
dān jí shì jiè
  • unipolar world;uni-pole world
单极世界[dān jí shì jiè]
  1. 全球强国关系已摆脱单极世界,发生了转变,现在什么也离不开所谓“两国集团”(g2)的合作虽然这是白宫一直在刻意回避的说法。

    The shift in global power relations from a unipolar world to one where little can happen without the co-operation of the " G2 " a moniker studiously avoided by the White House will also be apparent in other areas .

  2. 第二种变化在于,美国所扮演的单极世界中唯一一极的角色正在不可避免地走向终结。

    The second is that America 's role as the single pole of a unipolar world is inevitably coming to an end .

  3. 如果说单极世界真的曾经存在过,那它如今也已成为过去。

    The unipolar moment , if it ever existed , has passed .

  4. 当未来的历史学家标注冷战后短暂的单极世界终结日期时,他们无疑会瞄准伊拉克战争。

    When future historians date the end of the brief , post-cold war , unipolar moment , they will surely pinpoint Iraq .

  5. 一是美欧盟世界秩序观的矛盾,即美国对单极世界地位的追求与欧盟要成长为世界一极之间的矛盾。

    One is the conflict between the U.S. ' aim of a unipolar world and the EU 's aim of a multilateral world .

  6. 和上一个新世界秩序不同,这个最新版本不是基于以美国为核心的单极世界,也不是为西方所主导。

    Unlike the previous new world order the latest iteration is not based on a unipolar world centred around the US and dominated by the west .

  7. 体制内人士不愿承认单极世界的时刻已经过去,而做点什么的本能反应往往会首先考虑军事选项。

    There is a reluctance to admit the passing of the unipolar moment and a just-do-something reflex that tends to reach first for a military option .

  8. 增强了欧盟各国在世界中的影响了,强化了世界多样化趋势的形成与发展,有利于抑制美国搞单极世界图谋。

    Politically , the political influence of European Union is increased , enforcing the formation and development of world diversity and benefiting to restrain the United States'hegemonic ambition .

  9. 推动世界格局多极化、反对霸权主义和美国单极世界企图是中俄发展对欧关系的共同战略考虑;

    They both develop relations with the EU in order to promote multi-polarization of the world pattern , struggle against hegemonism and against the uni-polar world of America ;

  10. 然而,随着冷战结束,国际体系发生重大嬗变,整个世界从两极世界演变为了单极世界。

    However , with the end of the cold war , the international system is greatly restructured and the whole world evolves from the bipolar to a unipolar one .

  11. 美国先发制人战略的提出,标志着美国国家安全战略的重大转变,其实质是服务于建立美国一超独霸的单极世界;

    The coming forth of the striking first strategy in America marks a sharp turning in its national security policies , aiming at serving its construction of a super unipolar world .

  12. 对于许多现实主义学者来说,均势是不可避免的,而且它也仅仅是其他大国寻求平衡之前的这一时期内所采取的一种方式,即使单极世界也不例外。

    For some realist scholars , balance of power is unavoidable and it is just a matter of time before other great powers resort to balancing even in a unipolar world .

  13. 冷战结束后,维护唯一超级大国地位、建立一个以美国领导的、符合美国理想和价值观的单极世界成为美国全球战略的目标。

    After the cold war , American global strategy is to maintain the only - one - superpower status and set up a new international order according to American ideal and value .

  14. 伊拉克战争引发了一场后冷战时期重塑世界秩序的大碰撞,它关系到在冷战结束之后的国际社会的走向和建立一个什么样的世界秩序问题:是走向单极世界还是多极世界?

    The Iraqi War leads a big collision of how to remould a world order after the Cold War and it concerns what kind of world order should be established : Unilateralism or multilateralism ?

  15. 科萨切夫的言论与普京的演讲相互呼应,反映出对美国做法的普遍不安,即认为美国正试图创建一个单极世界,并且随时准备像在伊拉克那样动用武力。

    His comments echo Mr Putin 's speech and reflect widespread unease at what is seen as Washington 's attempt to create a unipolar world and a readiness to use force , as in Iraq .

  16. 冷战后美国极力推行单极世界,但世界格局多极化的发展趋势不可逆转。

    Since the end of the Cold War , the US has done its best to pursue a world with itself being the only polarization , but the trend towards multi polarization can not be reversed .

  17. 随着9·11事件等非传统安全问题的发生,小布什政府为了达到反恐目的,建立单极世界,出笼了先发制人的对外战略。

    The occurrence of the unconventional national security issues like 9 / 11 attacks has urged Bush Administration to launch the " Strike First " policy for launching preemptive attacks on the terrorist organizations and establishing a unipolar world .

  18. 当下的世界是最为单极的世界。

    We have never had a more unipolar world than we have today .

  19. 美国作为惟一超级大国,积极图谋单极独霸世界的全球战略,但面临日益增多的制约因素。

    As the only superpower , the United States has actively sought the global strategy of the uni polar world structure with the United States as the only superpower , but it has faced growing factors of restraint .

  20. 前苏联解体后,美国成为了唯一的超级大国,没有其他大国或者国家联盟可以挑战其至高无上的国力,但是这种“单极”的世界秩序未能持久。

    After the collapse of the Soviet entire the United States emerged as the sole superpower . No other power , or the combination of powers , could challenge it 's supremacy . But the unipolar world did not take root .