
  • second-hand smoke;passive smoking;SHS
  1. 这好比是不吸烟者由于二手烟而患了癌症,而烟瘾大的人却足够幸运的保持健康。

    This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke , while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in good health .

  2. 你认为二手烟对你的影响严重吗?

    Do you think the second-hand smoke is seriously affecting you ?

  3. 他们很高兴他们再也不会吸到二手烟了。

    They are pleased to not inhale second hand smoke .

  4. “这意味着零吸烟水平或不接触二手烟是安全的,”Crystal博士说。

    " This means that no level of smoking , or exposure to secondhand smoke , is safe ," says Dr.

  5. 疾控中心官员JanetCollins称,吸入二手烟会对人体的心肺系统产生即时的有害影响。

    C.official Janet Collins says breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on a person 's heart-and-lung system .

  6. 该中心官员JanetCollins表示,吸入二手烟会立即对人的心肺系统产生有害影响。

    C.D.C. official Janet Collins says breathing secondhand smoke has immediate harmful effects on a person 's heart-and-lung system .

  7. 肱动脉血流调控舒张功能(FMD)是上臂血管功能的一个测量指标,会随着研究对象二手烟暴露水平的升高而降低。

    Brachial artery flow-mediated dilation ( FMD ), a measurement of blood vessel function in the upper arm , decreased as tobacco smoke exposure levels increased among participants .

  8. 报道说,研究中发现的这些婴儿尿液中的NNAL水平要高于那些接触二手烟的较大一些的儿童或成年人尿液中NNAL的水平。

    Levels of urinary NNAL in the infants were higher than that seen in older children and adults exposed to secondhand smoke .

  9. 母亲在妊娠期间吸烟的幼儿有较高的风险罹患SIDS(婴儿猝死综合症,英国称之为摇篮死亡),暴露于二手烟的幼儿同样如此。

    A baby whose mother smoked during pregnancy runs a higher risk of SIDS ( sudden infant death syndrome-known in the UK as Cot Death ), as does an infant who is exposed to secondhand smoke .

  10. 没有风险的二手烟含量是不存在的。

    There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke .

  11. 人们现在意识到二手烟的危害。

    People are now aware of the danger of secondhand smoke .

  12. 尤其是当大家都知道吸二手烟是更加的危险。

    The2nd hand smoke is known to be more dangerous .

  13. 第二点就是尽量不要成为二手烟的受害者。

    Secondly , don 't be exposed to their second hand smoke .

  14. 又或者螨虫听说过吸二手烟的危害。

    Or maybe they 've heard about the dangers of secondhand smoke .

  15. 除此之外,二手烟也会对人们的生命造成威胁。

    Besides , second-hand smoke puts people 's health at risk too .

  16. 提供描绘吸烟和吸二手烟带来的灾难性后果的图像。

    Provide graphic depictions of the disastrous consequences of smoking and secondhand smoke .

  17. 再说,你也知道吸二手烟对健康的危害很大。

    Besides , secondhand smoke is a big health hazard , you know .

  18. 外科医生主任说,二手烟是种不安全因素。

    The surgeon general says there is no safe level of secondhand smoke .

  19. 在酒吧中,二手烟造成的伤害不属于外部性。

    The damage caused by second-hand smoke in pubs is not an externality .

  20. 不要吸烟,避免二手烟。

    Don 't smoke , and avoid second-hand smoke .

  21. 他针对吸二手烟的影响进行了一次严谨的实验。

    He conducted a rigorous experiment on the effect of second hand smoking .

  22. 二手烟的危害性也很恐怖。

    The danger of secondary smoking can be a terrible nightmare as well .

  23. 儿童吸二手烟易导致心理亚健康。

    Secondhand smoke tied to kids'poor mental health .

  24. 二手烟使我觉得更加不舒服。

    Cigarette smoke makes me feel even worse .

  25. 问:为何在中国接触二手烟的几率这样高?

    Q : Why is there such high exposure to secondary smoking in China ?

  26. 他们很高兴再也不会吸到二手烟了。

    They are pleased that they needn 't inhale second hand smoke any more .

  27. 受够了室友吸烟,大学生发明防二手烟的呼吸装置

    Breathe ! Fed-up student invents ingeniousequipment to help him escape secondhand smoke from roommates

  28. 众所周知二手烟对所有年龄段的人都有危害。

    The ill effects of secondhand smoke on people of all ages is well known .

  29. 保护你自己和周围的人免受二手烟对健康的危害。

    Protect yourself and everyone around you from the harmful health effects of tobacco smoke .

  30. 1万名患者为二手烟致癌。

    21000 were due to second-hand smoke .