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  1. 本文全面系统地研究了刘黄沟小流域泥石流成因及防治对策。

    In this paper , the causes of the debris flow formation in Liuhuang Valley and its control measures were studied systematically .

  2. 刘黄沟流域内具有丰富的土砂石块和陕峻的地形,又遇有暴雨,是发生泥石流的原因。

    The plenty of loose solid materials , precipitous slopes , and the freguenf rain storms , are the main reasons for the formation of the debris flow in the valley .

  3. 朔黄铁路芦沟特大桥T梁加固动力特性分析

    T-shape Pier Dynamic Analysis of Lugou Bridge on Shuo-huang Railway