
  1. 栅格DEM的尺度与水平分辨率对流域特征提取的分析&以黄土岭流域为例

    Analysis of Scale and Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Extracted Drainage Basin in Characteristics

  2. 本文以浙江黄土岭流域为试验区,结合地理信息系统和计算机图形学的方法和技术探究了流域空间水文过程的动态交互显示方法。

    In this paper an approach representing spatial hydrological process dynamically and interactively is developed , using Huangtuling watershed in Zhejiang province as a case area .

  3. 黄土丘陵子午岭油松天然林群落特征研究

    Community characteristics of natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Hilly Loess Regions

  4. 黄土高原子午岭油松林的种子雨和土壤种子库动态

    Dynamics of seed rain and soil seed bank in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr . forests in eroded hilly loess regions of the Loess Plateau in China

  5. 对黄土丘陵区子午岭天然油松林的群落特征进行了研究。

    The community characteristics of natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest distributed in Hilly Loess Regions were investigated .

  6. 马栏林区位于黄土高原中部子午岭南端的陕西省旬邑县东北部,是黄土高原植被覆盖最大的林区之一。

    Succession of the Seedlings of Dominant Species and Diameter-class Structures of Their Populations in Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau ;