
  • 网络merton;robert merton;Robert C. Merton;R.K.Merton
  1. 作为著名社会学家罗伯特•K•默顿(RobertK.Merton)之子,他在很小的时候就明显表现出对计算的兴趣。

    The son of Robert K. Merton , a prominent social scientist , he apparently displayed an interest in number crunching from a young age .

  2. 经过了短暂的耽搁,学校安排我继续学习,这次我的导师是剑桥的默顿·S.凯斯先生。

    After some delay it was arranged that I should continue my studies under a tutor , Mr. Merton S. Keith , of Cambridge .

  3. 国内CA建设的探讨科学中的权威与权威的科学&默顿传统科学社会学中的科学权威问题述评

    On the construction of Chinese Certification Authority Science and Authority

  4. EVA(EconomicValueAdded,经济增加值)理论源于获诺贝尔奖的经济学家默顿米勒和弗兰克莫迪利尼亚关于公司价值的经济模型。

    EVA is short for Economic Value Added . The theory of EVA concerning economic model of company value comes from the economists who won the Nobel Prize .

  5. 罗伯特•默顿(RobertMerton)和迈伦•斯克尔斯(MyronScholes)会建议你记住,这次离婚会带来新的选择。

    Robert Merton and Myron Scholes would suggest that you bear in mind the fresh options opened up by this divorce .

  6. 本文认为齐曼在默顿学派和SSK学派之间开辟了第三条元科学研究进路。

    This thesis believes Ziman opens up the third element of scientific research approach between the Merton School and SSK .

  7. 自从默顿与迈伦斯科尔斯(myronscholes)、费希尔布莱克(fischerblack)共同设计出布莱克-斯科尔斯模型之后,他已经被人们视为现代金融的创始人。

    Since Mr Merton invented Black-Scholes , together with Myron Scholes and Fischer black , he has come to be viewed as a founding figure of the modern financial world .

  8. 1997年,罗伯特•默顿(RobertMerton)和迈伦•斯克尔斯(MyronScholes)凭借在期权定价领域的研究成果获得诺贝尔经济学奖,此后不到一年默顿和斯克尔斯担任合伙人的对冲基金长期资本管理公司(Long-TermCapitalManagement)就受到了戏剧性的救助。

    Robert Merton and Myron Scholes won in 1997 for their work on option pricing - less than a year before the dramatic bailout of Long-Term Capital Management , a hedge fund in which Merton and Scholes were closely involved .

  9. 第一部分论述SSK形成的历史条件。阐明了传统知识社会学、默顿学派的科学社会学是SSK的思想渊源;

    The first part is to demonstrate historical condition of the forming of SSK : Traditional sociology of knowledge and Merton 's school are the ideological resource of SSK ;

  10. 不仅在默顿学派和SSK之间开辟了对科学本身作科学解读的第三条道路,而且,确如齐曼本人所言它已经逆转了元科学传统,开拓了一条科学学研究的讲路。

    His theory not only develops a new road between Moton School and SSK , but also inverts the tradition of metascience and initiates an approach to Science Studies .

  11. 但SSK较默顿学派而言,由于研究视角和方法的不同,其更加注重社会因素与科学权威的互动关系。

    However , compared with Merton school , SSK pays more attention to the social factors and interaction with scientific authorities due to the different research angles and methods .

  12. 各种学派特别是以默顿为代表的默顿学派和以布鲁尔为代表的SSK学派都阐发出了自己的科学观立场并且进行了针锋相对的争辩,二者都试图捍卫自己的科学观。

    Various schools , especially Merton school based on Merton and SSK school based on Brewer all elucidate of the scientific concept of position and Tit-for-tat debate , both trying to defend their own view of science .

  13. 默顿及其学派对SSK的批判作出了回应,他们一方面承认建构主义进路的科学社会学变得越来越有影响了,同时批判SSK的极端相对主义立场片面夸大了社会因素的作用。

    Merton school had responded to criticism from the SSK . On the one hand , they recognized constructivism Sociology of Science had become increasingly influential . Simultaneously they criticized that the extreme relativism position of SSK exaggerated the role of social factors .

  14. 默顿职业兴趣的汇聚与转移理论述评

    Review of assembling and transformation of the job interest to Merton

  15. 科学规范与科学中的交换&默顿学派对科学规范论的丰富与发展

    The norms of science and the exchange relations in science

  16. 默顿显然是个热心慷慨的人。

    Merton is clearly a warm and generous human being .

  17. 另眼看默顿科学社会学

    A New Approach to the Sociology of Science of Merton

  18. 科学与社会的互动&默顿命题评析

    Science and Society : Movement Towards Each Other & On Merton Supposition

  19. 国内对默顿博士论文研究存在的几个问题

    A Few Existent Problems of Merton 's Doctoral Dissertation Research in China

  20. 他刚刚被选为默顿学院的研究员。

    He 's just been elected to a fellowship at Merton college .

  21. 默顿是系统提出和阐述科学规范的第一人。

    Merton was the first to formulate the norms of science systematically .

  22. 我认为默顿是个讨厌鬼。不过,他不会害人。

    Merton is a drip , I guess , but he 's harmless .

  23. 贝尔纳与默顿:科学社会学同基异构现象的社会形成

    Bernal and Merton : Social Formation of Base Alloisomerism of Sociology of Science

  24. 默顿规范是否为科学共同体所独有;

    Whether these norms peculiar owned by the science ;

  25. 然而,默顿教授还希望它能推广到其它公司。

    However , Prof Merton hopes it can then spread to other companies .

  26. 论默顿科学社会学理论中的科学

    The Research on the Science in the Sociology of Science of Robert King Merton

  27. 默顿规范研究

    A Study of the Science Norm of Merton

  28. 默顿科学社会学述评

    A Review of Merton 's Sociology of Science

  29. 守护默顿与超越默顿&伯纳德·巴伯的科学社会学理论评析

    Stick to Merton and Surpass Him & Bernard Barber 's Sociology of Science Theory

  30. 默顿与波拉尼:科学社会学的研究纲领比较

    Merton versus Polanyi : comparison between their research programs of the sociology of sciences