
  • 网络MERCK;Merck & Co;Merck KGaA;merk;Merkur
  1. 默克正在与诊断技术公司“奈米序列科技(NanoStringTechnologies)合作,研发一种测试,用以测量与免疫反应相关的基因的活跃程度。

    Merck is working with a diagnostic company , NanoString Technologies , to develop a test that measures activity levels in genes associated with immune response .

  2. 默克公司已同意提供免疫联盟五美元剂量的HPV疫苗。

    The Merck company has agreed to offer GAVI the HPV vaccine at five dollars a dose .

  3. 面对这个新事态,默克塔克英勇奋斗

    Murcertach strove valiantly to meet the new order of things .

  4. 著名的斯沃琪手表的联合创始人艾尔玛o默克说,AppleWatch可能将导致瑞士钟表制造商遭受重创。

    The co-founder of the famous Swatch watch says the Apple Watch could result in big losses for Swiss watchmakers .

  5. 尽管默克给出了这样的预测,但目前外界并不确定苹果公司将出售多少AppleWatch。

    Despite Mock 's estimates , it 's still unclear how many Apple Watch units the company will actually sell .

  6. 丰田(Toyota)和默克(Merck)都曾因大规模产品召回而遭遇财务上的损失。

    Both Toyota and Merck have suffered financial losses as a result of massive product recalls .

  7. 与此同时,总部位于北京的制药商百济神州(BeiGene)正在与德国制药商默克(Merck)合作开发癌症药物。

    Beijing-based BeiGene , meanwhile , is developing cancer drugs with Merck of Germany .

  8. 欧洲专利局(europeanpatentoffice)恢复福善美专利,可能引发默克针对出售这种药品的众多非专利药制造商提起诉讼。

    The reinstatement by the European Patent Office of the patent for the once-weekly Fosamax treatment , the most popular dosing form , could trigger lawsuits by Merck against numerous generic companies selling the product .

  9. 默克公司(MerckCo.)曾经研制了一种让人看好的CGRP感受器官拮抗药,但是在后期的临床测试中发现,有些患者出现了肝脏改变的情况。

    Merck Co. had a promising CGRP-receptor antagonist under development but discovered in late-stage clinical-trial testing that some patients experienced liver enzyme changes .

  10. 去年夏天,高盛(GoldmanSachs)聘请了亚当•格兰特(AdamGrant),他是一位作家兼学者,并曾作为顾问为谷歌(Google)和制药企业默克(Merck)工作过。

    Last summer , Goldman Sachs hired Adam Grant , an author , academic and consultant who has worked with Google and Merck , the drugmaker .

  11. 默克公司(Merck&Co.)曾经研制了一种让人看好的CGRP感受器官拮抗药,但是在后期的临床测试中发现,有些患者出现了肝脏改变的情况。

    Merck & Co. had a promising CGRP-receptor antagonist under development but discovered in late-stage clinical-trial testing that some patients experienced liver enzyme changes .

  12. 哈桑是灵葆雅(Schering-Plough)的前董事长兼CEO,现在该公司已被默克(Merck)收购。

    Hassan is the former chairman and CEO of Schering-Plough , now part of Merck ( MRK ) .

  13. 有个例子就是默克公司的一位资深研究员-StevenHutchins。

    One example is a senior scientist at Merck-Steven Hutchins .

  14. 去年秋天,默克公司(Merck)由于副作用的原因放弃了开发减肥药taranabant。

    Last fall , Merck & Co. scrapped development of its anti-obesity drug taranabant because of side effects .

  15. 与制药公司MerckKGaA(默克公司)签署具有重大意义的数百万美元合作

    Signing of landmark multi-million dollar collaboration with pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA

  16. 据IMSHealth公司调查,这可是一个大蛋糕:去年在美国销售的降胆固醇药物-其中包括默克的舒降之和辉瑞公司的立普妥等等药物突破了200亿美元。

    That could be a big deal : U.S.sales of cholesterol-lowering drugs which include Merck 's Zocor and Pfizer 's Lipitor , among others topped $ 20 billion last year , according to IMS Health .

  17. 像其他很多公司一样,通用电气、微软、默克和思科每年的代理委托书都将企业盈利视为CEO奖金的主要依据之一。

    Like many other firms , the annual proxy filings of Ge , Microsoft , Merck , and Cisco cite corporate earnings as one of the primary justifications for CEO bonuses .

  18. 在回应调查所得,FDA已要求默克公司对顺尔宁关于企图自杀和自杀性行为的研究数据进行评估。

    In response to inquiries received by the FDA , the FDA has asked Merck to evaluate Singulair study data for more information about suicidality and suicide .

  19. 默克公司讲话人暗示,该公司将会妥帖措置FDA此次会议,但不管是否获得FDA核准,葛兰素史克都将接管该药物的市场开发权。

    Merck will handle that FDA meeting , but Glaxo will take over marketing of the drug should the FDA grant approval , the Merck spokesman said .

  20. 尽管默克和葛兰素已经做了一些HPV疫苗应用于男性的研究,但得到的数据还是远远少于女性。

    And while both Merck and Glaxo have done some research on using their HPV vaccines in boys , there are far fewer data for boys than for girls .

  21. 星期三,他们开始解释原因,并公布了第一批由默克公司、HIV疫苗试验网络和国家过敏和传染病研究院所做的试验数据。

    On Wednesday they began to explain why , releasing the first data from the trial , which was run by Merck , the HIV Vaccine Trial Network and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases .

  22. FDA需要在2004年做一个报告,当这个机构被指责对默克公司生产的治疗关节炎的万络和其他一些药物的监控疏忽。

    The FDA requested the report in2004 after the agency was criticized as being lax in its oversight of Merck & Co Inc. 's arthritis drug Vioxx and other medicines .

  23. 辉瑞已落在百时美施贵宝(BMS)和美国默克(Merck)等竞争对手后面,后两者已推出第一波免疫疗法药物——检查点抑制剂(checkpointinhibitor)。

    Pfizer has fallen behind rivals such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and US Merck , which have already launched the first wave of immunotherapies , known as checkpoint inhibitors .

  24. 比如,和黄中国医药科技正在跟阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)与礼来(EliLilly)合作,而百济神州与德国的默克(Merck)进行合作。

    China-MediTech , for example , is working with AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly , while BeiGene is paired with Merck of Germany .

  25. 美国制药企业默克公司(Merck&Co。)在收购同业先灵葆雅公司(ScheringPlough)后,表现超出这一指数15.9个百分点。

    S.pharmaceuticals company Merck & Co. , meanwhile , beat the index by15.9 percentage points following the acquisition of peer Schering Plough ;

  26. 专门为非裔美籍大三学生提供的25000美元奖励,有可能会在默克药厂(Merck)的暑期实习计划中获得一个职位;

    a $ 25 , 000 award with a potential spot in Merck 's summer program , specifically for an African American college junior ;

  27. 英国可能不会试图起诉那些提供温布尔登门票的公司,但是美国默克公司(merck)会认为此类邀请越界了。

    The UK may not seek to prosecute companies for offering Wimbledon tickets , but Merck of the US would deem such an invitation excessive .

  28. 美国政策研究所的研究显示,光通用电气(GE)、微软(Microsoft)、默克(Merck)和思科(Cisco)就有近2500亿美元的海外利润。

    The IPS study shows that GE ( GE ) , Microsoft ( MSFT ) , Merck ( MRK ) , and Cisco ( CSCO ) have nearly $ 250 billion in offshore income .

  29. 上月,他接待了一个由美国默克公司(merck)高管组成的代表团,他们的目的是了解中国市场并寻求扩张。

    Last month , he hosted a delegation of top executives from Merck in the US , which seeks to understand and expand in the market .

  30. 纳武单抗和默克(Merck)的Keytruda等类似药物,通过阻止免疫细胞接收到“解除戒备”的命令来发挥作用。

    The Merck drug Keytruda , Opdivo and other similar treatments work by keeping this " stand down " order from being received by the immune cells .