
  • Black Knight;Dark Knight
  1. 他饰演的戴恩·惠特曼成为了英雄“黑骑士”。

    Instead , Whitman becomes a hero known as Black Knight .

  2. 他觉得那黑骑士是个亡灵。

    He think the black knight is a wraith .

  3. B女王的心之所属前王妃选择了挽救自己的黑骑士,但是恰克厌烦了总是把她放在第一位却最终一无所获,他对此毫不接受。

    BLAIRS HEART | The former princess may have chosen the Dark Knight , but Chuck tired of putting her first and losing everything was having none of it .

  4. 拥挤的《黑骑士崛起》放映式上的一名目击者对CNN说,这名枪手当时穿着防弹背心和防暴头盔,而且一身都穿着黑衣,戴着护目镜。

    A witness at the packed screening of The Dark Knight Rises told CNN the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and was completely covered in black with goggles .

  5. 白骑士还有一个敌人:黑骑士。

    The White Knights have another foe : the Black Knights .

  6. 但原件是黑骑士带来的。

    But dark horseman came up with the originai .

  7. 能让我们拍一张你们站在黑骑士旁的照片吗?

    Can we get a shot of you next to the black night ?

  8. 黑骑士对使者施展索命咒,做了他。

    The Black Knight casts Death 's Respite on the herald , killing him .

  9. 黑骑士在找什么东西。

    That Black Rider was looking for something .

  10. 你的关于黑骑士鬼的描述是对我和我兄弟的鼓舞。

    Your portrayal of the Black Knight ghost was inspirational to my brother and me .

  11. 他们在仲夏前夕跨越艾辛河,伪装成黑骑士。

    They crossed the River Isen on Midsummer 's Eve disguised as riders in black .

  12. 以前见过这位黑骑士吗?我想应该没有。

    Have you ever seen this Black Knight before ? I don 't believe , sir .

  13. 乔装成了黑骑士

    disguised as riders in black

  14. 他走到一个黑骑士身旁,伸手摸了摸骑士的马。

    He walked up to a black knight and put his hand out to touch the knight 's horse .

  15. 黑骑士:你们真的以为巫妖王的勇士会败在你们那可怜的比武场上?

    The Black Knight says : Did you honestly think that an agent of the Lich King would be bested on the field of your pathetic little tournament ?

  16. 我见过更糟的-在英雄难度的冠军试炼中,无人被尸爆击中情况下击败黑骑士。

    I 've Had Worse-Defeat the Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty without any player in the group being hit by a ghoul explosion .

  17. 最近很久没有收到什么税了公爵生气了,后果很严重-要黑骑士出马了,要让所有人,动物植物都交出钱来!

    Recently a long time not received any tax-Duke angry , very serious consequences-to the Black Knight come to the fore , let everyone , animal plants produce money !

  18. 黑骑士卫星不是(地球)人造的,虽然美国国防部很快作出声明,因为在1960年代对于外星人的存在的掩盖活动十分坚固。

    The Black Knight satellite is not manmade , though the US Department of Defense quickly claimed so as in1960 there was a staunch cover-up over the alien presence .