• 网络http protocol;hyper text transfer protocol
  1. 并以http协议为例,给出了网络应用协议还原系统的实现框架和具体流程。

    The paper gives the develop model for network application protocol revert by the implement of http protocol .

  2. 根据嵌入式系统的特点,对嵌入式WebServer的服务器/客户端交互进行了研究,分析了http协议以及公共网关接口在嵌入式WebServer中的构建。

    The interactive processing of client / server in embedded Web Server has been studied . The constructing of http protocol and common gateway interface is discussed .

  3. 基于http协议的远程数据采集

    Remote Data Acquisition Based on HTTP

  4. 可以使用DownloadDirector应用程序或http协议下载适合您的服务器平台的代码。

    You can download the code for the server platform of your choice using either the Download Director application or http protocol .

  5. 介绍WAP体系结构和无线应用环境,阐述http协议的基础知识。

    Introduce the architecture of Wireless Application Protocol and Wireless Application Environment . Expound the foundation knowledge of the http protocol .

  6. 在对http协议分析的基础上,描述了WWW代理服务器的工作流程和实现原理,并据此开发了一个可供实用的WWW代理服务器。

    Based on analysis of HTTP protocol , the paper describes the principle of WWW proxy server and emphasizes on the design and implementation of a practical WWW proxy server .

  7. XML(可扩展标记语言)CORBA(通用对象请求代理体系结构)网关克服了将CORBA服务应用于Internet的困难,实现了通过http协议传送XML来调用远程CORBA对象提供的服务。

    The XML ( eXtensible markup language ) / CORBA ( common object request broker architecture ) gateway overcomes the disadvantages of exposing CORBA services to Internet . It was designed to send requests to CORBA objects and get result in the form of XML via http protocols .

  8. FromURL是使用http或文件协议访问日志的一种方式,就像您在Web浏览器中所做的那样。

    From URL is a way to access logs using the http or file protocol like you would in a web browser .

  9. (这对于本地文件引用是必需的,但对于http或https协议是可选的)。

    This is required for local file references but optional for http or https protocols .

  10. 使用这些机制,一个Web服务能够支持一个长时间进行的交流,并可能将这个“会话”层叠到一个现有的http传输级别的协议上。

    Using these mechanisms a web service can enable a long running exchange and might layer this " conversation " on an existing http transport level protocol .