
  • 网络bibliographic records
  1. 对OPAC研究中所提出的改进建议进行了评述,归纳出三种方法:增加主题检索途径,改进书目记录,如增补目次和书后索引再结合自动截断等;

    Three improved methods are drawn from OPAC studies in the paper : ( 1 ) Some subject search approaches are added for enhancement of bibliographic records ;

  2. 书目记录正确性的检测

    The checking of correctness of Bibliographic Records

  3. 对CNMARC记录中字段与字段间的关联作了简要的论述,目的是使编目员编制出更高质量的书目记录。

    The paper discusses the associations of fields in CNMARC record , so as to compile better quality catalogue record by cataloguer .

  4. 书目记录规范化、标准化是实现信息资源共享的前提。

    The standardization of publications is the precondition for information resources sharing .

  5. 西文连续出版物新书目记录等级&访问级记录

    New Serials MARC Bibliographic Record Level : Access Level Record

  6. 书目记录的功能性要求

    Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records

  7. 书目记录功能需求模型是一种适应网络环境下用户检索需求功能的概念模型。

    FRBR model is a kind of concept mode adaptive to the users'requirements in searching under the internet circumstance .

  8. 建库原则主要有:标准规范原则、协作共建原则、1条书目记录原则、共知共享原则、特色原则。

    The main principles of database were standard norm , coordination , one bibliography record , sharing a common resource and specificity .

  9. 古籍著录是对被著录古籍的内容和形式特征进行分析、选择和记录的过程,它的作用是规范、简明地揭示被著录古籍,以组成一条书目记录。

    Description of Chinese classic is to analyze , select and record the characters of the style and contend of one ancient Chinese book . Its ' function is forming a bibliographic record in standardized and concise words .

  10. 在书目单上记录下读过书的书名和书的总页数,这是家长和老师的责任。

    It is the responsibility of the teachers and the parents to write the names of all books read , and the number of pages of the book on the booklist .

  11. 学期(或者研究)论文主要是指通过一些学科文献来源,阅读某一学科书目的一个记录。

    Term ( or research ) thesis mainly is to through some domain literature sources , reading a subject bibliography 's a record .

  12. 影响书目是用以记录和揭示对某一时间段的历史,或某一特定的群体或个体产生重大影响的文献的目录。

    Influential bibliography is a bibliography describing documents influential to the history of a certain period of time , a certain group of people or certain individuals .