
  • 网络fdic;the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  1. 联邦储蓄保险公司主席希拉·布莱尔表示,对于华盛顿互惠银行的顾客来说,过渡将会非常平稳。

    FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair says this will be a seamless transition for the bank 's customers .

  2. 1933年,联邦储蓄保险公司(fdic,federaldepositinsurancecorporation)成立,目的是确保当一家银行倒闭时,其储户也能得到相应的赔偿。

    In 1933 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) was set up to ensure that depositors were paid back in the event of a bank failure .

  3. 花旗及其主要监管机构——美国货币监理署(OfficeoftheComptrolleroftheCurrency)、美联储(FederalReserve)和联邦储蓄保险公司——均拒绝置评。

    The bank and its main regulators - the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency , the Federal Reserve and the FDIC - declined to comment .

  4. 对商业银行来说,美国联邦储蓄保险公司(fdic)将负责善后工作。

    In the case of commercial banks , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation takes charge .

  5. 仅仅一年前,美国联邦储蓄保险公司(thefederaldepositinsurancecorporation)曾指出,“全部被保险的机构中超过99%达到或超过了资本金标准的最高监管要求”。

    Only a year earlier , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation had noted that " more than 99 per cent of all insured institutions met or exceeded the requirements of the highest regulatory capital standards " .

  6. 今年七月抵押贷款公司IndyMac破产的时候,联邦储蓄保险公司已经付出了几十亿美元。

    The FDIC had already spent billions of dollars in its takeover of IndyMac , which collapsed in July .

  7. 俱乐部成员;联邦储蓄保险公司之成员银行。

    A club member ; a bank that is a member of the fdic .

  8. 联邦储蓄保险公司共支付了3.14亿美元。

    The total cost of the FDIC is 314 million dollars for these most recent closures .

  9. 一些分析人士表示,假如华盛顿互惠银行破产,联邦储蓄保险公司将不得不动用一半的政府保险资金。

    Some analysts say a Washington Mutual failure could have used up half the money in the government insurance fund .

  10. 存款人将自动变为西一银行的存款客户,并将继续由联邦储蓄保险公司担保,何南德斯说。

    Depositors will automatically become depositors of OneWest Bank and continue to be insured by the FDIC , Hernandez said .

  11. 每个季度,联邦储蓄保险公司都会公布一定数目的银行。在它看来,政府应该放弃帮助这些银行。

    Each quarter , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation releases the number of banks it feels might need to be bailed out by the government .

  12. 具体的说,不管是储蓄帐户还是支票帐户,联邦储蓄保险公司为每一银行每一存款人普通账户最高保险额为十万美元。

    The federal government created the FDIC , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , in1933 to backstop banks and prevent Americans from losing their money .

  13. 1933年,国会建立了联邦储蓄保险公司,保证银行存款高达25万美元。

    In nineteen thirty-three , Congress established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . It currently guarantees bank deposits up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars .

  14. 我们将制定所谓的沃尔克法则来确保银行受到联邦储蓄保险公司等安全网的保护,不能让他们为了自己的利益参与风险交易。

    Well enact whats called the Volcker Rule to make sure banks protected by a safety net like the FDIC cant engage in risky trades for their own profit .

  15. 然而,根据星期一宣布的一项协议,花旗银行将在联邦储蓄保险公司的帮助下兼并瓦霍维亚银行。花旗银行坚持说,早先的协议是有效的。

    However , under a deal announced Monday , Citigroup would acquire Wachovia with the help of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which insisted Friday that the earlier agreement go forward .

  16. 美国联邦储蓄保险公司为储户十万美元以下的储蓄投了保,但是表示,由于转售交易的达成,联邦储蓄保险公司不必利用自身的资产向华盛顿互惠银行的储户支付赔偿。

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Company , FDIC , insures Americans ' bank deposits of up to $ 100000 . But it says because of the deal it will not have to use its assets to cover Washington Mutual 's deposits .

  17. 联邦储蓄贷款保险公司

    Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation

  18. 甚至为储户存款作担保的联邦储蓄与贷款保险公司本身也已无力清偿债务。储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息;

    The FSLIC , which insured depositors ' money , itself became insolvent . interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state ;

  19. 何南德斯表示加州联邦第一银行是今年以来联邦储蓄保险公司承保的银行中倒闭的第140家,也是加州的第17家。

    FFBC was the140th FDIC-insured institution to fail in the nation this year , and the17th in California , Hernandez said .