
nián chóu
  • sticky and thick
  1. 把鸡蛋打成黏稠泡沫状。

    Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency .

  2. 加水用刀搅拌成黏稠状。

    Add water and mix with a knife to a doughy consistency .

  3. 把蛋清搅至起沫而不黏稠的程度。

    Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy but not stiff .

  4. 肉嚼不烂,酱汁黏稠,味道也不自然。

    The meat was chewy and the sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial .

  5. 搅打奶油直到它变黏稠。

    Whip the cream until thick

  6. 割伤的时候,血液会变得更为黏稠以助于凝结。

    Blood becomes stickier to help coagulation in case of a cut .

  7. 上颌窦内异常,如黏稠脓液、黏膜增厚、息肉、黏膜囊肿等,CT表现有一定特点。

    The secretory liquid , hypertrophic mucosa , polyps , and mucosal cyst in maxillary sinus had certain characteristics on CT film .

  8. 把肥料级MAP溶解在水中,加入化学药剂使磷铵中的杂质结晶沉淀并进行溶液的澄清分离,但生成的颗粒细小,溶液黏稠,极难分离。

    After MAP of agricultural grade was dissolved in water , dissolved impurities crystallized in the presence of chemical reagents , but small impurities and viscous suspension made filtration difficult .

  9. PT升高(P<0.001).结论:调脂作用的辛伐他汀有效调脂同时可发挥其非调脂作用,干预、延迟颈动脉IMT的进程,改善凝血系统,减低血液黏稠度。

    CONCLUSION : Simvastatin has both lipid-lowering and nonlipid-lowering effect , which decreases the IMT of the common carotid arteries and improves the coagulative system .

  10. Chinook啤酒花让这款啤酒如同散发松树和柑橘芳香的黏稠树脂,包裹着饮酒者的喉咙。陈年后,这头“怪兽”会变得温柔起来。

    Viscous with Chinook hops ' throat-coating pine and citrus resin , this monster sweetens into old age .

  11. 介绍了一种利用数字辐射成像技术来实现高压不透明输送管道中高固多相黏稠物料流动成像的60Co数字辐射流动可视化系统。

    This paper introduced a () ~ ( 60 ) Co digital radiography flow visualization system , which realized with a digital radiography technology the flow imaging of viscous and hyper-concentrated multiphase materials in high-pressure transportation pipeline .

  12. 结果:该制剂为淡黄色澄明黏稠凝胶,盐酸麻黄碱、呋喃西林、地塞米松磷酸钠平均回收率分别为99.69%,98.57%,99.00%,RSD分别为1.19%,2.68%,2.30%。

    RESULTS The nasal gel was yellow , clear and thick . The average recoveries of ephedrine hydrochloride , furacilin and dexamethasone sodium phosphate were 99.69 % , 98.57 % and 99.00 % . The RSD were 1.19 % , 2.68 % and 2.30 % .

  13. 结论黄芪联合复方丹参期待治疗重度子痫前期患者可降低平均动脉压,减少24h尿蛋白排出量,降低血液黏稠度,改善微循环,延长胎龄,提高围生儿和新生儿存活率。

    Conclusion Astragalus membranaceus plus salvia miltiorrhiza in the waiting treatment of early serious eclampsia can lower the average artery pressure , decrease proteinuria of 24 hours and blood viscosity , improve microcirculation , prolong pregnancy time and increase the survival rate of embryo and newborn children .

  14. 结果应用MR410型湿化器时,环境温度低可导致吸入气体的绝对湿度下降,并导致患者的气道分泌物相对黏稠;

    Results With MR410 , lower ambient temperature could decrease the absolute humidity of the inspired gas , which made the patients'airway secretions thick .

  15. 多羟基聚合物防塌剂CXC-1是以环氧化物及多羟基化合物共聚而成的聚合物防塌剂,为淡黄色黏稠液体。

    Multi-hydroxyl polymer , CXC-1 , as an anti-sloughing agent for water base drilling fluids , is a yellowish liquid and is prepared by polymerization of alkylene oxides and polyhydroxylated compounds .

  16. 但是,加了水之后,有机溶剂仍然更黏稠。

    But the addition of water still made the mixture firmer .

  17. 我们需使它蒸发,变得黏稠些。

    We need to evaporate it down to a proper consistency .

  18. 每日倒入25万吨毒性黏稠物

    dumps 250000 tons of this toxic gunk every single day .

  19. 黏稠而甜腻的树汁流到他脸上。

    He could feel the sweet , sticky sap on his cheek .

  20. 结果:血液黏稠度与病情严重程度无关;

    RESULTS : Blood viscosity had no relation with severity of disease .

  21. 黏稠的东西和机油一起流出来。

    Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil .

  22. 在形状或黏稠度上象奶酪的东西。

    Something resembling this substance in shape or consistency .

  23. 烹调直到水果变成黏稠的果冻。

    Cook until the fruit becomes a thick jelly .

  24. 研制了用于测量黏稠电介质的相对介电常数的实验装置。

    An experiment equipment is developed to measure relative dielectric constant in sticky dielectric .

  25. 适于测量腐蚀性较强,且黏稠或易结晶的介质的压力。

    Suitable for viscous , strong corrosive of or easy to be crystallized media .

  26. 高压输送管道中高固多相黏稠物料流动显示方法

    Flow Visualization System of High-solid Multi-phase Viscous and Dense Material in High-pressure Transportation Pipeline

  27. 某种彷佛沥青般黏稠的物质

    something that sounds like a sticky tar-like substance

  28. 这种黑色,黏稠的液体毫无声息地滑过地面。

    This mass of black , viscous liquid flows along the ground in utter silence .

  29. 泻湖不是被炎阳烤干就是变成黏稠的污泥

    The lagoons are either baked dry ,

  30. 观察两组治疗前后临床症状、盆腔血流、血液黏稠度的变化。

    The change of the clinical symptoms , pelvic blood flow and blood viscosity in b.