
zhōnɡ ɡuó shǐ
  • Chinese history;history of China
  1. 本文作者是利兹大学(LeedsUniversity)中国史讲师,同时也是SinoNK.com主编

    The writer is a lecturer in Chinese history at Leeds university and editor of

  2. 《中图法》K2中国史中的问题探讨

    Discussion on the Problems at the Class of " K2 Chinese History " in Chinese Library Classification Scheme

  3. 柯文师承费正清与史华慈,从20世纪50年代开始,踏入中国史研究领域,在近六十年的学术生涯中,一方面紧跟学术思潮的发展不断反思,另一方面积极地探索理解中国的新途径。

    Paul Cohen learned from John Fairbank King and Benjamin Schwartz , since set foot in the Chinese history study era in1950s ', he kept up with the academia trend of thought , explored the new way of understanding china in his Nearly sixty years academic career .

  4. 二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

    Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization .

  5. 他喜欢中国古代史。

    He is fond of ancient history of china .

  6. 《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

    A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature .

  7. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。

    People who had a major impact on china 's modern history like Liao zhongkai , li dazhao , chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution .

  8. 文化视域中的中国文章史研究

    The Study of Chinese Writing History from the Perspective of Culture

  9. 现代汉语与中国美学史写作

    Modern Chinese and the Writing of the Aesthetic History of China

  10. 中国逻辑史研究的误区

    Some Malpractices in the Study of the History of Chinese Logic

  11. 中国教育史上教师职业道德思想探析

    Exploration of Teachers ' Occupational Ethics in China 's Educational History

  12. 二十世纪中国文学史研究与中国社会

    Research in Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and Chinese Community

  13. 从《中国近代史》看蒋廷黻的史学思想

    View Jiang Ting-fu 's Historical Ideas From Chinese Modern History

  14. 中国妇女史研究中的医疗照顾问题

    The Caring and the Cared in Study of Chinese Women 's History

  15. 中国文学史新变的三个视点

    Three New Reforming Aspects on the History of Chinese Literature

  16. 论发愤著书说在中国古典史剧创作中的实现

    Embodiment of Theory of Writing from Anger in Chinese Ancient Historical Dramas

  17. 它弥补了中国古代史研究领域的空白。

    It fills the gaps in the study of ancient Chinese history .

  18. 坚持马克思主义指导中国民族史的编撰

    On the Compilation of Chinese National History under the Guidance of Marxism

  19. 寻求“精英思想”与“民众观念”的统一&对中国思想史的一些思考

    Seeking Unity between Elitism and Populism & Some Viewpoints on Chinese Intellectual History

  20. 应当开创中国插图史的研究

    Research into History of Chinese Illustration should be Initiated

  21. 试析高师中国近代史教材改革

    Analysis on the Teaching Material Reform of Chinese Modern History in Normal University

  22. 论中国逻辑史研究中的肯定与否定

    On Affirmation and Negation in the Research of the History of Chinese Logic

  23. 从传统工艺到现代设计&《中国设计史》序

    From Traditional Craft to Modern Design & Preface of History of Chinese Design

  24. 论心理史学取向的中国教育史研究

    A psychology-orientated historical study of history of Chinese education

  25. 爱国&中国革命史教学中的动情点

    Love of Motherland * . a Stimulus to the Course of Chinese Revolution History

  26. 1979&2000年中国科学史研究状况及趋向计量研究

    The Present Situation and Trend of Research on the History of Science in China

  27. 中国近代史研究需要创新

    On Creativity of Research on Chinese Modern History

  28. 《中国文化史概要》课程建设纲要

    Course Construction Outline for Chinese Cultural History Outline

  29. 20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究

    Studies of the History of Chinese Historiography by American Scholars in the 20th Century

  30. 试论将德育教育寓于中国近代史教学中

    Talking about Moral Education Involved in History Teaching