背的圆尾形后摆(drop-backtail)以及防止窜风的防风式袖口,这款牛仔夹克犹如从天而降的魔杖,无所不能。

    Createdfor cyclists , it has a drop-back tail , so your back isn 't left exposed ; stormcuffs , to stop air blowing up your sleeves ; and , unexpectedly , thetechnological equivalent of a magic wand .

  12. 挥一挥iPhone魔杖,就有人骑电动车送上门——在“饿了么”等外卖APP点餐通常免配送费,还经常打折。

    With a wave of the iPhone wand , it arrives on a motorbike , delivered often for free and usually at a discounted price , from food delivery apps such as Ele.me ( meaning " are you hungry ? " ) .

  13. 任天堂总裁岩田聪(SatoruIwata)交给他一个被称为“魔杖”的游戏控制器,然后引导他的手抛出虚拟的钓鱼线。

    Satoru Iwata , Nintendo 's president , handed him a games controller called a wand and guided his hand to cast a virtual fishing line .

  14. 在岩田聪和任天堂首席游戏设计师宫本茂(ShigeruMiyamoto)的注视下,科蒂克把魔杖向后拉,一条鱼跳出了池塘。

    As Mr Kotick drew back the wand , observed by Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto , Nintendo 's chief games designer , a fish popped out of the pond .

  15. 哈利用他的魔杖将那些银色的物质装了起来。

    Harry lfited the silvery substance into it with his wand .

  16. 巫婆用冬青木来做魔杖。

    The holly wood was used by witches to make wands .

  17. 他把老魔杖放在修长的手指间慢慢地抽动着。

    Slowly he drew the Elder Wand between his long fingers .

  18. 据说他弄到了一根威力无比的魔杖。

    They said he had procured a wand of immense power .

  19. 请将魔杖拿低点,我会感激不尽。

    I would appreciate it if you could lower your wand .

  20. 他魔杖尖端跳出一只银色的牝鹿。

    From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe .

  21. 别你们会吓到他的放下魔杖

    Don 't , you 'll frighten him . Wands down !

  22. “我的主人!”斯内普抗议地说,举起了他的魔杖。

    " My lord !" snape protested , raising his wand .

  23. 你知道如何使用这根魔杖吗怎么称呼�

    Do you know how to use that wand , Mr. ..

  24. 斯内普在一旁嗤嗤冷笑,洛哈特赶忙捡起魔杖,说:

    Snape smirked as Lockhart quickly picked it up , saying ,

  25. 有人把经济理论比作经济魔杖。

    Economic theory is sometimes compared to economic magic wand .

  26. 对于这个技巧,我将需要一个魔杖。

    For this trick I 'll need my magic wand of dereferencing .

  27. 仙女拿起魔杖,只听轰的一声!

    The fairy picked up her wand , and Boom !

  28. 可是,借来的魔杖依然不是你的对手!

    Yet the borrowed wand did no better against yours !

  29. 你需要拿着魔杖,贝拉特里克斯。斯内普冷冷地说。

    You will need your wand , Bellatrix , said Snape coldly .

  30. 那仙女魔杖一挥,桌子不翼而飞。

    The fairy waved her wand and the table disappeared .