
  • 网络china Rising;China Rises;the rise of china
  1. 一系列的事实显示和证明了,21世纪谋求立足亚洲、支撑中国崛起的亚洲发展战略模式逐渐从幕后走向台前,那就是“雄鸡发展战略模式”。

    Manifested by a series of facts , on comes Asian Development Strategic Model of China rising in the21th century , i.e. , the cock-shaped development strategic model .

  2. 但皮尤全球态度项目(PewGlobalAttitudesProject)发现,对中国崛起成为与美国抗衡的力量,人们也不太乐观。过去两年,在15个存在可比数据的国家中,有9个国家对中国的好感也出现了下降。

    But the Pew Global Attitudes Project found little enthusiasm for the rise of China as a counterweight to the US , with favourable opinions of the country having fallen over the past two years in nine of the 15 nations where comparable data existed .

  3. 本世纪头10年,墨西哥是未能受益于中国崛起的少数发展中国家之一,因为2001年中国加入世贸组织(WTO)使得中国出口商从其他国家那里夺取了市场份额,首当其冲的便是墨西哥。

    and in the 2000s Mexico was one of the few countries in the developing world that failed to benefit from China 's rise , since China 's membership of the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) in 2001 allowed its exporters to capture market share from , above all , Mexico .

  4. 由于Primark等折扣零售商与超市不断削低价格,而中国崛起成为制造业基地带来了重塑大众市场的廉价服装,英国消费者享受了十年的价格下跌。

    British consumers have enjoyed a decade of deflation as value retailers such as Primark and supermarkets have whittled away prices , while China 's emergence as a manufacturing base brought the cheap clothing that has reshaped the high street .

  5. 国家生命周期与中国崛起

    Life Cycle of a Country and the Rise of China

  6. 我们还应该格外小心美国利用印度遏制中国崛起的阴谋。

    We should also be very careful to play the game of the U.

  7. 中国崛起并不是尼克松访华造成的。

    China , s rise was not the result of the Nixon embrace .

  8. 但是,中国崛起成为经济巨人的内因何在?

    But what is the nature of China 's rising economic power now ?

  9. 中国崛起带给巴西的压力,定会变得更加沉重。

    The pressure from a rising China is bound to become more ferocious .

  10. 中国崛起是目前学术界的热门话题。

    The rise of China is the hot topic of the current academia .

  11. 中国崛起之软权力塑造战略

    On Strategy of Soft Power for China 's Rise

  12. 当中国崛起时,澳大利亚必将战栗?

    As China rises , must Australia tremble ?

  13. 论中国崛起的战略机遇期

    On The Strategical Chance For China To Rise

  14. 如何应对中国崛起,是当今世界面对的最大挑战。

    The biggest challenge the world confronts is coping with the rise of China .

  15. 中国崛起的伦理研究

    The Ethic Study of China 's Resurgence

  16. 中国崛起背景下的中美关系

    The Rise Of China and Sino-US Relations

  17. 美国霸权与中国崛起

    America 's Hegemony and China 's Rise

  18. 尽管如此,我们仍然必须认清中国崛起的明显意义。

    Nevertheless , we have to recognise what the rise of China does obviously mean .

  19. 适当的应对中国崛起的政策必须平衡现实和整体。

    An appropriate policy response to the rise of China must balance realism and integration .

  20. 科学技术的自主创新是中国崛起的关键所在。

    Independent innovation in science and technology is the key to china 's long-term growth .

  21. 中国崛起需要软力量的建构

    China 's Rising needs soft strength

  22. 中国崛起背景下的中国与撒哈拉以南非洲:一种双赢的关系?

    China and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Context of China 's Rise : A Win-Win Relationship ?

  23. 中国崛起的含义

    The Implication of China 's Rising

  24. 中国崛起的五大规模效应

    Five seale effects arising in China

  25. 其二是两国在如何看待中国崛起的问题上存在重大分歧。

    The second is a wide divergence in how the two nations view the rise of China .

  26. 如果说中国崛起的速度引起了美国和欧洲的不安,那么它让日本受到了惊吓。

    If the speed of China 's rise has disconcerted Americans and Europeans , it has terrified Japan .

  27. 在分析美国霸权与中国崛起的关系时,可以得出3点结论。

    When analysing the relationship between America 's hegemony and China 's rise , we can draw three conclusions .

  28. 随着中国崛起成为经济超级大国,国家富裕与个人富裕间的联系正被打破。

    As China emerges as an economic superpower , the connection between national and personal affluence is being broken .

  29. 回到亚洲?&日本认识中国崛起的思想基础

    Placing China in Asia & The Basis for the Ideas of Modern Japanese Thinkers on the Rise of China

  30. 与美国人不同,英国才刚刚开始考虑中国崛起的意义。

    Unlike the Americans , Britain has barely begun to think about the implications of the rise of China .