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  1. 在体现创新性这个层面上说,本章对《龙筋凤髓判》文学性因素的细化研究,有一定的新颖性,当可起抛砖引玉之效。

    This level in reflect innovative , said this chapter of article convicted literariness factors , having certain of twenty-first-century can rise , when the novelty of the textbooks effect .

  2. 从文学的角度分析《龙筋凤髓判》,对于更好地认识唐代选举与文学的关系、推动唐代判文文学研究、了解唐代前期社会都具有较大的意义。

    Analyze Long Jin Feng Sui Pan from the literature perspective is quite meaningful for better understanding the relationship between selection system and literature in Tang period , pushing the research on the court verdict in Tang , and comprehending the early Tang society deep .