
  • 网络two dimensional display;two-dimensional display;two-dimension display
  1. 光线追踪技术是目前在二维显示设备上产生三维真实图象的最通用、最有力的技术。

    Ray tracing is the most general and powerful technique now available to create three dimensional realistic images on two dimensional display devices .

  2. 因此本文从论述COM的基本概念入手,以实现二维显示组件结束,对组件这一组件式地理信息系统的基石做了充分的论述。

    So this paper proceeds with the introducing of COM 's basic concept , end with realizing two dimension electron map display components and doing perfect self-consistent in establishing ComGIS .

  3. 并对主成分分析(PCA)做了相应介绍,通过对高维数据进行主成分变换达到降维的效果,最后选取PCA变换后的前两维作为二维显示的可视化结果。

    It also gave a corresponding introduction of principal component analysis ( PCA ) . The effect of dimensionality reduction was achieved through principal component analysis of high-dimensional data .

  4. 使用图层技术改进等值线二维显示的研究

    Research of Improved Two-dimensional Contour Line Display Based on Layer Technology

  5. 细胞图象自动分析中的非线性映射与二维显示

    Nonlinear Mapping and Two-Dimensional Display in Automatic Cell Image Analysis

  6. 基于四叉树的地形数据二维显示与交互

    QuadTree-Based 2 D Display and Interaction of Terrain Data

  7. 此外程序还对飞机的着陆过程进行三维显示,其中还包括起落架工作的二维显示图,这使得仿真更加逼真,更具可视化。

    In addition it displayed three-dimensional landing motion of aircraft and two-dimensional chart of gear system , which makes simulation more realistic and more visual .

  8. 但这些系统大多使用二维显示的方式来实现对管网的管理,无法实现对管网纵深的显示。

    However , most of these systems were using two-dimension ( 2D ) display form for pipe-network observation and management which can not show the depth information .

  9. 结果①在左心长轴观上重建的二尖瓣偏心性反流束形态与二维显示的反流束形态基本一致。

    Results ① At the long view of left ventriculum , the shape of the reconstructed imaging of the eccentric jet was consistent with the shape of two dimensional image .

  10. 与传统的二维显示相比,立体显示能够真实的再现客观物体,因而能更准确的认识事物的形状和运动形态,使视者获得身临其境的立体视觉。

    Compared with the traditional two-dimensional display , three-dimensional display can truely reproduce the objective object , and thus the shape and movement patterns of a more accurate understanding of things , so the viewers may immersive the stereoscopic vision .

  11. 该方法突破了以往导弹(卫星)轨迹以地图平面投影形式进行二维显示的局限性,具有很强的直观性和交互性。

    With visual , real-time and interactive property as its main advantages , this method breaks the limitation of the traditional two-dimensional display method by which the trajectory of missile or satellite is displayed in the form of projection on map plane .

  12. 根据所建立的模型,采用了MicrosoftvisualC++6.0开发平台开发了相应的三维模似计算程序和二维动态显示程序。

    Based on the established model and by using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 , a 3-dimensional calculation simulation program and 2 dimensional image displaying program was developed .

  13. 通过SOM的训练,将高维的监测数据转化成二维图形显示;

    Through the training of SOM , the monitoring data with high dimension could be abstracted and displayed in a two-dimension figure .

  14. 对于用二维波形显示的睡眠信号,分析8h的睡眠信号需要用两天的时间,而处理并读取彩图仅需要10min。

    It will take two days to understand the eight hours sleep signal which are displayed by the 2 D wave forms , only 10 minutes is needed to process and read the color maps .

  15. 一种二维态势显示与三维视景一体化系统设计与实现

    Integration System Design and Implementation of 2D Situation and 3D Visualization Scene

  16. 激光二维扫描显示技术的研究

    Research on Two-Dimensional Laser Raster Scanning Display

  17. 这种只有个原子层厚度的理想二维体系显示了不同寻常的特性,具有广泛的应用前景。

    The two-dimensional system with an atomic thickness presents many unusual properties and shows many potential applications .

  18. 之后设计二维切片显示交互平台,这便于医生对二维切片的操作。

    Then the design of two-dimensional slices showed cross-platform , which facilitates the operation of doctors two-dimensional slices .

  19. 结果M型与二维图像显示气球模型形状和壁运动与左心室十分相似。

    Results Conventional M mode and2D imaging verified that the balloon model was similar to left ventricle in its shape and wall motion .

  20. 传统的地震数据解释方法是利用地震剖面与水平切片的二维图象显示三维数据,它具有很大的局限性。

    There exists great limitation on traditional seismic data interpretation method , which shows seismic data sets by displaying the planar image of seismic section and horizontal slice .

  21. 虚拟轧机主要包括五部分:液压系统、张力系统、速度系统、变形系统和铝箔轧机的二维动画显示。

    The virtual rolling mill includes five parts : hydraulic system , tension system , speed systems , deformation system and two-dimensional animation display of the aluminum foil mill .

  22. 方法:首先用二维超声显示睾丸、附睾形态结构及内部回声,再用彩色多普勒观察血供状况。

    Methods : The morphologic changes of testis and internal echo were displayed with two dimentional ultrasound , and the blood perfusion in testis was observed with color doppler .

  23. 传统天气雷达资料为二维图像显示,随着科技的发展与应用的需求,三维显示成为必然。

    The tradition of weather radar data 's display is on flat.The3D visualization of the weather radar data is necessary with the development of science and the requirement of application .

  24. 用于数据挖掘的多维数据可视化技术,将多维数据通过平行坐标、圆形分段或多维缩放变换以二维图形显示。

    For multi-dimensional data visualization ( MDV ) technique for data mining , multi-dimensional data is switched into two-dimensional graphics display through parallel coordinate , partitioning section of rotundity , multi-dimensional zoom .

  25. 3例眶底骨折,1例上颌面线形骨析,及2例下颌角线形骨折二维来显示或显示欠清晰;

    Cases of orbital floor fracture , One case of linear fracture of maxilla and 2 cases of linear fracture of mandible were not demonstrated or not clearly on two-dimensional ( 2D ) image .

  26. 同时也对基于地理信息系统和军标系统的二维态势显示给出了设计模式和实现途径。

    At the same time , the designing model theories of the2D scene display and how to realize it were discussed , including the Geographic Information System ( GIS ) and the Military Symbol System .

  27. 解决了联邦管理与控制、二维态势显示、动态实体信息处理等相关技术问题,在此基础上,完成了水下对抗仿真SG&FM软件系统的设计与开发。

    Such technical problems as federation management and control , situation awareness display and information processing of dynamic entities are solved . Based on all above work , SG & FM software is designed and developed .

  28. 并按本文建立的堤坝坡脚线的数值解法,研究开发了相应的求解系统及参数化二维图形显示系统,可以实现交互式设计及求解结果的可视化。

    Based on this numerical solution of the dam toe line , this paper studies and develops design system of dam plane visualization drawing to realize dam toe line solution and its visualization of automation and integration .

  29. 系统建立各个功能页面,实现分布仿真系统内部的实时数据通讯管理,集成地理信息系统实现飞行轨迹二维态势显示。

    The system was developed by setting the function pages , achieving the management of the data transmission and integrating the Geographic Information System ( GIS ) into system to achieve the planar display of the flying track .

  30. 本文采用组织谐波成像技术,对52例因肥胖、肋间隙狭窄、胸廓畸形、肺气过多及老龄等原因致常规二维图像显示欠清晰的心脏病患者进行了检查。

    52 difficult to image patients with various heart diseases by conventional two dimensional echocardiography were examined by Native Tissue Harmonic Imaging ( NTHI ), including individuals who are overweight and aged and have overlying lung tissue , narrow rib spaces and chest wall malformation .