
  1. 像一呼一吸这样联系紧密。

    As closely linked as inhalation and exhalation .

  2. 浓浊的空气已经不够我肺部一呼一吸的调换。

    The heavy air was no longer sufficient for the full play of my lungs .

  3. 因为渴望自由及回归本源。创造的动力来于生命的一呼一吸之间。

    It is because of the longing for freedom and for the return to the source .

  4. 这样的能量流跟随着身体的一呼一吸,并联系到「有意识呼吸」之中。

    Such flow follows the in-breath and out-breath of the form and is connected to " conscious breathing " .

  5. 我们记得,沙威的本性,他的气质,他的一呼一吸都是对权力的尊崇。

    It will be remembered that the fundamental point in Javert , his element , the very air he breathed , was veneration for all authority .