
  • 网络Disease;vascular disease;peripheral vascular disease
  1. 肺血管疾病螺旋CT肺动脉造影诊断

    Spiral CT pulmonary angiography in diagnosis of pulmonary vascular diseases

  2. 螺旋CT对肺血管疾病诊断的临床应用

    Clinical application of spiral CT in the diagnosis of pulmonary vascular diseases

  3. 血管疾病患者应用叶酸及B族维生素降低同型半胱氨酸水平治疗

    Homocysteine lowering with folic acid and B vitamins in vascular disease

  4. 研制脑血管疾病MRI、CT影像的计算机分析诊断系统与应用

    A Computer CT MRI Images Analysis and Diagnosis System for Cerebrovascular Disease

  5. 双源CT双能量减影诊断下肢血管疾病双源CT双能量成像及其初步应用初探

    Application of energy subtract angiography of dual source CT in diagnosis of arterial diseases of the lower extremities

  6. 蛋白质Z检测在心脑血管疾病中的临床意义

    Clinical significance of protein Z alteration in patients with cardio cerebral thrombotic diseases

  7. 葛根素和丹酚酸B是两个传统的活血化瘀中药,具有明显的抗血小板聚集,抑制血栓形成的作用,广泛用于缺血性心脑血管疾病。

    Traditional Chinese medicine , Puerarin and salvianolic acid B , have significant antiplatelet and antithrombotic activity , and widely used in ischemic heart and cerebrovascular diseases .

  8. 脑血管疾病患者IL-6基因调控区-174G/C多态性研究

    A Clinical Study on G / C Polymorphism at 174 of the Interleukin-6 Gene in Cerebrovascular Patients

  9. 糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是引起视功能严重损害的主要视网膜血管疾病。

    Diabetic retinopathy ( DR ) is the main retina vascular disease which causes severe destruction to visual function .

  10. 目的评价DSA对脑血管疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of DSA for cerebral vascular disease ( CVD ) .

  11. 661例脑血管疾病的TCD、脑电图、脑电地形图观察

    Observation on TCD , eeg and beam of 661 cases with cerebrovascular diseases

  12. 血清S-100蛋白检测在急性脑血管疾病中的应用

    The Application of Serum S-100 Protein Detection in Acute Cerebrovascular Diseases

  13. 杭州市心脑血管疾病与气溶胶等大气污染物之间关系的Poisson回归分析

    The Association of Atmospheric Pollutants Such as Aerosol with Cardio-cerebro-vascular Diseases in Hangzhou City Using Poisson Regression Analysis

  14. 目的比较不同脑电图(EEG)分级标准对脑血管疾病后脑功能损伤评价及预测预后的作用,旨在建立脑血管疾病的EEG评估标准。

    Objective To compare the prognostic value of different electroencephalography ( EEG ) grading standards of cerebral dysfunction after cerebrovascular diseases .

  15. 目的使用潘生丁负荷试验脑灌注显像评估缺血性脑血管疾病(CVD)患者的脑储备功能。

    Objective Using dipyridamole stress test to evaluate cerebral blood flow reserve in cerebrovascular disease ( CVD ) .

  16. 动物实验证明,细菌产生的PLC具有抗凝血及延缓血小板聚集的作用,可预防血栓形成和心脑血管疾病。

    Many animal investigations showed that PLC can significantly inhibit platelet aggregation and adhesion , and can prevent coming into thrombus and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease .

  17. 目的:系列测定缺血性心脑血管疾病患者血浆中凝血因子(F)的水平并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To measure the coagulate factor F ⅶ in series and detect its clinical significance in patients with ischemic cerebral and heart disease .

  18. 心脑血管疾病血清MBP、sIL-2R及TNF检测的临床意义

    Detection and its Clinical Significance of Serum MBP , sIL-2R and TNF in Cardio and brain-vascular Diseases

  19. 乙酰唑胺负荷试验脑SPECT显像在脑血管疾病的临床研究与应用

    Clinical Study of ~( 99m ) Tc-ECD Brain Spect with Acetazolamide and Its Application in Cerebrovascular Disease Patients

  20. 胎盘血管疾病与toll样受体4(TLR-4)基因的表达

    Placental vascular disease and toll-like receptor 4 gene expression

  21. 原患疾病以心脑血管疾病及感染性疾病居多。②94例老年患者ADR的临床表现以皮肤反应和神经系统反应为主,列居第一、二位。

    Clinical manifestations of dermoreaction and nervous system reaction were demonstrated , ranking the first and second respectively on the ADR order list .

  22. 方法按照1996年第三次全国脑血管疾病分类方法,经CT证实为出血性卒中的230例老年人和100例非老年人的临床、CT和预后分析比较。

    Method According to Classification Method of The Third Cerebrovascular Disease in 1996 , the clinical picture , CT and prognosis of 230 aged and 100 non-aged patients with haemorrhagic stroke diagnosed by CT were analysed .

  23. 目的:研究组成SS抗栓注射液(SS)中两味药物有效成分剂量的最佳配比,以及其对缺血性脑血管疾病的药理作用及其机制。

    Objective : To investigate the Prime dose of the two valid composition in SSanti-thrombus injection , and its Pharmacology function and mechanisms to cerebral ischemia .

  24. 心脑血管疾病已经成为T2DM患者死亡的主要原因。

    Cerebral vascular diseases and cardiovascular diseases became the main causes that type 2 diabetics died from .

  25. 大量证据表明活性氧(ROS)对心脑血管疾病的发生和发展有重要影响。

    A number of evidences indicated reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) have an important impact on the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .

  26. 对临床疑有血管疾病的患者进行96/98例次的3DDCEMRA检查,包括75例病变血管和21例正常血管。

    Among patients suspected of vascular disease underwent 3D DCE MRA . 75 of them had various aortic and major branches lesions and 21 were normal .

  27. 脑血栓形成(Cerebralatheroscleroticthrombosis)是最常见的脑血管疾病之一,随着人们生活水平的提高,它的发生率也呈现逐渐增高的趋势。

    Cerebral atherosclerotic thrombosis is one of the most common cerebrovascular disorders . With the development of living level , the incidence of the cerebral atherosclerotic thrombosis presents higher than before .

  28. 目的探讨老年心脑血管疾病患者血清铁蛋白(SF)和β2-微球蛋白(β2-GM)测定的临床价值。

    Objective To discuss the Clinical Significance of measuring SF and β _2-GM in old patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and their clinical significance .

  29. 动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis,As)是严重危害人类健康的最主要疾患之一。它是缺血性心脏病和脑血管疾病的重要病理基础。

    Atherosclerosis ( AS ) is one of the main diseases threatening human health , what is more , AS is the important pathological basis of myocardial and cerebral vascular disordors .

  30. BFlow显像是一种新型血管疾病影像学检查方法,能同时显示血流和背景组织结构,与CDFI、PDI结合使用,能清晰显示异常影像,提高椎动脉疾病诊断率。

    B flow can display blood flow and tissue structure around the vessels such as wall of vessels , artery membrane simultaneously . It can display abnormal image clearly in combined with CDFI , PDI .