
  1. 坚持自己的选择,一路向前。加油!

    Stick to my own choice , and struggle for it .

  2. 他打起精神,一路向前走过那扇大门。

    He gathered strength and walked on through the gate .

  3. 这个人一路向前挣扎的时候,脑子里就是这样想的。

    These were the thoughts of the man as he strove onward .

  4. 我们会支持你一路向前。

    and we will support you along the way .

  5. 安东尼·维诺在他的市长竞选中一路向前,此前,又有爆料称他与一些女性进行在线性交易。

    Anthony Weiner is forging ahead with his mayoral campaign after a new round of revelations about his salacious online exchanges with women .

  6. 但我没有别的选择,只有一路向前,我必须努力克制自己,好让自己能够知道如何前行,达到彼岸。

    but had no choice but to just carry on and try and figure out how I was going to get to the other side without driving myself crazy .

  7. 小托将队长和鲁尼看做是和梅西一样的南非世界杯上的关键人物,而他想他们可以带领三狮军团一路向前。

    Torres puts Gerrard and Wayne Rooney in the same bracket as Lionel Messi as the leading lights in South Africa-and he thinks they can take the Three Lions all the way .

  8. 根据《先驱太阳报》的报道,超过100名警察、消防队员和志愿者们在灌木丛里寻找走失的男孩和狗。他们沿孩子和狗在沙地里跌跌撞撞的足迹和爪印一路向前搜寻。

    More than 100 police , firefighters and volunteers searched the bush for the missing pair , following their foot and paw prints as they wandered through the sandy scrub land , according to the Herald Sun .

  9. 迎着温柔的南风,她一路跳跃着向前走去,她的希望同阳光融合在一起,似乎幻化成了一道环绕着她的光环。

    Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her as she bounded along against the soft south wind .

  10. 从福克斯到拉普什只有十五英里,繁茂浓绿的森林几乎一路裹着公路向前绵延着,宽广的奎利特河蜿蜒着在林中出现了两次。

    It was only fifteen miles to La Push from Forks , with gorgeous , dense green forests edging the road most of the way and the wide Quillayute River snaking beneath it twice .

  11. 有一天,一只驴子驮着木材,一路向前走着。当他经过一个池塘时,一不小心,摔进了池塘里,辗辗转转却总是无法爬上岸来。驴子便唉声叹气地高呼救命。

    Oneday , adonkey was carrying abundle ofwood and he fell into the river . He struggled to come out fromthewaterbutinvain.Thedonkeymoanedandcried for help .

  12. 小溪的歌声越来越响亮,终于有一天,小溪从冰冷的被单下钻了出来,完全没有了束缚,一路欢舞着向前奔去。

    The brook sang more and more distinctly , and at last broke through its cold coverlet and went dancing along in full sight .