
  • 网络xianbei
  1. 同时,他还鼓励鲜卑族和汉族通婚。

    He also encouraged intermarriage between Xianbei and Han .

  2. 本文叙述了鲜卑族从东北迁往西北的过程及其影响。

    This article recounted the process and effect that Xianbei nationality moved from the northeast to the northwest .

  3. 十六国后期,一个极为落后的少数民族——鲜卑族拓跋部落逐渐强盛起来。

    In the late Sixteen States period , an underdeveloped ethnic minority _ the Tuoba of Xianbei - gradually rose to power .

  4. 东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。

    In the late East-jin Dynasty , in the wars and conflicts between sixteen kingdoms of five ethnic groups , called Xianbei Tuoba , rose abruptly with great strength .

  5. 公元493年孝文帝迁都洛阳,同时,孝文帝将鲜卑族拓跋姓氏改为元,独孤氏改姓刘氏,步六孤氏改姓陆氏,丘穆陵氏改姓穆氏等。

    In 493 , Xiaowen moved his capital to Luoyang and took measures to reform traditional Xianbei customs , for example , the surname Tuoba of Xianbei clan was changed into Yuan , Dugu into Liu , Buliu Gu into Lu and Qiumu Ling into Mu .

  6. 以慕容鲜卑为代表的鲜卑族,是这一时期民族融合的典型代表。

    Take the Murong Hsien-Pias representative of Hsien-Pi Nationality , is typical representative who this time nationality fuses .

  7. 北魏的灭亡:孝文帝死后,由于部分守旧贵族和鲜卑武人的反对,北魏统治者逐渐废弃了以前的民族和解政策,又恢复了鲜卑族的特权,于是新的矛盾产生了,北魏开始逐步走向衰落。

    The Downfall of the Northern Wei : After the death of Emperor Xiaowen 's , the rulers of the Northern Wei gradually abandoned the peaceful ethnic polices and restored the privileges of Xianbei nobles . Therefore the new contradictions were there and the administration of the Northern Wei was dwindled .