
  • 网络United Health Group;UnitedHealth Group Inc;UHG;UNH
  1. 联合健康集团(UnitedHealthGroupInc.)驻坦帕市(Tampa)的副总裁凯尔&12539;麦克道尔(KyleMcDowell)说,他会把早上的时间空出来评估战略目标。

    Kyle McDowell , a Tampa-based vice president at UnitedHealth Group Inc. , says he keeps his morning calendar clear to assess strategic goals .

  2. 美国联合健康集团公布的一项调查结果表明,精神信念是年逾百岁的老人经常提到的长寿秘诀。

    BOSTON ( Reuters ) - Faith and spirituality were cited most often by people over the age of100 as the source of their longevity , according to a survey sponsored by a unit of UnitedHealth Group .

  3. 然而,据佛罗里达大学金融学教授杰伊•里特(JayRitter)称,联合健康集团的案例突出表明,一种不同的现象正在显现。

    But the case of UnitedHealth highlights a different phenomenon at work , according to Jay Ritter , a professor of finance at the University of Florida .

  4. 该律师事务所的结论是,联合健康集团1999年授予麦圭尔的100万份期权、授予首席运营官史蒂芬•汉姆斯利(StephenHemsley)的50万份期权可能经过回溯处理。

    The firm concluded that grants to Mr McGuire of 1m options and to chief operating officer Stephen Hemsley of 500,000 options in 1999 were likely backdated .