
  1. AutoCAD在计算机排版中的运用北大方正书版软件的排版技巧

    APPLICATION OF AUTOCAD IN TYPESETTING BY COMPUTER Typesetting Skills in Using Beida Fangzheng Book Edition Software

  2. 讨论了在采用北大方正排版软件作为主要书版排版软件时,如何结合Photoshop、word等软件及扫描仪等硬件设施,充分利用作者提供的word文件资源;

    This paper dealt with ways of utilizing to the most extent the word textual resource the thesis author submitted by combining such softwares as Photoshop , word with such hardware facilities as scanning when adopting Founder typesetting software as priority .

  3. 北大方正书版软件的排版技巧

    Typesetting Skills in Using Beida Fangzheng Book Edition Software

  4. 浅谈利用方正书版的自定义宏工具编排学报

    Application of the User-Defined Macro Tool of Founder Bookmaker 9.0 to Jounal Composing

  5. 第一部分讨论常规书版版面设计的专用语言及其特点;

    In the first part , a special language and its feature for regular book-layout are discussed .

  6. 本文叙述了如何利用方正书版9.0的自定义宏工具来提高编排效率。

    This paper deals with how to use a useful tool of Founder Bookmaker 9 . 0 , the user-defined macro function , to improve the effeciency of composing journals .

  7. 企业承接:彩印产品说明书、商标广告、画精装书版、联单、信笺、纸盒、不干胶、档案袋等。

    The business enterprise accepts : color-print the product manual , trademark advertises , the painting pack book version , duplicate , letter paper , paper box , non-fuck gum , file bag etc.

  8. 对系统打印输出的图形样张通过图像读取方式,可实现期刊社专业书版系统平台中的简单图文混排。

    Through image-reading the printouts of the graphic prospectus , the users can achieve a simple layout of pictures and articles in the system of academic journal edition . Key words : WPS Office ; graphical plot ;

  9. 免费下载,购买本书打印版

    Free download , buy the print version for $ 13.95

  10. 他借调到外文出版社工作去了。以外长为其《新中东》一书中文版作序

    Israel 's Foreign Minister writes a preface to the Chinese edition of his book " The New Middle East "

  11. 这种紧张帮助解释了这本书英国版和美国版在副标题上的区别。

    This tension helps to explain the difference in the subtitles of the American and British editions of Mr Kennedy 's book .

  12. 中英文教出版事业协会有限公司《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing .

  13. 黄金罗盘其实是该书北美版的标题,却不知为何比英国版标题《北方之光》更为人熟知。

    Actually " The Golden Compass " is the North American version of its title , but it 's somehow more well-known than the original British title Northern Lights .

  14. 《科学素养的导航图》是《面向全体美国人的科学》和《科学素养的基准》的姊妹篇,这两本书中文版已由科学普及出版社出版。

    The Chinese translation of Atlas is a companion to Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy , which also have been published by Popular Science Press .

  15. 该书英国版的副标题警告了“大规模失业的威胁”,美国版的副标题则预言了“一个失业的未来”。

    The subtitle of its UK edition warns of " the threat of mass unemployment " and , in the US edition , foresees " a jobless future . "

  16. 作者对《剑桥东南亚史》的特点作了评介,认为该书中文版的出版发行,对推进中国东南亚历史的研究有着重要的作用。

    The author reviews the characteristics of the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia and believes that publization of its Chinese edition will play an important role in promoting research of Southeast Asian history in china .

  17. 《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。(本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing . ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . )

  18. 该书的美国版出版商西蒙与舒斯特公司的总裁乔纳森·卡普(JonathanKarp)说,没有中国出版商愿意购买这本书的中译本版权,在大陆出版。

    No Chinese publisher made an offer to buy the rights for the book to be translated into Chinese for sale on the mainland , said Jonathan Karp , president of Simon Schuster , which published the American edition .

  19. 这本书的修订版加进了许多有益的评注。

    The revised edition of the book includes many useful annotations .

  20. 他们用优质纸印制了这本书的特别版。

    They printed a special issue of the book on high-quality paper .

  21. 新出版畅销书的电子版同纸质书一样卖得火热。

    Newly released blockbusters may sell as many digital copies as paper ones .

  22. 该书第三版将于1月28日付梓。

    The third edition came out on January 28th .

  23. 之后,他出版了该书的扩充版。

    He later published expanded versions of his book .

  24. 对不起,但是我在寻找小妇人这本书的中文版。

    Excuse me , but Im looking for the Chinese version of Little Women .

  25. 确保计划书有电子版。

    Make sure it can be e-mailed .

  26. 该书的中文版比英文版早十年面世。

    The book was written in Chinese and published ten years before the English version .

  27. 本书英汉双语版由圣智学习出版公司授权机械工业出版社独家出版发行。

    CMP Press is authorized by Cengage Learning to publish and distribute exclusively this bilingual edition .

  28. 书,通版书籍容印,网被期望界范围很快撞击书店。

    Blurb 's service , is now available online and is expected to soon hit bookstores worldwide .

  29. 上市后,此书立即登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜单精装版非小说类图书的第五名。

    It debuted at No 5 on the New York Times Best Seller List for hardcover nonfiction .

  30. 本书第二版中大约有三分之一的内容来自第一版。

    About a third of the information in the second edition of this book came from the first .