
  • 网络Education Association of China;the educational association of china
中国教育会 [zhōng guó jiào yù huì]
  • 清末资产阶级文化教育团体。1902年,蔡元培等成立于上海,蔡任会长。以“改良教育,以为恢复国权之基础”为宗旨。设爱国学社收容退学青年,又设立爱国女校,并办有《中国白话报》,宣传革命。1907年停止活动。

  1. 谢谢你们一直以来对海外中国教育基金会的支持和帮助。

    Thank you for your ongoing support to OCEF 's cause .

  2. 社会变迁中的中国近代教育会研究

    The Study of Educational Associations in the Changing Modern China

  3. 影响中国大学教育基金会发展的若干因素研究

    Study on the Influential Factors of Development of Chinese University Education Foundation

  4. 中国双语教育研究会在我集团设立中小学教研中心(2009.09。)

    China Bilingual Education Research Institute sets up the Primary and Secondary Research Center in Buckland ( 2009.09 . )

  5. 尽管没有明确的数据指出其中80后夫妻所占的数量,但是中国家庭教育研究会的统计显示,30%的80后婚姻以失败收场。

    There is no specific data on the number of divorces among the post-80s group , but the Chinese Research Association on Youth and Family says 30 percent of such marriages end up failing .

  6. 在新的历史背景下,职业教育面临着新的发展前景和更大挑战,认清形势,抓住机遇,大力推进,中国职业教育必然会迎来更为美好的未来。

    In new history background , it face new development prospect and greater challenge . We should make the situation clear , catch the chance to speed up the development of Chinese vocational education .

  7. 中国高等工程教育研究会信息员、联络员名单

    List of Liaison and Information Persons of China Society for Higher Engineering Education

  8. 投资分析师认为,中国的教育甚至可能会被证明为免受衰退影响的行业。

    Investment analysts think education in China could even prove to be a recession-proof business .

  9. 这可能有些夸大其词,但很多批评者认为中国教育体系的结构会限制创新。

    That may be an exaggeration , but the structure of China 's education system is seen by many critics as a constraint on innovation .