
  • 网络Kojima
  1. 根据小岛清的边际产业扩张论,日本对东亚的顺贸易导向型投资,对扩大东道国贸易,促进东道国宏观经济增长均有较大的积极效应。

    According to Kiyoshi Kojima 's theory of " Expansion of Marginal Industries ," Japanese " Favorable Trade-oriented Investment " in East Asia has brought fairly huge positive effects in enlarging Japan 's trade and promoting the growth of Japanese macro-economy .

  2. 另外还有小岛清(K.Kojima)的边际产业扩张理论和钱纳里的双缺口模型,这两者都认为,投资和贸易之间是互补的。

    What is more , the marginal industrial expansion theory of K.Kojima and the double gap model of Hollis B. Chenery state that the investment and trade are complementary .

  3. 国际直接投资的贸易效应分析&对小岛清模型的扩展

    Analysis of the Trade Effect of Foreign Direct Investment & Extensions of Kiyoshi Model

  4. 根据小岛清投资与贸易互补理论的观点,国际直接投资与国际贸易间存在相互促进的关系。

    According to related opinions of Koyimom , the relation between International Investment and International Trade is mutually complementary .

  5. 在小岛清模型的理论基础上,本文构建了三个模型来分析国际直接投资的贸易效应。

    On the basis of Kiyoshi Model , this article constructs three models to analyze the trade effect of foreign direct investment .

  6. 小岛清模型认为国际直接投资的贸易效应是互补效应,其实质就是贸易创造效应。

    Kiyoshi Model believes that the trade effect of foreign direct investment is complementary effect the essence of which is trade creation effect .

  7. 最后一章,本文以产业集中度指标、小岛清边际产业扩张理论等为依据,分别从企业的角度和政府的角度给出了提高平板玻璃产业国际竞争力的建议。

    At last , this thesis gives suggestions to enterprises and government on improving the industry competitiveness of Chinese flat glass based on Industry Concentration Ratio , Marginal Industry Expansion Theory and other theories .