
  1. 儒家思想是中华优秀传统文化的基础。

    The Confucianism thought is the foundation of the excellent Chinese traditional culture .

  2. 加强中华优秀传统文化教育,增强民族凝聚力

    Enhancing the Education on Traditional Culture and Increasing the Cohesion of the Chinese Nation

  3. 建设优秀传统文化传承体系,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

    We should develop a system for carrying forward fine traditional culture and promote outstanding traditional Chinese culture .

  4. 作为中韩合作片,是用优秀载体向国外弘扬中华优秀传统文化的典范。

    As a cooperated film between China and Korea , it 's a model to promote Chinese traditional culture worldwide .

  5. 本丛书既有重要的史学研究参考价值,又有普及中华优秀传统文化的现实意义。

    This book can not only be used for reference but also play a great part in spreading the Chinese culture .

  6. 古代中国积累了丰富的计量实践,它们是中华优秀传统文化的有机组成部分。

    In ancient China , abundant practices of metrology were accumulated . They were organic components of excellent Chinese traditional culture .

  7. 《大学语文》课程教师也应该让学生走出去,到社会上去感受中华优秀传统文化的魅力。

    Chinese teachers should allow students to " go out ", to the community to feel the charm of traditional culture .

  8. 其牌号、店训、传说、手艺和建筑是中华优秀传统文化的一部分,其字号本身就是宝贵的无形资产。

    Trademarks , slogans , legends , craft and architectures are parts of the excellent Chinese traditional culture . The brand itself is precious intangible assets .

  9. 和合文化是中华优秀传统文化中的一颗明珠,是中国文化特有的理论形式。

    " Culture of Harmoniousness " is an outstanding pearl in traditional culture in China . It is unique theory form and the total characteristic of traditional culture .

  10. 数学交流是新课程标准提出的要求和合文化,是中华优秀传统文化中的一颗明珠,是中国文化特有的理论形式和总的特征。

    Mathematics communication is the demand of new standard on course , and " Culture of Harmoniousness " is a bright pearl of splendid traditional culture in China .

  11. 以中华优秀传统文化为核心的东方管理文化,日益成为世界管理学界关注的焦点。

    The culture of Oriental management , based on Chinese traditional culture excellence as the core , is turning the focal point in the circles of world management .

  12. 利用中华优秀传统文化对大学生进行思想品德教育该校是一所为上大学作准备的预科学校,招收全市最优秀的学生。

    On Making Use of the Traditional Culture to Carry on Ideological and Moral Education to the College Students ; a college-preparatory school for the city 's best students .

  13. 我们更相信,依托我们伟大祖国的经济繁荣和不断增强的综合实力,中华优秀传统文化一定会再次在世界各地重现辉煌。

    We do believe that relying on the economic prosperity and continuous growth of comprehensive strength of our great country , the prime traditional Chinese culture will revive around the world .

  14. 探索在当前环境下开展感恩教育对提高大学生自身道德素质水平,传承中华优秀传统文化,树立当代感恩观,促进社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。

    It does the research of carrying out the education , in the current environment , to improve the college students ' moral quality level and to inherit Chinese traditional cultures .

  15. 中国古代的科技成就和科学思想,是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,曾经在人类文明史上放射出夺目的光芒,对后世产生过重大影响。

    The accomplishments of science and technology in ancient China are an integral part of Chinese traditional culture . They once stood out well in human civilization and have produced huge after-influences .

  16. 广电部门已经出台《通知》禁止了这类文字游戏,理由是它们违反了使用标准汉语口语和书面语的相关法规,与传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化的精神相违背,并可能误导社会公众--尤其是小孩子们。

    It has banned wordplay on the grounds that it breaches the law on standard spoken and written Chinese , makes promoting cultural heritage harder and may mislead the public - especially children .

  17. 龙舟文化在新的历史时期,已经被赋予了新的内涵,成为发掘、弘扬中华优秀传统文化不可分割的重要的组成部分。

    The culture of dragon boat has been given with new connotation during the new historical period , and it becomes the important indivisibility part of exhuming and developing excellent traditional culture of china .

  18. 继承发扬中华优秀传统文化,吸收各民族进步文化的优秀成果,充分体现社会主义时代精神的崭新的文化体系,一定会建立起来。

    A brand new cultural system will surely be established by inheriting China 's excellent traditional culture , by absorbing excellent cultural achievements by other nations , and by fully embodiment of socialist spirit of the time .

  19. 这不仅需要通过开展广泛的交流合作共同弘扬中华优秀传统文化,还需要不断推进两岸各领域交往的制度化进程,更需要建构共同的历史记忆。

    It is not only need to carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture , also need to promote the institutionalization process of cross-strait exchanges in various areas and rebuilding the common historical memories .

  20. 同时,要重视校园文化建设,让学生在潜移默化中受到中华优秀传统文化的熏陶,组织丰富多彩的校园文化活动,来丰富学生的文化精神体验。

    Attention should be paid to the construction of campus culture , lets the student in the influence character by environment in traditional Chinese culture , organize rich and colorful campus culture activities , to enrich students experience the cultural spirit .

  21. 这些特征是中国社会主义现代化实践的产物,是当今时代的回应,是继承中华优秀传统文化的结果,是当今中国社会生活的反映。

    These distinctive features result from the practice of the socialist modernization of China , the echo to our age , the outcome of the inheritance of the wholesome traditional Chinese culture , and the reflection of the social life in contemporary China .

  22. 和谐文化视野下中华优秀传统礼仪文化的现代发展趋势

    The Modern Development of Chinese Traditional Etiquette From Harmonious Culture Perspective

  23. 大力宣扬和弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,培育青年学生的民族精神;

    Spread excellent traditional culture and build national spirit ;

  24. 高校中华民族优秀传统文化教育刍议

    On the education of the excellent Chinese national traditional culture in the institutes of higher learning

  25. 中华民族优秀传统文化是高校德育工作的重要资源

    The Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture as the Important Resources of Moral Teaching in Schools of Higher Learning

  26. 江西精神是中华民族优秀传统文化与时代精神的集中体现,主要内涵有:勤劳勇敢的务实精神;母仪天下的贤母精神;

    The Jiangxi Spirit is the epitome of fine traditional culture and the spirit of our age .

  27. 古典诗歌是我国古代文学的重要组成部分,也是中华民族优秀传统文化之一。

    Classical poem is one important constitute of Chinese ancient literature and one of excellent traditional cultures in China .

  28. 它是中华民族优秀传统文化的瑰宝,也是国家体育事业的重要组成部分。

    It is not only the Chinese nation outstanding traditional culture treasure but also the national sports enterprise important constituent .

  29. 中华民族优秀传统文化,特别是道德文化,是社会主义道德建设的根基。

    The good traditional Chinese cultures , especially the moral culture , are the basis on which the socialist morals are developed .

  30. 获得此项资助的项目应具备以下条件之一:(1)、弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化;

    The project should be funded one of the following conditions : ( 1 ), carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture ;