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  • 网络history of ancient chinese literature;The history of Chinese ancient literature;Ancient Chinese Literature History
  1. 《楚辞》是中国古代文学史上的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Chu Ci is a shining pearl in the history of ancient Chinese literature .

  2. 民族院校中国古代文学史教学刍论

    Personal Views on Teaching the History of Ancient Chinese Literature in Ethnic Colleges and Universities

  3. 诗歌,是中国古代文学史上的瑰宝。

    Poetry , is a gem in the history of Chinese literature .

  4. 关于中国古代文学史写作的思考

    A Consideration of the Writing of a History of Classical Chinese Literature

  5. 关于中国古代文学史编写的几点思考

    Several Ponders on the Compilation of Chinese Ancient Literary History

  6. 历代宫廷文学体派在中国古代文学史上已呈现为一个明显的文学系列。

    In the history of Chinese literature , past dynasties ' royal literary groups appeared literary series .

  7. 在中国古代文学史上,笔记与小说长期处于杂糅共生的状态,笔记小说一词由此产生并为研究者普遍接受。

    Sketches and the fiction were long co - existing and mixing in the history of classic Chinese literature .

  8. 诗歌是一种特殊的文学形式,曾经写下中国古代文学史上最辉煌的篇章。

    Poetry is a special literary form . It has added a most illustrious chapter to the annals of classical Chinese literature .

  9. 苏轼是北宋乃至中国古代文学史上一颗耀眼的明星。

    Su Shi was a glittering star in the period of Bei Song , even in the history of the ancient Chinese literature .

  10. 亟须编撰尽可能真正再现中华多民族文学原生态和民族特点的《中国古代文学史》。

    It is urgent to compile Chinese ancient literature history which can truly reappear original features and nationality characteristics of Chinese multinational literature .

  11. 明末文学主要以文社为主流文学样态,这在中国古代文学史上是一独特的文学现象。

    In the late Ming dynasty the main literary form was literary communities , a unique literary phenomenon in the Chinese history of ancient literature .

  12. 在中国古代文学史上,女性创作散曲的并不多,黄峨可以说是闺阁群体创作散曲的开创者。

    In Ancient Chinese Literary History , female creation of verses are not many , Huang E is the pioneer in the attic group creative works .

  13. 口头雅文学作为中国古代文学史上一种重要的文学现象,一直隐藏在灿烂文学史的背后,等待着被发现。

    As an important literary phenomenon in the history of Chinese , Oral-elegant literature has been hidden behind the brilliant literary history , waiting to be discovered .

  14. 打通古代小说、戏曲的文体界限,探寻其叙事艺术相互交融的传承发展轨迹,这是中国古代文学史研究中一个值得深入探讨的新课题。

    It is a new topic in Chinese ancient literature field to explore the development track of combined narrative approaches in both Chinese ancient friction and drama .

  15. 在中国古代文学史上,千古流芳的忧生之作,往往比较多地表现对生命不自由和生命活力不能张扬的痛苦,表现由此而产生的旷达不羁、慷慨悲凉之情。

    In Chinese classical literature , imperishable works tend to exhibit the misery caused by the limit in freedom and energy , expressing the libertine and grieving feelings .

  16. 基础研究和各民族文学专史的编写是综合性的多民族《中国古代文学史》产生的必要条件。

    Basic research and compiling of every nationality literature history are the essential conditions of the coming into being of the comprehensive and multinational Chinese ancient literature history .

  17. 中国古代文学史上文学的自觉时代始于何时的问题,上一个世纪曾出现多种说法。

    There were several different arguments last century concerning the problem of when the " Age of Literature Awareness " got started in the history of ancient Chinese literature .

  18. 丁澎不仅是彪炳回族文学史册的杰出文人,他在中国古代文学史中的地位和影响也是不能小视的。

    Hui Ding Peng is not only shine through the outstanding scholar of literature in history , Chinese literature in his position and influence is also not underestimate the .

  19. 唐诗被公认为中国古代文学史上的一朵奇葩,而大量用典则是唐诗的一大特点。

    The Tang poetry is widely recognized as a gem in the history of ancient Chinese literature for a variety of reasons , among which is the abundance of allusions .

  20. 在中国古代文学史上,柳宗元并不以小说名世,他在小说史上的地位仍然是不容低估的。

    In the history of ancient Chinese literature , Liu Zongyuan was not famous for his novels , but his position in the history of fiction is not to be underestimated .

  21. 明朝中后期的诗人马之骏,在当今的中国古代文学史研究中无人提及,对其文学创作的研究也几乎是空白。

    MA Zhi-jun , the poet of Middle-late Ming Dynasty , was not mentioned in the study of Chinese ancient literature history as well as the study of his literature works .

  22. 《渔父》中有两个文化原型,贯穿了整部中国古代文学史:一是清浊之辩,二是渔父意象。

    There are two cultural archetype in " Yufu " which go through the whole Chinese ancient literary history : the argument of Qing and Zhuo ; and the image of Yufu .

  23. 《浮生六记》中的陈芸以其内蕴的丰富性和特异性而成为中国古代文学史上具有现代意义的“新女性”形象。

    The heroine Chen-yun in the Six Chapters of Floating Life is the " new female " character in the Chinese ancient literature because of the luxuriant and distinctiveness that she implied .

  24. 享受着曹操诗歌带来的审美快感,却不放弃对其灵魂的冰冷拷问,这恐怕是中国古代文学史上的第一大冤案。

    Enjoying the happiness brought by appreciating his poems but do not give up questioning his soul coldly . It may be the first unjust case in the history of ancient Chinese literature .

  25. 在中国古代文学史、戏曲史上,很少有清初戏曲家李渔这样复杂而毁誉天壤的人物。

    In the history of Chinese ancient literary and drama , few could compare with Li Yu , the dramatist of the early Qing dynasty for his complicated personality and the distinct appraises given .

  26. 在中国古代文学史上,兴是一个非常重要的概念,它涉及到文学的表现手法、创作风格、思想内涵、社会功能等一系列重大问题。

    " Xing " is a very important concept in Chinese classic literature , which relates to a lot of significant issues such as literary expressional skill , composition style , thought connotation , etc.

  27. 建安是中国古代文学史上文人文学家身份基本确立的时代。建安文人文学家身份的基本确立奠定了此后中国文人文学家的基本品性。

    2 , Jian'an is a period in which the capacity of writers was fundamentally established in the history of Chinese ancient literature , and the basic character of Chinese subsequent men of literature and writing was laid .

  28. 在中国古代文学史上,小说产生伊始就有镜子的踪迹,随着文学的发展,小说这个意象的涵义也越来越丰富。

    In ancient Chinese literary history , novels at the beginning of produce have traces of the mirror , with the development of literature , the novel the meaning of this image is becoming more and more rich .

  29. 龚自珍是中国古代文学史上的最后一位诗人也是近代第一位伟大的诗人,其诗以鲜明的时代性、振聋发聩的批判性和预言性显示了独特的思想价值。

    Gong Zizhen is the last famous ancient poet in China and he is also the first great poet in modern China . His poems show a unique value with brilliant characteristics of era , articulate criticism and predictive power .

  30. 《狐媚丛谈》是中国古代文学史上唯&部以狐为主题的文言小说总集,它在中国文学发展史上的地位、意义重大,对后世狐文学的创作亦产生了深远的影响。

    The book of Hu Mei Cong Tan is the only Chinese literature classical stories collection putting fox as the theme , which played an important role in Chinese literature development , and had a profound impact on the creation of fox literature later .