- unipolar world;uni-pole world

The shift in global power relations from a unipolar world to one where little can happen without the co-operation of the " G2 " a moniker studiously avoided by the White House will also be apparent in other areas .
The second is that America 's role as the single pole of a unipolar world is inevitably coming to an end .
The unipolar moment , if it ever existed , has passed .
When future historians date the end of the brief , post-cold war , unipolar moment , they will surely pinpoint Iraq .
One is the conflict between the U.S. ' aim of a unipolar world and the EU 's aim of a multilateral world .
Unlike the previous new world order the latest iteration is not based on a unipolar world centred around the US and dominated by the west .
There is a reluctance to admit the passing of the unipolar moment and a just-do-something reflex that tends to reach first for a military option .
Politically , the political influence of European Union is increased , enforcing the formation and development of world diversity and benefiting to restrain the United States'hegemonic ambition .
They both develop relations with the EU in order to promote multi-polarization of the world pattern , struggle against hegemonism and against the uni-polar world of America ;
However , with the end of the cold war , the international system is greatly restructured and the whole world evolves from the bipolar to a unipolar one .
The coming forth of the striking first strategy in America marks a sharp turning in its national security policies , aiming at serving its construction of a super unipolar world .
For some realist scholars , balance of power is unavoidable and it is just a matter of time before other great powers resort to balancing even in a unipolar world .
After the cold war , American global strategy is to maintain the only - one - superpower status and set up a new international order according to American ideal and value .
The Iraqi War leads a big collision of how to remould a world order after the Cold War and it concerns what kind of world order should be established : Unilateralism or multilateralism ?
His comments echo Mr Putin 's speech and reflect widespread unease at what is seen as Washington 's attempt to create a unipolar world and a readiness to use force , as in Iraq .
Since the end of the Cold War , the US has done its best to pursue a world with itself being the only polarization , but the trend towards multi polarization can not be reversed .
The occurrence of the unconventional national security issues like 9 / 11 attacks has urged Bush Administration to launch the " Strike First " policy for launching preemptive attacks on the terrorist organizations and establishing a unipolar world .
We have never had a more unipolar world than we have today .
As the only superpower , the United States has actively sought the global strategy of the uni polar world structure with the United States as the only superpower , but it has faced growing factors of restraint .
After the collapse of the Soviet entire the United States emerged as the sole superpower . No other power , or the combination of powers , could challenge it 's supremacy . But the unipolar world did not take root .