
  1. 好比胶片摄像机摄像时,只有当胶片一格格不断快速地移动,才能记录下物体的整个动作过程。

    This is just like when the film vidicon takes a photograph , it can record the whole action procedure of the object with the film quickly moving one by one .

  2. 反转芯片球形栅格阵列那儿发出一阵阵格格声、人语声和哨声。

    FC-BGA Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array From there rose the rattle and chatter and whistling .

  3. 一位叫格格的猫的网民在她的微博中写道。

    A netizen named Gege 's cat wrote on her microblog .

  4. 他们正要坐下时,鼹鼠抱了一大堆枪,格格地笑着从窗口爬进来。

    They were just about to sit down when the Mole clambered in through the window , chuckling , with an armful of rifles .

  5. 那个三月里在医院度过那天后,才过了几个月,我坐在书房里为一堂有关柯勒律治的《忽必烈汗》的课做准备,听到尤纳在另外一个房间里格格傻笑,咿呀乱语,又大声哭喊。

    Only months after that March day in the hospital , I sat in my study preparing for a class on Coleridge 's Kubla Khan and heard Una in another room gurgle and coo and then cry .