
  • 网络General Equilibrium Theory;general equilibrium
  1. CGE模型将瓦尔拉斯的一般均衡理论由一个抽象的理论形式变为一个尽可能接近现实经济系统的可计算的数学模型。

    CGE model turns general equilibrium theory into a mathematics model that can be computed .

  2. 一般均衡理论是十九世纪末由Walras提出的,以完全竞争经济的分析为主要内容。

    The general equilibrium theory was proposed by Walras at the end of 19 centuries . It regard economic analysis in complete competition as the main contents .

  3. 模型以一般均衡理论和市场机制为依据,实现资源的优化分配,使系统中资源实现近似帕累托有效配置,并为资源提供双重QoS保证机制。

    The model can allocate optimally resource according to general equilibrium and market mechanism and provide the double QoS guarantee for resources .

  4. 本文首先对一般均衡理论及CGE模型建模机理进行系统的研究,而后根据一般均衡理论给出CGE模型建模的基本原理。

    But after the basic principle of the CGE model was given according to the General Equilibrium Theory .

  5. 因此,如果离开了一般均衡理论及其具体实现CGE模型,则很难从数量上去评价该项政策对整个国民经济的全面影响。

    Without CGE model , the effects of the tax policy for the full economy system are very difficult to appraise .

  6. 提出了2种保证QOS的准入控制(AdmissionControl)策略和一种基于市场机制(价格)的策略以实现网络资源分配,以一般均衡理论为基础,依靠价格因素实现保证QOS的资源优化分配。

    This article proposes two QOS-based strategies of Admission Control and one market-mechanism-based strategy of internet resources distribution . It also puts forward the Balance Theory , based on which the price factors can work , thus assure the optimal distribution of QOS resources .

  7. CGE模型对经济系统中的各个行为主体进行数学描述,通过各行为主体对商品和要素的数量和价格的调整,从而实现瓦尔拉斯一般均衡理论所确定的供需均衡。

    It bewrites main body of economic system , the equilibrium between supply and demand is achieved via adjusting the price and quantity of commodity and factor .

  8. 以后的一般均衡理论工作就是对Arrow-Debreu模型假设条件的放宽,因为人们总是认为它的假设条件太不真实了。

    The main thrust of recent work in equilibrium theory has been the relaxation of the assumptions of the Arrow-Debreu model . Since it has been repeatedly argued that its assumptions are not realistic .

  9. 它是以后一般均衡理论发展的基础。

    It is the foundation of later general equilibrium theory .

  10. 什么决定价格?&介绍一般均衡理论

    What Decides Price ? & About General Equilibrium Theory

  11. 对剑桥资本争论的思考&从马克思的古典一般均衡理论寻求出路

    Reexamination on Cambridge Capital Argument & Study of Marxism classic general equilibrium theory

  12. 基于一般均衡理论的转移支付影响研究

    Research on Influences of Transfers Based on General Equilibrium

  13. 货币、资本与一般均衡理论

    Money , Capital and General Equilibrium Theory

  14. 新制度经济学不过是一般均衡理论的现代制度版本,方法上仍然继承了新古典的衣钵。

    New institution economics is merely the modern institutional edition of GE theory and inherits methodological tools of Neo-classical economics .

  15. 抽掉许多现实因素的一般均衡理论,将经济描述为一个机械系统。

    By assuming away some most important factors , the general equilibrium theory represents the economy as a mechanical system .

  16. 第一种是劳动市场出清说,以古典经济学和新古典经济学一般均衡理论为代表。

    The first is labor market clearing theory which was . represented by classical economics and neoclassical economics general equilibrium theory .

  17. 相对于静态经济理论和一般均衡理论来说,用于解释发展中国家的动态理论本身是落后的。

    The relative static economic theory and equilibrium theory explained the dynamic theory of the developing countries is out of date .

  18. 因而一般均衡理论失效,而非均衡理论却能为住宅供需调控提供理论支撑。

    Hence the general equilibrium theory is ineffectual , but disequilibrium theory can provide theoretical support for residential supply and demand adjustment .

  19. 根据一般均衡理论,在一定要素和初始条件下,可以对结果进行唯一和准确地预测。

    According to the GE theory , given fixed elements and the initial conditions , the results are uniquely and precisely predictable .

  20. 显然,在一般均衡理论框架下,不能对此做出经济学意义上的解释。

    Obviously , under the theory frame of general equilibrium , we cannot make explanation for these phenomena in the economic significance .

  21. 发现中国实际经济中部门经济表现出不同于一般均衡理论描述的复杂的图像。

    Results show that Chinese multi sector economy has a more complex evolution picture than what had been described by the general equilibrium theory .

  22. 在经济理论和方法的研究上同样分为两种,即一般均衡理论及其分析方法和非均衡理论及其分析方法。

    Similarly , there are two kinds of economic theories and research methods : equilibrium theory and analysis method and disequilibrium theory and analysis method .

  23. 由于对时间的简单处理,基于一般均衡理论的新古典经济学无法解释市场动态过程。

    Since the simplicity of dealing with time , the Neo-economics based on the general equilibrium theory fails to explain the dynamic process of market .

  24. 由于忽略了时间、知识与企业家等重要现实因素,一般均衡理论存在致命缺陷。

    Ignoring some important practical factors such as time , knowledge and entrepreneur , the general equilibrium ( GE ) theory faces with some fatal limitations .

  25. 新经济地理学的兴起,正好为构建多区域的模型提供了一个模型框架,然而新经济地理学的模型又缺乏一般均衡理论所能提供的经济动力学机制。

    The new economics geography comes up with a frame for multi-region modeling while it lacks in economics dynamics which can be supplemented by General Equilibrium Theory .

  26. 通过引入一般均衡理论和分型市场假说,阐述了养老保险基金作为机构投资者所发挥的金融中观方方面面的效应;

    Third , by " General Equilibrium Models " and " Fractal Market Hypothesis ", the author discusses the financial influences of pension funds as institutional investors .

  27. 一般均衡理论是现代经济学最为重要的组成部分和分析方法,而一般均衡的计算则是进行经济分析的前提和基础。

    General equilibrium theory is the most important part of modem economics and analysis method , and solving the general equilibrium is the foundation of economic analysis .

  28. 一般均衡理论作为描述经济现象、概括经济问题的理论工具具有了思想体系严谨和逻辑形式优美的特质。

    General equilibrium theory as a theoretical tool of describing economic phenomenon and generalizing economic problem has characters of strictness of thought system and grace of logical form .

  29. 利用一般均衡理论论证了由于电力特性的存在,无法保证电力物品一定可以通过市场机制实现资源的帕累托有效配置,但存在伪均衡。

    This paper employs general-equilibrium theory to prove that the resource allocation efficiency cannot be guaranteed by market mechanism due to the electricity characteristics , but it may exist pseudo-equilibrium .

  30. 在已有研究的基础上,文章在一般均衡理论框架内对影响北方发达国家异质产品生产企业进入南方发展中国家市场战略模式选择的各种因素进行了全面分析。

    The paper makes analysis of the strategic mode for the enterprises from the northern country to enter the southern country market based on the theory of general equilibrium frame .