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  1. 敦煌本《朋友书仪》是中古时期保存较为完整的月仪类作品。

    " Friends book Miriam " is the best preserved medieval times most of the value of order and work on instrument type .

  2. 此外,试对《朋友书仪》的传抄和对海外的影响做一些简要的探讨。

    In addition , the trial of the " Friends book instrument " of private copies , and the influence of overseas some brief discussion .

  3. 敦煌书仪文书的内容涉及唐五代时期朋友间的往来书信、世族家礼、民俗礼仪、官场交往等。

    The Shu-yi instrument of Dunhuang is related to the correspondence between friends , noble etiquette , folk manners , officially contact and so on in Tang and Five Dynasties period .

  4. 着重分析《记室备要》与唐代书仪编撰,与唐代政治、文化的关系,并兼及敦煌。

    Focus on analysis " Ji Shi Bei Yao " and for the preparation of the Tang Dynasty , and Tang Dynasty political and cultural relations and , and and Dunhuang .

  5. 从文化层面对书仪中反映出的社会历史现象做一些探讨,以期对其价值和意义的认定更为客观准确。

    Finally , will be " Friends book instrument " as the basis , from the cultural dimension of the book to reflect the social and historical instrument to do some research into the phenomenon , meaning its value in order to identify more objective and accurate .